Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 504 Orochi Inheritor.

Chapter 504 Orochi Inheritor.

Jushou City has plenty of military equipment, food, grass and ammunition, because it is positioned as a defensive city, so Fang Yun and his 5000 troops can go into battle lightly, and they don't carry too many supplies. You can get enough supplies here.

For a whole morning, Fang Yun walked around the Beast Rejecting City, inspected it carefully, and found no defects, and his defense ability was very strong.

There are 50 trebuchets, 20 dwarven magic cannons, and 30 legendary heavy crossbows.

These war weapons are all capable of killing demons in seconds. Without the strength of dark gold or legend, it is impossible to resist hard. As for other scum, they are all killed in candied haws.

There are currently 26 regular legions in Rejecting Beast City.

Among them, there are 10 archer legions, that is, a total of 3 archers.

Fang Yun had never seen the spectacular scene of thousands of arrows firing at the beginning, but today, 30 years later, facing the Burning Legion at this time, it seems that he can see an even more exaggerated scene.

The rest are 8 combined legions of sword shields and gun shields, with 4000 people.

There are also 8 cavalry regiments. There is no doubt that the cavalry in Sunset City only have heavy armor and no light armor. After all, the ancient heavy armor consumes too much horsepower, it is difficult for them to form a large scale, and there is not so much money.

But in Azeroth, as long as you have money and enough resources, you can buy enough good military horses for you.


Near noon, Fang Yun flew back to the city to have a meal, and then climbed onto the city wall. At this time, there were hundreds of contractors behind him. When he saw the mighty 10 Burning Legion, there was an endless roar, one after another, Gather like thunder!

The two sides are looking at each other, and the distance is only a few thousand meters. With the strength of the Burning Legion, if they want to attack the city, they can rush under the city wall in a few minutes.

"Boss... isn't our number a little less? There are only 8 people in the Beast Rejection City, and the Burning Legion has 10. Look at those big guys, the fucking is too scary, even more exaggerated than the orcs in the tribe. "An evolutionary asked the group leader beside him in a low voice at this time.

His regiment leader was also a little confused. Seeing this unprecedented war scene, it was impossible to say that he was not afraid. He originally thought that Sunset City was very strong, very strong.

But when I saw the Burning Legion, I was not so sure... Because the cannon fodder of the Burning Legion is not too many, it seems that there are only 3, but they are not too weak, and they are agile, with nails like blades, and what is even more awesome is, These bastards can also climb the city walls.

In short, they are also a group of difficult guys.

The rest of the soldiers were mostly strong demon guards. They were all big men over two meters long, holding huge sharp blades.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's talk about the situation, there is a portal in the city, if it's a big deal, we'll retreat first!" The group leader was a little guilty, or most of the contractors were like this.

The only ones who are relatively calm are the Glory team and the Thunder God battle group. They have prepared their formations and are waiting for the arrival of the Burning Legion.


"Is there anyone going to the city to call out and scare them.

After all, it’s boring to procrastinate. Although President Sa gave us the task of delaying the military strength of Sunset City, so that they dare not draw troops and go to support Twilight Town, does he think too highly of this city established by the contractor? country? "The Burning Legion is a legion of demons of many races.

But there are too few high-IQ creatures inside, so Mr. Sa waved his hand, and the commander of the attack... all were handed over to the contractors of the ark space.

The man who spoke at this time was the commander-in-chief of the 97-strong army. He was wearing light leather armor and was thin. He didn't even have any weapons on his body, but he... After all, he was King of Fighters [-], the successor of Orochi, and his strength could be called explosive.

Others call him Horror Baqi.

Now he looked around playfully again, as if he wanted someone to go out to perform and watch a good show by the way.

Although there are hundreds of contractors and seven or eight superhumans following him, they seem to not want to provoke this kind of abnormality, but they also don't want to play heads-up under the gate, so they can only keep silent Silent.

"It's boring... ah"

"Then I'll close my eyes and point at anyone to single out, but don't move, I'll know." Baqi smiled pervertedly.

And at this time...someone still stood up after all: "Baqi, don't go too far, even if an extraordinary person goes to the city rashly, don't you really think that these guys can fight you one-on-one, after all, if you kill an extraordinary person, It can solve a lot of trouble, and they can't wait for someone to die."

"Huh, you are?" He squinted his snake-like eyes, as if wondering who would dare to talk to him like that.

"Soul of the sword, Lake with white hands!" The person who spoke just now was not timid, although his right arm was bound by some enchanted iron chains, but when he silently held the hilt of the sword, there was a sharp sword aura emanating from his body. Looking at him fearlessly, he said.

"Oh, no wonder, it turns out that you are the guy with the way of the sword, and you are really the stones in the latrine, smelly and hard.

But you seem to think that it is amazing that you can resist the shackles of ghosts and gods?

Or, is this the courage you can face up to me? "

Between the words, his voice became louder and louder, his aura became extremely terrifying, his eyes turned blood red, and the demon horse under his crotch exploded into blood mist with a bang, and disappeared without even a wail. in the whole world.

And Baqi didn't care about those details, he was suspended in the air, looking at Baishou Lake coldly, as if he was about to make a move.

However, in the face of Baqi's reaction, other extraordinary people looked at him coldly, even though he was the commander in chief here, and he was the strongest among the extraordinary people present.

But it doesn't mean that they will surrender completely. They don't want to argue with him because they dislike trouble.

It also doesn't mean that he can be unscrupulous!
"Humph, you are very good, very good, but if you don't want to go, then I'll go and have fun!" Baqi sneered, turned around and rolled away with the sound of thunder, and came under the city gate in an instant.

A group of people on the city wall didn't know why, and didn't know if this extraordinary man came to seek death. Legolas subconsciously glanced at Fang Yun, whether he should use magic cannons and legendary crossbows to attack, Fang Yun shook his head, as if wanting to see if he wanted to what to do.

As a result... everyone heard a loud laugh, followed by those extremely arrogant words.

"Which one is El Yunze?"

"Get out and die for me, you can still be a king just like you, and you are also a guy who eats soft food, if you have the ability, come out and fight!!!"

The voice was like a turbulent wave, sweeping the entire battlefield, making the contractors in the Ark Space yell at this person, is he really a madman? As long as that El Yunze is not the same madman, he will not care about him, and instead directly beat him up he.

Boss He came over at this time and said slowly: "Everyone means... there is no need to go down and fight. This person is not simple. Since he dared to come here alone, he must have a lot of means. It is enough to let them fight if they have the ability. You can't risk your life..."

The more than 300 contractors here also have to rely on Fang Yun to make a living. If he died, it would be a tragedy...

But Yaqi's loud voice, I don't know if a super loudspeaker was installed, and the sound of screaming and laughing spread throughout the battlefield.

Fang Yun's [-]th generation ancestors have been scolded by him all over, especially his arrogant posture, he really regards the golden armored warrior on the city wall as nothing.

So Boss Fang shook his head at Boss He, Ares and others, and said with a little deep meaning: "Do you want to swallow this hundred thousand troops?"

"What do you mean?" Everyone wondered.

Fang Yun smiled, walked away in the void, and the voice slowly came from the air: "Wait for me to take his head, and the whole army will attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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