Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 502 The Royal Expedition!

Chapter 502 The Royal Expedition!

Fang Yun didn't want to know why the Burning Legion had to be fully mobilized on the third night, because he already knew the news from other main cities that the Burning Legion also sent a large army to attack them.

He didn't even want to understand how confident the Burning Legion was, thinking that they could be wiped out at such a time.

But the guys from Arkspace and the Burning Legion want to fight.

Then he dares to continue.

After all, this is the main battlefield. Fang Yun is full of confidence. He wants to give Ark Space a head-on blow to make them understand a truth.

This is his territory, he is the master!

In the early morning of the next day, the fifteen Golden Legion, with [-] troops, already faced the morning light of the sun, standing under the city wall at sunset, because they had been fully mobilized last night, and now they have put on their equipment , take your luggage and prepare for war.

When the sun rose, many residents of Sunset City felt that something was wrong.

Because there are more patrolling guards in Sunset City than usual, and the atmosphere is stricter. Although there are still no restrictions in Sunset City, you can see a difference from the faces of the guards.

It wasn't until someone shouted loudly on the edge of the city wall that the others ran away in shock, because they saw rows of neatly armored men under the city wall!
The soldiers hid their weapons under their bodies, and all rode high-level war horses, and even higher-level golden war horses.

The battle flag whistled with the north wind, but they all waited silently under the city, motionless, as if they had been waiting for a long time...

But people can see a trace of enthusiasm in the eyes of those soldiers, like anticipation...more like a kind of glory!

It was at this moment that everyone understood.

In the entire Sunset City, there is a man who should make them wait, and he is... the king!
That would represent...

His Majesty the King will command the sunset army to set off.


No one can imagine the cohesion of the King of Sunset City, let alone know how great His Majesty the King is in the hearts of all commoners.

The moment when his tall and straight figure appeared on the city wall!
The sunset army is roaring!
His people are on their knees!
All are calling for their Majesty the King.

And at this time... the contractors who followed Fang Yun were a little at a loss, because the plot characters around them all knelt on one knee... those nobles who watched the fun, the legendary mages who were aloof, and even those who were So did Legolas the Regent.

At this time, there were only more than 300 contractors, but standing there alone, there was a feeling of being out of the group, as if if they didn't kneel down, they would be instantly killed by the eyes of the people.

When Boss He saw the eyes of those patrolling guards, he couldn't help swallowing, and finally said bitterly: "No wonder I didn't see the rest of the Satan team, so it's like this... cheating!"

As an extraordinary person, he didn't dare to disobey the general trend at this time, and couldn't help but clenched his fists. After all... he knelt down on one knee and offered his own knee. When other people saw this scene, they naturally offered their knees one after another ...

It can only be said that Boss Fang tricked them, after all, Fang Yun didn't let them follow him...

As for not kneeling, it’s okay, no one forced them anyway, but seeing the general trend of united hearts, they were discouraged, and each of them cursed inwardly, as if kneeling to the plot characters...

Hearing the cheers, Fang Yun stretched out his hands and pressed down with a smile on his face. The shouts running through the entire mountain range stopped slowly. At this time, he was like a god, high above the sky, and his eyes were full of confidence: "I sons of...

my warriors...

The [-]-strong army of the Burning Legion has come to our territory, Stranglethorn Vale.

I don't know who it is?

gave them the courage to...

I also don't want to know who made them dare to come to my territory with weapons.

I just want to say one thing!

You..." Fang Yun stretched out his right hand and pointed at the army below the city.

"Follow me and crush them..." His voice pierced through the world, resonant and clear.

In the next second, a louder voice overcame this sentence.

"Crush them!"

"Crush them!"

"Crush them!" The soldiers of the legion drew out their weapons one after another and held them up high. The ground was shone with cold lights illuminated by the sun. They could only hear them shout loudly, louder each time.

"The mage opens the portal, and the whole army goes to Stranglethorn Valley!" Fang Yun roared. As soon as the gate opened, nearly 30 legendary mages walked out. Gandalf was not among them, because opening a war portal is not a plane. The portal doesn't need him to make a move yet.


"666, my head, this old man in a B outfit is overwhelmed!" Hanks said sourly from the side, his face was full of envy...

"Hey, I haven't been a king for so many years, I almost forgot what to do!" Boss Fang wanted to have his nostrils turned upside down at this time, and they beat him up so angry, but it's better to be steady now, after all, Fang Yun is surrounded by 20 people. The legendary elven guards.

The main purpose is to protect him, and even block the damage, the king's treatment is not just talk.

Boss He and the others looked at the soldiers of the legion from the top of the city, entered the portal one by one, and silently glanced at Boss Fang. They were really not in the mood to talk, so they could only follow silently and go together.

Fang Yun told them that it doesn't matter whether this war goes or not, because although the two sides seem to be large in scale, it is uncertain whether they can fight or how miserable it will be. It may be tentative attack.

But they didn't want to give up this opportunity. Naturally, they wanted to go out with the army. Thinking about the original war mode... The journey basically depended on their legs. Only the soldiers in Sunset City had the money to ride horses.

But who would have thought that not only do they all ride high-end war horses, but they also use teleportation gates, which is simply extravagant...

These 15 legions are all golden legions, including 4 archer legions, 6 cavalry legions, 3 shield fighting legions, and none of the four ace legions.

The main reason is that the Griffin Legion cannot be used easily. Although the number of the Griffin Legion has now increased to 6000, they are mainly for the purpose of collecting intelligence and patrolling. They really need their support. Opening the portal is enough, no more It can also fly quickly.

As for the Luoyun Legion with 2 troops, it was the final card.

While the Sunset Legion is in the western wilderness, the Quel'dorei Heavy Armored Legion is in Stranglethorn Vale, waiting for their arrival.

So Boss Fang is not without trump cards, although there is only one, but... enough!

The citizens of Sunset City cheered and sent off the army, hoping that they would bring back dazzling achievements.

These tens of thousands of people filed in, and half an hour later, the portal was completely closed, and at this time, the civilians stopped calling completely, but the excitement and shock in their eyes was beyond words.

It is almost conceivable that the target of everyone's talk today is the king and his soldiers...

Especially in the military academy and the magic academy, those legendary teachers who are idle and boring have set up new topics one after another.

Including the Legion of Stranglethorn Vale, the Sunset Army has a total of 8 at this time, so in the face of the Burning Legion, how can we obtain the greatest results?

And what method should be used to destroy it in one fell swoop?
In short... This is a place to cultivate talents. Only by letting the students use their brains can they train batch after batch of generals, and this is why Sunset City has been undefeated for a long time and has become stronger and stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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