Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 499 Rumors of the Tavern in Sunset City.

Chapter 499 Rumors of the Tavern in Sunset City.

After he finished reading a series of information, the sky was already dark. After all... Sunset City was called very well, and it fit the situation well. After twelve noon, Sunset City became a little dark.

But it doesn't matter, when the leaves of the world tree are all unfurled and thousands of magic lights are lit up, it seems that there is a starry galaxy above the head that is within reach.

At this time, I don’t know how many young men and women are snuggling by the fountain, chatting about love, eating snacks that can be seen everywhere, and enjoying the beauty brought by Sunset City.

And the darker the sky, the more beautiful the scenery of Sunset City, because there are a group of mages who are idle and bored in Sunset City, and they are often studying how to make Sunset City more beautiful.

So they researched magic lamps of various colors, hung them on the street, on the eaves, in a certain tree house, and even some people dared to go in and secretly put a few in Xiao Hei's dragon nest...

As a result, Xiao Hei was very unhappy...

He asked him for hundreds of fiery red magic lamps. If the dragon nests were not full, he would not let that bitter legendary mage go.


Obviously, this spectacular sight really shocked the other contractors. They saw everything in front of them, the powerful and cautious patrolling guards.

A kind and friendly resident of Sunset City.

Insane buildings.

The magic tower stands with the top of the mountain.

A commercial street full of flowers.

Residential area with many ethnic groups.

Huge world tree, coupled with unparalleled dream scene!
Although they didn't see the more fortified barracks, plus the so-called trump card, but the roar of a dragon that appeared from time to time, plus dozens of swift and fierce griffins flying in the sky, how could they not let them understand that the enjoyment of happiness is often It is the price of killing and blood.

Only when it is strong enough to protect everything can the residents of the city not worry about the Burning Legion thousands of miles away, because the civilians here believe that their army is capable of defeating all enemies.

Although they could only see some guards on the surface, if they really dared to cause trouble here, they might be able to jump out at any time a few legendary men, or even a few legions, and wipe them out in minutes.

So many contractors joined together, found a cheaper hotel to stay in, and waited quietly for the call of the King of Sunset City, and they also planned to have a good talk with Boss Fang based on the situation of the alliance, so that he would not squeeze himself too much. others' interests.

What's more, if they live in Sunset City, they have to rely on Boss Fang to issue missions. At this time, only by uniting can they fight against the boss like King Fang.

So after they chose the hotel, they went to the taverns on the street separately to inquire about news, such as Boss Fang or some secret things about Sunset City.

The Glory Three Bitch originally left some influence in Stormwind City, but decades have passed... Although the town is still there, the political power is gone... The soldiers back then were already old, and they all went home to farm. Work hard for him.

So the three of them also had to explore the true face of Sunset City.

Although there are many braggarts in the tavern, there are also many people who talk nonsense after drinking too much and tell the truth.

"What wine do you guys want?" The bartender saw the extraordinary temperament of the three of them. Although he could find that they were not locals, those who could come to Sunset City were rich locals. He thought he could earn more, so his attitude improved a lot, otherwise Treat these drunks all day long, and directly serve a cup of ultra-high-strength lava from the core of the earth, let them drink to death.

"What good wine? Well, like your specialty?"

"Is the signature wine good? Of course it's rum! Super good wine from the Caribbean plane, 1 gold coin a glass, this is the secret recipe my boss got from Captain Jack, the entire Sunset City except for the dream of the World Tree 'It's the best wine out there." The bartender said triumphantly.

But a drunk immediately retorted: "Fuck your mother's exclusive features, you don't even know how many taverns Captain Jack has given this secret recipe to. Just send a big wave, and Captain Jack will tell you all the secret recipes of winemaking immediately..."

"Damn it, shut your ass to me, don't forget that I know your little secret, otherwise you can go home and play the trick of stepping on ice with bare feet for your mother-in-law!!" The bartender's face darkened, but immediately He cursed out, and that guy walked away cursing amidst the boos of the crowd.

As for the boss and the three of them, there are black lines on their foreheads, and they can't speak at all. Captain Jack of the Caribbean world?

"MD, where did the Satanic team get Captain Jack, isn't it too badass?" King Kong took out a gold coin speechlessly, ordered a glass of rum, drank it with a gulp, and said depressedly.

"It's not just too badass? It's a blockbuster, but I have to say, we're on the right track...otherwise, how would we know there's another Captain Jack in Sunset City?" Refa was wearing simple clothes, not his legendary suit. Magic robes, after all... Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is what he likes the most.

"Are you talking about Captain Jack?" The bartender also talked a lot, and the civilians in Sunset City had freedom of speech, even if they said a lot of gossip about Boss Fang, no one would respond.

As long as you don't insult the king or slander the king, basically no one will care about it. What's more, with Boss Fang's personality'talent' charm, if someone dares to scold him, he will be given away by his brainless fans without the need for patrol guards to take action. Fucked to death.

"Well, how did Captain Jack come here?" Boss He also took out two gold coins, one for wine and one for the bartender...

"Well, I really know, it is said that our great, kind, handsome, unrestrained, handsome, majestic, majestic king, tall and mighty, has the ability to conquer other planes..." the bartender said at this time I can't wait to stand on the table, with stars in my eyes, and describe King Fang with admiration.

"There are so many adjectives..." Lei Fa swallowed silently.

"Yeah... It seems that the brainwashing was successful!" King Kong supported his forehead, expressing his admiration.

However, at this time, Boss He frowned and shook his head seriously: "What you said is not the point..."

"What is that?" The two asked curiously.

"Because... I always feel that the bartender is counting words..." Boss He said this, posing as a genius, and then accepted the knees of two good friends.


"Well, that's about it. After a fierce battle, His Royal Highness killed the dragon, killed the sea god, smashed the Dark Lord to death with one punch, and saved all the people from the fire and water. Then he took the Black Dragon and the Black Pearl. Let's go back to Sunset City together.

Although he didn't show up, Admiral Taylor, the commander of the navy, issued a notice that Captain Jack would be named the deputy commander of the Sunset Navy.

But I have to say that although Admiral Taylor is equally good, he is too serious. We still like this new Captain Jack, and the most important thing is...

He is super good at telling stories, what a magical big octopus, the Dutchman who can sail underwater, is simply a bard, we all think he is a great writer who was delayed by the captain! "

In short, after the bartender's complaints, the boss and the three were not dumbfounded, but also a little bit frightened, because in the narration of these bastards, King Fang has become an existence that destroys the country and destroys the gods...

 :-O Hello everyone~ Come and vote to dig at the end of the month, otherwise there will be no more! !
(End of this chapter)

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