Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 495 The Starved Ghost Baby......

Chapter 495 The Starved Ghost Baby.
Legendary Essence
Quality: Legendary Special Items

Origin: Produced after multiple legendary equipments are damaged

Quantity: 100 grams

Function: There is a 100% possibility to upgrade the dark gold plot equipment to the legendary primary quality.

There is a 60% possibility of upgrading the legendary primary equipment to the legendary mid-level quality.

There is a 30% possibility of upgrading legendary mid-level equipment to legendary high-level quality.

There is a 1% chance that a piece of equipment can be directly upgraded to a legendary high-level quality.

There is a 0.1% chance that a piece of equipment can be directly upgraded to the legendary top-level quality.

Tip: Equipment quality will not be reduced after failure.

(Explanation: Do you want to try your luck? It depends on whether you are a European emperor or an African chieftain!)

"With 100 grams of legendary essence, it is entirely possible to upgrade your legendary weapon to the top legendary quality in one fell swoop!!!

What is the legendary top level?
That is the artifact!
Even in some respects, this is an existence more powerful than an artifact.

Think about that incomparable attack power, think about that exaggerated real damage to the limit, even the gods can't stop your attack! "

"So, for this item, the reserve price is 10 common coins, and the price cannot be lower than 3000 common coins each time!"

"11!" An unusually calm voice appeared, right next door to Fang Yun, but this guy has already bought a piece of dark gold equipment, so it is probably extremely reluctant to want this at this time.

"113000 general currency."

Those who dare to ask for a price at this time have at least a few legendary weapons in their hands.

And most of them are superhumans. After all, only these guys have a lot of spare money in their pockets. How many evolutionaries dare to buy one of these things to gamble on their luck?
With so many common coins, it is better to buy two more dark gold equipment, or even a piece of legendary elementary equipment, which can still improve a lot of strength, and if you buy this thing, if you become a non-chief The water is gone?

So there are many people who are greedy, but there are not many people who are determined to bid.

As the voice gradually decreased, when the legendary essence reached 12, basically no one spoke, and they were all calling for 3000 common currency, using this slow way of bidding.

After all, although this thing can upgrade a piece of dark gold equipment to the first level of legend, but if any extraordinary person buys this thing, will he use it on dark gold equipment?

The answer is definitely not!

It can be used on legendary basic equipment, and there is a 40% failure rate... So try to be stable when things are in vain, and Fang Yunle can see this situation.

At this time, the auctioneer had already struck the hammer once, and Fang Yun didn't hesitate, and directly asked the price: "13 universal coins."

"MD, there is still someone asking for a price, 13 common coins."

"14!" Fang Yun narrowed his eyes and turned to look at the private room opposite... Although he couldn't see the person there, he was sure that the guy was also looking at him.

It’s just that the product suddenly became silent. It’s not that he didn’t want to ask for a price, but because he had no money. After all, he bought Kungunir just now. Even if he gathers the resources of the entire team, he can’t continue to ask for a price. .

As for borrowing?

Thinking too much... the last battle, that team will lend you money.

So the auctioneer slowly rang the third hammer with an unwilling tone: "Very good, the 14 universal coins were taken down by the contractor in box 6, then please look at the next item..."


At this time, Boss Fang brought 61700 universal coins and 14 worth of legendary essence, and turned into a white light and returned home.

As for the so-called situation of blocking the way after the auction... um... this bloody situation is estimated to not appear in Killing Floor in another 1 years. Not only because of this, but also the information of each auctioneer and buyer , no one else can know.

The protection measures inside the space, I have to say, are safer than any other place. As long as you have enough courage and are not afraid of the so-called threats, then this place is a proper safe zone for the contractors.

"Do you want to use this thing now?" Fang Yun held the bottle-shaped legendary essence, which seemed to be a puddle of purple slime, and the way to use it was to pour it on the weapon equipment.

Holding the Sunset Sword in one hand and it in the other, Boss Fang hesitated for a long time before giving up the plan.

Because...he always felt that his real luck Lv7 didn't seem to have any effect in the space, otherwise he couldn't be assigned to Back Mountain Street...

Not to mention sending him to Area D, so he decided to wait until Azeroth before using this thing.

And when the time comes, he has to find Gandalf to cast a temporary luck spell, and then find three elf kings to give him three blessing spells, and then find the legendary master blacksmith, and come with him to the world tree to gather the so-called magicians in Sunset City. Luck... With a super enhancement, he didn't believe it could fail.

Maybe it can be mixed into a legendary high-level weapon. As for the 0.1% legendary top-level quality, just think about it... basically hopeless.

For the remaining 61700 common coins, Fang Yun plans to use some common coins to strengthen his other equipment after entering Azeroth, or to use them in other ways.

The equipment of the other team members is basically the same, and they also have some potion money.

When he wasn't selling MD-armor, the other team members were richer than him, so there was no need to worry about their situation. At this time, these four guys were all shopping in the black market, and maybe they could get something good.


After everyone has finished shopping, the final battle will begin in 14 days. The other four members of the team have all returned to the real world... After all, they still have family members and relatives in the real world. After returning this time, maybe never see you again...

But Fang Yun was not in the mood, returning to that empty villa, for some reason, returning there, there was always a feeling of restlessness...

"Maybe... is afraid of the dark..." Fang Yun came to the glass cover of the space alone after they left, and sat on it, looking at the colorful starry sky outside, and suddenly muttered to himself.

Not long after, he laughed at himself again: "I'm afraid of the dark... I guess Sadako crawled out of the TV, but when she saw herself, she would tremble with fright."

But I have to say that when he was a child, he was very afraid of watching ghost movies. He once saw an old corpse in a mountain village, which made him sleep with the lights on at night. He didn’t dare to show his hands and feet under the bed. He always felt that there was a ghost under the bed...

Well, he is also quite depressed, so far he hasn't been to any ghost movies, otherwise he would have to use the Sunset Sword to kill...

But when he thought of ghosts, it suddenly occurred to him that there seemed to be...a ghost baby in his storage space! ! !

"My Cao, are you all suffocated?" Fang Yun hurriedly took out the little pet, but found that... this little guy couldn't move anymore. When he held it in his hand, he saw him holding two pets. Holding a small dagger, lying there with his head tilted, there was no reaction.

And space also transmits information...

"Reminder: Due to the extreme lack of soul food, the ghost has starved to death..."

"I'm starving to death, it's so miserable..." The corner of Boss Fang's mouth twitched, and he silently stuffed it back into the storage space. Well, this is his pet after all. It is his ghost when it is born, and it is also his doll when it dies. ... In case there is a baby in the future, let his children play.

(End of this chapter)

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