Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 497 Luoyun Legion, the Ultimate Guard! ! !

Chapter 497 Luoyun Legion, the Ultimate Guard! ! !

Of course, Satan's team chose Sunset City. After the 1-minute selection time passed, everyone turned into white light and descended on each main city.

When Boss Fang came to the World Tree, he found that there were many flawless divinities in his body for him to obtain, but now is not the time, because many contractors came to Sunset City, and the space gave him a lot of information, which made him dizzy .

"Reminder: A total of 27 teams descended on Sunset City!"

"4 Transcendents, 333 Evolvers, and 0 Contractors."

"Reminder: As the king of Sunset City, you have the right to expel them, or accept them to join your forces."

"Reminder: Each main city will elect a contractor leader to lead other contractors to defeat the ark space together!"


In short, Boss Fang is a little confused by a lot of prompt information, but no matter what the leader of the contractor, or who the four extraordinary people will be, he is not interested in knowing now... He just wants to know, after more than ten years have passed , To what extent has Sunset City developed.

And this question is not only curious for him, but other contractors are also curious. For example, Thor of the Thor Corps is now standing in the middle of the road in a daze, stepping on the enchanted bluestone slab, and can't help swallowing Swallowing: "MD, isn't it a bit perverted? You're too rich. Why did Mao even start to enchant the bluestone road?"

The fallen priest next to him took off his useless glasses frames, and he stopped pretending. He looked up at the World Tree, which was more than 2000 meters high, and felt the incomparable breath. At this moment, he was about to tremble. I feel that there is a god next to me, as long as I dare to do something bad...

It seems that it will be crushed into a puddle of meat...

How could such a tall world tree not make the other contractors stunned? They looked up at the sky and found that the top of the tree had reached the top of the mountain. As for why they could see the top of the tree, it was because the world tree would gather its leaves during the day, It will be released at night.

Otherwise, if the world trees are layered on top of each other, and all the branches and leaves are unfolded, the entire Sunset City will be dark and hazy, and no sunlight can be seen at all.

As for the diameter of the tree trunk, it is now 300 meters... The huge root system is strongly attached to the river cave, and the breath emitted by the root system actually makes the ground stronger.

As for why the blacksmith’s room under the river cave was not disturbed by the roots, it was entirely because these roots formed an arch, bypassed where, and took root deeper. 1000 meters...

It is only by virtue of this that the world tree can grow so high, and it doesn't care about your strong winds of more than ten degrees, and it doesn't move at all.

But to say that the World Tree is just like this is not shocking enough. At this time, the 337 contracted space natives looked at the sky dully, as if wondering, what is the large fruit on the World Tree?
They don't know... It doesn't mean that the locals in Sunset City don't know.

Those born from these fruits are all elves, and they are the first-generation elves with extremely pure bloodlines. Even the three high-ranking elf kings are not as pure as these elves born from the world tree.

What's even more perverted is... the moment these first-generation elves were born, they were golden plot characters who had become youthful, their attributes were called perverted, and they possessed all kinds of talents... even the elves of Middle-earth saw this scene , I couldn't help being a little envious.

The elf is better than the elf, it will be pissed off...

As for the night elves in Azeroth, seeing this situation, they could only cry silently at home... I always felt that I was getting uglier after staying in Sunset City for a long time.

There are 3000 pieces of that kind of fruit, which have been repeatedly checked by the elf kings, and this number has not changed for 5 years.

As for why the World Tree can grow to this point in a short period of time, it has a lot to do with the richness of Azeroth's magic elements, but more importantly, it helps Fang Yun collect beliefs and give it Bring enough spiritual power.

And when the spiritual power and magical elements are sufficient, elves can naturally be born!
At this time, Boss Fang has millions of believers, and he prays for various things all day long. Although most of the prayers will not be successful, the potions made by using the branches and leaves of the world tree will turn into undead. of humans.

There are even hundreds of believers who have successfully obtained the elixir of life. It is a great temptation for anyone to increase their life span by hundreds or even 1000 years.

So in this situation, groups of believers had to kneel under Boss Fang's knees...

And since ten years ago, Boss Fang has obtained a group of the most loyal elves, that is, a generation of elves. If Fang Yun is the mother of World Tree, and World Tree is their mother, then King Fang It's always a grandpa-level existence...

An army of [-] elves of the first generation blood, they have extraordinary talents, tacit cooperation, strong physique and combat effectiveness, they have almost no weaknesses... And this is the benefit of being born from the world tree.

They are also good at magic and melee combat, and they have never forgotten their natural marksman instincts!
As for the 1000 first-generation elves ten years ago, they have long since become dark gold, even the beginning of the legend, and even the existence of the middle of the legend.

And they are... Fang Yun's ultimate personal guard army, the name of the legion is: Luoyun Legion.

It can be said that the Luoyun Legion is stronger than the Heavy Armored Cavalry, Sunset Legion, Griffin Legion, etc., and it is also a trump card that has never been exposed.

Because so far, Sunset City has a rule that no one can command any first-generation elves except Fang Yun and World Tree.

Even the Elf King can't do this... In fact, they can't order them if they want to. When Fang Yun is away, the will of the World Tree is the truth.

And they were born with good equipment. After all, according to their seniority, they are all descendants of Boss Fang... The power of the whole country must be served, not to mention that they are all powerful fighters. When they really want to contribute , will definitely produce extraordinary effects.

So... don't doubt, this super legion is full of dark gold suits, including 100 legendary elves, all of whom have legendary weapons, no one will doubt that when they really appear on the battlefield, they will definitely explode Unparalleled combat power and lethality.

No matter what kind of enemy it is, it will not be an opponent when facing the Luoyun Legion.

And this is part of Sunset City's elite plan!

Just build an ace!
Then make them stronger than others, and let them be so strong that they are abnormal, so that all enemies dare not have the illusion of defeating them.

Fang Yun was a little stunned by this information, but more excited... Especially when he saw Legolas, saw the number of legions and the strength of a series of legions, he wanted to yell loudly: "War mode! Who else???"

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(End of this chapter)

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