Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 496 Main City: Sunset City

Chapter 496 Main City: Sunset City
The miserable ghost baby was starved to death, and then thrown into a small place in the storage space by the owner. I have to say that his life was sad. After being caught by Boss Fang, he came out of the world once when the god of death came. strength, and then suffocated in the storage space, it seems that it has been at least seven or eight years...

After all, I stayed in Azeroth for 5 years, and it is normal to starve to death.

For the next ten days, Fang Yun didn't go to collect information, and didn't spend some shameful days with his sister. He just stayed quietly in the space and slept until the final decisive battle came.

A transcendent like him can sleep when he wants to, and won't be sleepy for more than ten days if he doesn't want to sleep, almost like what Captain America said: "I can fight for a day without getting tired..."

And when a transcendent is in battle, as long as he doesn't waste energy and only consumes physical strength, he won't be tired after fighting for a few days...

But the truth is often not so easy, because where there are extraordinary people, there will be enemies of the same level, and the consumption may be greater, more dangerous, and die faster.


"Have you left your last words?" When Fang Yun saw the other four people, the first sentence broke them down, but he had nothing to say, because they really left their last words. After all, the scale of the war is too big , They don't have much confidence in surviving.

The loser will all be wiped out, leaving no one behind. From then on, the killing space has become the subsidiary space of others.

This is also the reason why all the supernatural beings have to join the battle, and no one will die, so that you have no chance to resist at all.

The moment they turned into white light and sent to the gate of time and space, they realized that this place has become a sea of ​​people. The major teams with a reasonable lineup gathered together quietly, and the single contractor full of powerful aura, at this moment, also Had to join the team.

Because in the face of this kind of war, the power of one person is really too weak.

At this time, there are no peddlers in the Gate of Time and Space... Everyone dare not show their spirits, for fear of being remembered to death, and the guys who sell good goods basically have to enter this world, and they have to keep it for themselves. Well, how could it be possible to continue selling consumables.

Fang Yun couldn't find out how many people were there, but just stood there quietly with the Satan team.

As the white light flashed, thousands of contractors disappeared into the space, leaving only 10,000+ restless contractors... Although they will not die, if they become a subsidiary space of the ark space, their resources will also be destroyed. will be greatly reduced, and perhaps the evolutionary will be the limit, and it is impossible to become a so-called transcendent.


"Begin to enter the world of drama..."

"Start matching data..."

"Start to assimilate the characters with the world"

"Beginning Into The World"

The moment Fang Yun opened his eyes, he found that he was not in Azeroth, but in the outer space of this planet, surrounded by thousands of contractors, all like this, as for the opposite not far away... It is the many contractors of the ark space.

It's just that they can't take any action, and the next second, the spatial information comes.

"The sky is burning with flames, and wherever the Burning Legion passes, there is nothing but a desolate land, and evil energy fills every demon's body, and they will be the common enemy of all living beings on this land.

The Alliance and the Horde have been fighting endlessly, and the Dark Portal has been fighting for 1 years since it lasted for one year.

But now, the two will eventually unite together to fight against the Burning Legion that brings destruction. "

A narration appeared in everyone's ears at this time, telling them that the space changed the content of the plot slightly.

But the information was not over yet, and after a while, they received the most shocking details.

"Time: April 31, 4 at the Dark Portal."

"Location: Azeroth, Eastern Kingdoms"

"Difficulty: SSS"

"Pain reduction: none"

"Additional enhancement of personal ability: 0%"

"Current scene exploration: 12.1%"

"Story world correlation: 99%"

"Factions: Alliance and Horde"

"Mode: War Mode"

"Scale: Killing Space: 70 extraordinary people, 5000 evolutionary people, and 500 contractors. (The same is true for the ark space)"

"Territory distribution:
Alliance owns: Elwynn Forest, Duskwood, Westfall, Stranglethorn, Dun Morogh
Horde owns: Wetlands, Loch Modan, Searing Gorge.

Burning Legion: Burning Steppes, Badlands, Redridge Mountains, Swamp of Sorrows, Blasted Lands, Deadwind Pass. "

"War is won:
1. Kill all the contractors in the ark space.

2. Kill the clone of Sargeras.

3. Occupy all Burning Legion lands! "

"Guardian: Stormwind City, Ironforge, Sunset City, and Orgmary in the wetlands. (The space has re-planned the main city of the orcs.)
All four main cities are lost, and the final battle will end in failure! "

"Reminder: Select the faction, alliance and tribe you want to join, and choose the main city you want to join!"

At this time, I don't know how many people...whether they are superhumans or evolutionaries, they are all staring at the extra Sunset City...

Although Oghmary, the main city of orcs, still appeared in the wetlands, this was a spatial plan.

What the hell is the sunset city of Konima?

There were many contractors who entered Azeroth in the past, but there are still very few contractors who really understand Sunset City. Some of them know that this is a city built by a contractor. Although the signal of the main city is marked at this time, but There are really very few who plan to join them.

After all, anyone with a little bit of IQ will know that the main city of the plot world is really awesome... The main city built by you, a contractor, is worth it?Could it be possible to go against the sky?

What's more, no one wants to be controlled by an extraordinary person.

The team channel has been opened, many people have discussed it, and many teams have joined the never-fallen... Stormwind City, after all, Stormwind City is an existence that is open and fake. According to the novel, it is a city with the luck of the protagonist... …

Many people choose Ironforge. This main city belongs to the underground city... There has never been anyone who wants to blow up its existence. Even if it is the Burning Legion, it is impossible to easily occupy this main city.

As for Ogmari... don't think about it, there are quite a few evolutionary superhumans who joined it. After all, many people feel safe when they see the muscles of orcs. Those are all super big guys over two meters tall. Defending the city or capturing it, following their buttocks is popular.

And those who finally chose Sunset City... It seems that there are less than a few hundred people, but those who dare to choose Sunset City are almost all those who have been in Sunset City, and have seen the strength of Sunset Army with their own eyes.

For example, Thor from the Thor group, and the three scumbags from the Glory team, etc., they even chose to join Sunset City...

According to Boss He's words: "If you want to say that the theory of space is have to look at the Satan team. The leader of this team can deceive a kingdom...

And Sunset City has been standing for more than 30 years since the beginning of the Dark Portal. If you say you have no strength, you don’t believe anything.”

So he decided to drag his family and come to Sunset City to seek refuge with Boss Fang...

 The last volume has appeared... The author still doesn't like water very much, otherwise it would be no problem to write 100 million words on water.

  So please tip me a monthly ticket or something, and I'll give you... war.

(End of this chapter)

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