Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 498 Power!

Chapter 498 Power!

In Sunset City, except for the ultimate personal guard Luoyun Legion.

The Quel'dorei Heavy Armored Legion, Griffin Legion, and Sunset Legion have all been replaced with dark gold suits. After all, it has been 30 years, and the children who used to be adults have grown up. Naturally, the equipment cannot be left behind. Also handed over to other legions.

When the current Sunset City invaded according to the natural disaster, there were only 10 more legions, that is, 50 regular troops.

Of course, these 50 regular legions did not include the four ace legions, nor did they include the elf army and dwarf army contributed by the Elf King and Sorin. After all, they usually don’t fight and are only responsible for guarding Sunset City. Are they boring? Of course ... This does not mean that Boss Fang will forget about them.

Who made them so well equipped...Of course they can be used if they can be used.

It stands to reason that even if Sunset City continues to fight against the Scourge Legion and the orcs in more than ten years, the number of recruited soldiers will not be delayed, especially the impact of the natural disaster invasion is huge. Fang Yun declared that he would not become an undead Even the situation of the ghouls allowed him to gather as many as hundreds of thousands of Lordaeron's civilians.

Although many people let Stormwind City cut off their beards, there are almost 180 million civilians in all the territories of Sunset City.

But Fang Yun has already planned, 50 legions is the limit of Sunset City, an army of 15 people is enough to face any difficulties, especially... the territory is too small, the population is large enough, but the resources are not too rich , if there is no big war and the expansion of the territory, it will certainly not be able to obtain sufficient resources.

Therefore, no matter how many soldiers there are, it is not very useful. It is better to replace the extra gold coins with materials to create sufficiently powerful equipment.

Then the scene in front of them really stunned the three hundred or so contractors.

The legions that pass by the city from time to time are all in golden suits. They walk in neat steps and slowly pass through the middle of the road. At that moment, all merchants and even pedestrians must give way to them, even those nobles who are sitting in luxurious carriages, Also had to immediately pull over to give way.

It's not just Sunset City's rules.

More because... the Legion in Sunset City is really good and powerful...

How would merchants make money without them?Now that the world is so chaotic, there are basically no races or even organizations in the setting sun to cause trouble, because those who dare to do things have basically been uprooted.

This is naturally because Sunset City has sufficient troops, allowing it to guard the commercial roads in the territory and patrol every fork in the border. What's more, the status of soldiers is very high in Sunset City, and their combat power is still very strong. The army commander is also a legend. figure.

Those guys are like guards to the soldiers under them. If you dare to provoke them, even if you dare not touch you on the surface, you still dare to do business in secret. Come on... a group of dog heads that pop up from time to time can kill you. Your caravan is gone.

One time is not enough, at least two or three times... no apology?Well then, continue to grab... Of course, this situation will only be for those nobles who do not obey the rules, let them be honest, even if the nobles have noble knights, give them a hundred courage, dare to face the legion Just?

That is definitely not dare, this is the crime of being ransacked, there are not dozens of nobles who died here, there must be more than a dozen, although it may cause nobles to protest...

But the officials of Sunset City don’t care, just get out if you have the ability, the city is so crowded, there is no shortage of you at all...

Therefore, the team walking in the city was imposing and oppressive, especially with some traces and blood that couldn't be washed off on the armor on their bodies, which really made the contractors dare not underestimate them.

Fifty legions, there are thirty golden legions.

The remaining twenty Silver Legion belonged to the legion guarding the territory.

Of course, the other [-] Golden Legion will not be idle, they will often cooperate with the alliance, and often go to various places to fight, all of which belong to the existence of experienced battles.

Looking at the information in his hand, Fang Yun couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Sunset City has risen!

And he finally became the boss-level character that everyone wanted to kill.

But he suddenly looked at Legolas, but said with a smile: "Hey, they have become legendary high-level, and their strength has grown very quickly in the past few decades."

