Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 500 Conditions

Chapter 500 Conditions
Others also expected what happened to the three humble guests of Glory. For example, they knew that the fruit on the World Tree was actually an elf. They also knew that there were 50 regular legions in Sunset City!
The waterfall on the top of the mountain not far away is the residence of the elves in Middle-earth. It is said that there are at least hundreds of thousands of elves there. The magic tower on the top of the mountain is even more powerful. It is the residence of all the legendary mages in Sunset City. I thought the boss, that is 'Gandalf the White Robe Wizard'.

A group of contractors returned to the hotel in a trance, huddled together in a daze, unable to say a word for a long time.

Who are the four extraordinary people?

There is no doubt at all that it is the three scumbags of Glory, plus Thor, Thor's hammer.

"Well, now I have summed up one thing. He brought all the elves from Middle-earth..." Boss He was a little worried. At the beginning, he only had more than 3000 elves. He didn't expect that he hadn't come to Azeroth for 30 years. , has changed so much.

This title of king is really awesome.

"And Thorin's kingdom below the mountain, and Gandalf..." Thor said silently.

"Yes, but don't forget that there is a black dragon nearly 4 meters long on the World Tree. There is also a navy of [-] legions in the west of the city. The commander is named Taylor, but the deputy commander is Captain Jack of Pirates of the Caribbean."

"The Regent is the elf prince Legolas..." Refa swallowed, and exchanged glances with many heads-level figures, all of whom noticed the helplessness in their eyes.

"It's too strong... The strength of Sunset City is no worse than other main cities, or even stronger. We only saw the prosperity of the streets, and simply inquired about so many things from the taverns, but what's hidden in the dark? It's unimaginable!" Someone murmured.

"So this is why the Satan team didn't rush to contact us... It seems that he wants us to understand a truth, they don't care if there are contractors like us in Sunset City.

Because they want soldiers to have soldiers, generals to have generals...

As for us... we will definitely negotiate conditions with him, and even when faced with life and death, we may not dare to give everything. He is also a contractor and understands that we are a kind of person, so he dare not reuse us, and even laughs secretly, setting sun There are only so few people in the city, it is impossible to interfere with his general trend. "When King Kong said this, everyone else became silent.

"But... there is one thing you must know!" Although King Kong is a muscular man, he has always had a clear mind. Although he usually looks simple and honest, his heart may be so dirty and dark...

"But what? You said it!"

"That is...our individual combat power is very strong, and we have a common goal with him, that win this war, otherwise we will all die if we lose, he should understand this truth... After King Kong finished speaking, he spread his hands.

"Uh... is this gone?"

"Yes, so we just need to wait patiently now. The Satan team will find us sooner or later, because as long as he is smart enough, he won't abandon us."

Boss He frowned: "Could it only be cannon fodder?"

"It's not cannon fodder, but if we want to gain greater benefits, we must show our strength, and the way to show our strength must pay a price.

Only in this way can the Satan team have enough understanding of us, and let him understand that this is a war between two spaces, and it cannot be settled by one Sunset City. "King Kong said solemnly, and the others nodded heavily after thinking about it for a while.


Fang Yun didn't make them wait too long, and took him to a manor the next day... and this manor is the place where other king's envoys usually live. , the magic element and the breath of life are very strong.

Living for a long time can even improve some attributes.

As for the occupied area, of course it is not small, so even if there are more than 300 people, they can all live there, and there is even some free time, but if you want to buy such a large place with gold coins, don't talk about it without 100 million gold coins.

The land in Sunset City is the representative of every inch of land and every inch of gold. Even the richest nobles in Sunset City cannot buy such a large manor.

The 27 heads of the delegation came to a conference room with Boss Fang at this time.

The moment they saw Fang Yun, they could truly feel that faintly powerful force, even Boss He, who is also an extraordinary person, could find that vague sense of threat.

Fang Yun couldn't help laughing when he saw that these guys were silent and all of them were extremely serious. Everyone was a contractor. It was so funny to see that he was like meeting the BOSS at this time.

He waved his hand and signaled everyone to sit down: "Don't look outside, I didn't summon you yesterday, please bear with me."

"it's okay no problem……"

"You're welcome!"

"It should be, it should be, His Majesty El Yunze has just arrived in Sunset City, so he must be very busy..." Everyone dared not talk nonsense, and it was already a shame for them to find them the next day.

"Then let's... get to the point?" Fang Yun sat on the front seat and lit a cigarette, looked at Thor, the Glory three scumbags, and others, and then said slowly.

"Okay... since you don't talk, then I will set a few rules. If you think it's okay, you can stay in Sunset City, and then see how to fight the Burning Legion. If you don't think it's appropriate, then leave, and I will I won't stop you." Fang Yun talked to himself, regardless of other people's expressions.

"1. Sunset City belongs to the kingdom I established. Only I have the final say here. If there is a dispute... please shut up, or I will help someone shut up forever!" Fang Yun said The first condition is to show off your majesty, but this group of people didn't respond to such ugly words.

It can only be said that the contractors of the space are no longer fledgling novices. They have never experienced anything. If they don't even understand this, how dare they come to Sunset City?
"2. If you really want to live in Sunset City, then you don't have to worry about eating and drinking. I can support hundreds of thousands of troops, not short of three hundred of you, but don't worry about World Tree. Try to climb, don't damage it, and don't enter some military territories, or you will bear the consequences."

"3. Regarding your strength, I believe it, but don't think that I will give you the opportunity to join the legion like a character in the plot, and I will not throw you a few legions for you to play.

So... when the war comes, you can form a fortified team, don't worry about the task, it's not mandatory, you can fight if you want, if you don't want to fight, just watch and don't make trouble.

Just don't run away before I retreat, then... Sunset City will definitely not welcome you. "

"There is no fourth can do whatever you want, I welcome you on behalf of Sunset City..." Fang Yun briefly stated some conditions, and left decisively, and gave Thor a deep look...

Of course, his small eyes frightened this guy. Fortunately, Thor has been suffering under his hands and didn't have any advantage, otherwise Boss Fang would definitely not let him go.

There is almost nothing particularly irritating about these three conditions, is too simple, which also makes Boss He and others a little aggrieved, as if he thinks he doesn't value them too much.

And this situation is just like what King Kong said, they want Fang Yun to recognize them and integrate them into Sunset City without paying the price. Always ready to move.

(End of this chapter)

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