Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 503 Resisting Beast City, Resisting the South of the Enemy.

Chapter 503 Resisting Beast City, Resisting the South of the Enemy.

Gilhard, who was the deputy commander of the Elven Guard back then, has now become the commander of the Quel'dorei Legion, a legendary mid-level plot character.

And as the head of the legion, he is also a veteran of Fang Yun's subordinates, so his equipment is naturally not too bad. He is dressed in a legendary elementary suit, majestic and unrestrained.

What's more, he holds one of Fang Yun's trump cards, which is enough to show how much Fang Yun values ​​him.

There is a World Tree in Sunset City, which can greatly increase the lifespan of Sunset City residents and even soldiers under the field of life breath.

Although this ace legion belongs to the legion with the most appearances, and the soldiers have changed one after another, but I have to mention that there are at least 30 veterans of the Quel'dorei legion that have been fighting fiercely for 1000 years.

Although many people are not young, under the interference of World Tree, the age of 50 or [-] is not too old, at most they are middle-aged.

What's more, they are basically all dark gold or even gold plot characters, and their lifespan has naturally increased.

These 1000 people belonged to the trump card of the trump card, whether it was the lethality shown on the battlefield or the experience of fighting.

It's really not something that new recruits can compete with. Even if they are of the same level, with the same equipment and mounts, if they collide with 1000 of them, they are basically certain to die, and they can even be beaten to death.

At this time, the number of the Quel'Dorei Legion has expanded to 5000. In addition to them guarding this place, there are another 13 Golden Legion.

Of course, the other legions did not come, only 13 legendary legion commanders came.

The others continued to be stationed in the border city. As for the Quel'dorei Legion, all members gathered neatly beside the portal, quietly waiting for the arrival of His Majesty the King.

As for behind them, there is a towering and thick city wall!
Looking around, it is 36 meters high and 2300 meters long. There are hundreds of magic cannons and trebuchets.

Some clearly visible traces of war are still engraved on the city wall, and there are even dark green blood left in some places, and this city is called... Rejecting Beast City!

After the Sunset Kingdom returned to Stranglethorn Valley, under the advice of many councilors, a huge city was built on the border. It was originally more like a military fortress, but this is the border. Whether it is business or travel, Beast City is a shortcut.

If you take a detour, not to mention the complicated road conditions, just taking the risk to cross the jungle with many monsters will make many caravans overwhelmed.

Therefore, there are quite a few civilians in Jushou City, and it is very prosperous.

Although there is a very interesting phenomenon in Rejecting Beast City, no one dares to disturb it.

That is, the Horde and the Alliance have formed an alliance in the face of the Burning Legion.

However, Beast Rejection City had defended more than one orc attack from time to time. Both sides were very angry, and it was impossible to find out the casualties. Even if there was an alliance, there are still many orc slaves in Rejection Beast City who have not been released...

As for the tribal chiefs and even some officials of the alliance, has anyone mentioned letting go of these allies?

Naturally there are...

But the diplomats in Sunset City always say a word: "Come, come, I'll give you the paperwork, you go to the Beast City to ask for someone!"

Hmm... Whether it was some members of the alliance or the chiefs of the tribe, they sent people several times, but they didn't seem to come back. Although some people were dissatisfied, it was still nothing.

Based on this situation alone, it can be found that Jushou City is a place that eats people without spitting out their bones. The biggest strength of the entire city is naturally the military. No one dares to shake their reputation. As for other dark forces, how are they willing to fight? Harder didn't care.

Anyway, if there is money to collect... the Burning Legion is enough without delaying his defense against the former orcs.

As for His Majesty the King's coming today, the brothels, casinos, and Colosseum are all much quieter and basically closed. Although the interests of this group of people will be greatly lost, they are more afraid of annoying His Majesty the King...

In their hearts, the Dark Portal period was almost the most chaotic time in the entire Eastern Continent.

And King El Yunze was able to establish the Sunset Kingdom with a huge army at that time, but it was not a soft persimmon that anyone could bully.

Basically everyone understood that if they wanted to survive in his territory, they had to obey his rules, otherwise these forces in the dark would have been uprooted long ago and their assets confiscated.


It was also the first time for Fang Yun to come to the Beast Rejecting City in Stranglethorn Valley. The moment he walked out of the portal, he looked at the city and had to say... very good!

This city was built while fighting, and I don't know how many people and orcs died, and how much blood was stained, before the Beast Rejecting City was successfully erected here, and it successfully resisted the enemy's south.

In terms of the scale of the city wall alone, the height is enough. As for the comparison with the cliff city wall of Sunset City, even Stormwind City cannot compare.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or not. Relying on the resource reserves of Sunset City, it took a full eight years to build the Beast City. But after it was completed, they fought with the orcs for only two years before they moved to the northeast...

After all, it is too inappropriate to fight a tough battle with a city...

The tribe naturally didn't want to spend any more time, and didn't plan to seize the territory of Stranglethorn Vale. They chose other sites, but when they left, the Burning Legion reappeared.

The Beast Rejecting City at this time will become the first line of defense for the Sunset Kingdom against the Burning Legion!
The two sides have fought back and forth several times, and the casualties are not large. Generally, it is a battle between scout teams.

At most, there were no more than 10 people fighting, and it was not until last night that there was news of a [-] army approaching the border.

There is a portal in the city of Jushou City, and it is good that a few people can be teleported, but the speed of the horse-riding troops of more than [-] people is too slow. It is also because of this that Fang Yunxuan chose to open the temporary portal outside the city.

Fang Yun patted Gilhard on the shoulder while walking into the city: "How is their large army?"

"It's less than 20 kilometers away from Beast City, and we'll see it in a few hours!" Gilhard is the commander of the legion, but he's not the lord of Beast City. After all, this city was originally built as a fortress...he lives here Of the common people, few belong to the good people...

So as long as the law and order are maintained, as for other aspects... there is nothing to manage.

It is enough to collect the tax. Regarding the sanitation and environment in the city, all major forces are responsible, especially today... a group of people cleaned the bluestone slabs under their feet, wishing to scrape off a layer of skin.

Because they are afraid that His Royal Highness' boots will get muddy...

If they get into trouble, the Great Demon King Gilhard will let them know what real darkness is...

In addition to the army, there are [-] to [-] so-called civilians in the entire city, basically slave traders. Fang Yun took the army around and found nothing too much, so he found a place to live.

Because he understands... Darkness and light coexist, and Beast Rejection City is such a location close to the battlefield. These so-called traders are definitely not good goods. They may have done oppression, smashing, and looting.

But this kind of people can be found everywhere in the world. Fang Yun has no interest in taking care of a group after he kills them... because he always believes that as long as most of the human beings living in the setting sun kingdom are happy, then they will be happy. He is the king of success.

At least he... worked hard because of it!

(End of this chapter)

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