Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 501 Sunset Sword: Legendary Top Level!Ou Huang is possessed!

Chapter 501 Sunset Sword: Legendary Top Level!Ou Huang is possessed!
"So much divinity... am I capable of overthrowing the gods?"

The main reason is that he never expected that the World Tree would have collected 30 divinity pieces for him in the past ten years or so. Adding the 66 pieces he had at this time, he had reached a total of 96 divinity pieces, which is unbelievable.

And when he took out the flawless divinity and merged into the divinity of time, his whole body seemed to be half sublimated, and his body was involuntarily suspended in the sky.

A trace of divinity is intertwined, and it seems that they will condense together.

Fang Yun felt the power brought by divinity, the incomparable temptation, and even made him fall into it, almost thinking that he had become a god...

And he also vaguely understood that if he got 4 godheads, he might have to condense the godhead!

It's just that there are so many extraordinary people in space, and there has never been a cohesive godhead. This makes Fang Yun a little uneasy. Will there be too many restrictions, so that he cannot become a god, or even die directly?
But after thinking about it for a long time, Boss Fang, who had no idea, still shook his head. Looking at his extra time and skills, he really felt a little emotional, and even his mood swelled.

Back in time: With the power of many gods, move the long river of time, go back to the past, possess your former body, and change the situation you don't want to happen.

Return to the past: within 24 hours
Skill Consumption: None

Skill cooldown: 3 months.

"The power of this's beyond miraculous!" Fang Yun had no idea that after collecting 30 divinity pieces again, he was able to activate such an exaggerated time skill.

And it can return to the past 24 hours... MLGB, it can completely change the situation of the battle, this has become the trump card in the face of the Burning Legion.

As for the cooling time... don't look at it, it's not easy to use it once within 3 months.

If there was a little less time, then Ark Space could kneel down and beg for mercy, and Mr. Sa could crawl at his feet, because Boss Fang could play tricks to fight them...

At this moment, Fang Yun's energy is really at its peak, and the civilians in the territory are united as one, so he took out the shining Sunset Sword, and slowly sprinkled the legendary essence evenly on it , the effect... really exceeded his expectations.

During the day, he asked Gandalf and the three elf kings to help him perform blessings, luck, etc. on the sunset sword.

I went to find the legendary dwarf master again and taught him how to use the legendary essence.

The moment he really strengthened the Sunset Sword...

Ouhuang is lucky!

The entire Sunset Sword burst out with incomparable brilliance, and the sword energy shot straight into the sky, tearing apart the clouds, as if announcing its arrival to the whole world!

Especially that light, the flux that illuminates the entire World Tree, even some sleeping civilians were awakened by the dazzling golden light.

And the other contractors, and even the high-level plot characters in Sunset City, all felt a sharp sharpness piercing their throats, woke up one after another, crawled out of the room, and stared at the top of the World Tree dumbfounded.

"This... is this the situation of legendary top-level equipment in this world?"

"That breath... is too strong!!!"

"What is this Satanic team doing again? It has created such a big formation." Each of the contractors was at a loss, but Boss Fang ignored them, and even Ares and the others who came over were just dumbfounded. Looking at the sunset sword in his hand, he fell into endless surprise.

sunset sword

Grade: legendary top grade, national weapon.

Origin: World of Warcraft, Sunset City.

Materials: extraterrestrial meteorites, mithril from the doomsday volcano, Smaug's reverse scale, the essence of the World Tree trunk, the essence of legends, etc.

Attack Power: 860~1580
Stamina +10
Additional equipment: scabbard, sword tassel.

Length: 148CM
Weight: 7.14Kg
Conditions of use: This item was tailor-made for the King of Sunset City by the legendary master blacksmith.

Conditions of use: A national weapon, a treasure that suppresses luck in Sunset City, can only be used by the King of Sunset City.

Conditions of use: Wearing it with both hands requires more than 100 points of strength, and wearing it with one hand requires more than 150 points of strength.

Conditions of use: Light Weapon Specialization Lv10 (Max)

Legendary Passive Ability: Inverse Scale, Every time Sunset Sword attacks, in addition to the original damage value, there will be an additional 50% of the actual damage of the attack power, and there is a 50% chance to make the damage value of this attack X500 %.

Legendary passive ability: Demon Slayer, when attacking dark attribute enemies, the damage will be increased by 300%. (Orcs, Orcs, Vampires, Ghosts, Demons, etc.)
Legendary Passive Ability: Dragon Slaying, when attacking dragon creatures with richer dragon blood, the damage will be greater!

Legendary Passive Ability: Legendary Edge, due to the integration of Smaug's Reverse Scale, the sharpness of this weapon is +30, which has a high chance of directly cutting enemy equipment or weapons, and causing durability loss or even damage. The enemy's body causes damage that is not easy to heal.

Legendary passive ability: Bloodsucking, when you attack an enemy, there is an 80% chance to trigger bloodsucking, and restore the damage value X80% of the HP.

Legendary active ability: Sunset Judgment, swinging a blood-red sword energy forward, and causing 3000+ (strength X500%) attack power.

Skill range: 30 meters

Skill Cooldown: 5 minutes.

Skill Consumption: None

Legendary Passive Ability: Sunset Sword Qi, when you use this ability, sword Qi will automatically emerge from the sword body, and each attack will send out a sword equivalent to 80% of your own attack power in the direction of your attack Qi attack, sword Qi within 3 meters.

National Weapon: When you hold this weapon, the soldiers who follow you will increase their attack and defense by 30%.

National Weapon: When you hold this weapon, the soldiers who follow you will increase their morale by 10 points.

Guoqi: luck plus body: Guoqi represents the luck of the sunset kingdom is condensed here, and you will get the real luck of Lv10.

Tip: You have your own real luck of Lv7, the two cannot be superimposed, but you will get real luck LvMax.

Tip: There is no detailed data on real luck, but please remember... When your real luck has reached the full level, it will become the protagonist of this world!

(Note: Legendary top-level weapon, when you have it, you are already on the way to the gods!)


The rest of Satan's team looked at the sunset sword with seven legendary abilities, plus the passive ability of three national weapons...

It makes their eyes full of resentment that you are the son of space.

Fang Yun, on the other hand, hugged the Sunset Sword tightly, and would not let go of it even if he said nothing. In fact, even if he gave the Sunset Sword to someone else, he did not mention the two long-distances of Pete and poker.

Even Ares and Hanks in close combat can't use it, because there are 4 conditions for using the Sunset Sword...

Basically, any one of them cannot be accomplished by ordinary extraordinary people. The most amazing thing is that only the king of Sunset City can use the handle weapon!

And just when Fang Yun was excited... Legolas suddenly ran over and told him the bad news with a heavy expression: "The army of the Burning Legion is overwhelming, and there are now 20 soldiers in the Adversary Road, divided into two groups. Attack Stranglethorn Vale and Twilight Forest!"

"Oh, they want war?" Fang Yun seemed to be asking back, Legolas didn't speak, he just looked at Fang Yun quietly, waiting for his instructions.

"Then we... give them war!"

 =. = The water is over, it's time for some real food.

(End of this chapter)

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