"It's too fast. I've been stuck at this stage for hundreds of years. You don't even look at how many middle-level legends you have, they are all stuck. After all, it is too difficult to break through to high-level legends!" Legolas endured. He couldn't help rolling his eyes, his 23-year-old son had already become a legendary low-level existence.

As for why it is so hanging, it is naturally because the World Tree also has a baptism pool, which can make the blood of the elves more pure and even improve their rank.

Both adult elves and young elves are fine, but the baptism pool can only baptize many people every year, only 100 people, and if you baptize adult elves, it will consume too much weight, it is far more appropriate to let young elves go in.

So the adult elves in Middle-earth would naturally give up this opportunity and let their children strive for this rare opportunity.

As for Legolas' son, of course, he has this kind of treatment without a doubt, and there is no need to fight for it. As the regent of Sunset City, in a sense, his rights are second only to Fang Yun.

"The Burning Legion is here. What's the situation on the border now?" Fang Yun didn't seem too eager. A war of this scale cannot be ended in a day or two, and it might take several years.

When Legolas heard of the Burning Legion, his face changed unpredictable: "It's not too good, those demons are full of evil energy, which is very corrosive to the earth and even creatures, although the armor of the soldiers has World Tree The branches and leaves are used as materials, which can well prevent the erosion of evil energy.

But I have to say that their own strength is also very strong, except for those thousands of cannon fodder, imps, hellhounds and so on.

Some succubi, hellfire demons, are powerful.

Among them, their backbone force, the large number of burly demon guards, is even more terrifying. If it weren't for the strength of the Golden Legion and some legendary warriors as the vanguard, the casualties would not be certain. "

"Is that so..." Seeing what Legolas said was so serious, although Fang Yun was uneasy, he didn't have to worry too much. At least the strength of the Golden Legion is here, and no guy can compete with it, but the Burning Legion will definitely There are some elite soldiers, it will be difficult to say when the time comes, and it may cause both sides to suffer.

"How many legions are there in Stormwind City, Ironforge, and the Horde, and how many troops are there in the Burning Legion? Do you have more detailed information?"

"Well... After all, the Burning Legion has been in Azeroth for a long time. Although the war has not completely started, I can almost make some conclusions." Legolas took out another piece of information.

"The Alliance has a lot of legions. After all, although the Alliance and the Horde have been fighting for a long time, it was a long guerrilla war in the end. They rarely fought large-scale wars. The casualties were not too heavy, especially when they built a new Dark Land. The door sent a lot of soldiers, and the number of them was also quite large.

There are currently 45-60 legions in Stormwind City, some of which are very secretive and belong to the ace legion. There is not much information, so it is impossible to determine how many there are.

There are about 20-30 legions in Ironforge, even my information is wrong, after all they are hidden underground... I really don't know.

And there should be about 14 soldiers in all the tribes. Although the number of tribes is smaller than that of the alliance, the individual strength is strong, there are no weak ones, old opponents...

I didn't expect to join hands with them today! "Legolas sighed a little. He had fought with the orcs for decades, and today he was going to join forces. I have to say that there is no absolute enemy, only eternal interests. When facing a more powerful enemy, they Can only cooperate to contend.

"As for the Burning Legion, there are too many races in the demons. If you count the cannon fodder such as goblins and hellhounds, there are about 60-80, or even 100 million soldiers..."

"My Cao? So many? On such a barren land, what can they eat?" Fang Yun's eyes widened.

"Let's eat evil energy... But there are also blood-sucking ones and meat-eating ones. Anyway, I don't know for sure. Anyway, they don't have too much demand for food, otherwise they would have starved to death..."

"Are you starving... I suddenly remembered my doll."


"No... you go first, I will find you later."


 Hmm~ It’s been 30 years, and I’ve only developed a military force of 15 horses. I’m not exaggerating. After all, some hegemony novels can reach ~100 million troops in ten years...

  After all, according to my map, the entire battlefield is almost as big as China... So the strength of all parties is not an exaggeration, except that the Burning Legion has more troops. After all, who knows what they eat...

(End of this chapter)

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