Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 505 Orochi

Chapter 505 Orochi
El Yunze, the contractor who came to Azeroth, heard the rumors about him, and his ears were numb.

What single-handedly challenged Gul'dan to reverse the fall of Stormwind City by himself.

But more people think that he is a commander-in-chief and charismatic contractor, so the moment he really stepped out to face Yaqi.

I don’t know how many contractors in Ark Space are laughing. Although they also hate that Yaqi, they have to say that this guy’s strength is really super strong. The chance of killing the King of Sunset City is at least more than 90%.

"Hehe, it's coming out now. I really can't stand the scolding. I don't know how you can be a king without a city?" With a smile on the corner of Baqi's mouth, he fell to the ground with him, Slowly approach him.

"Yeah, I can't tolerate sand in my eyes. If there are ants or mosquitoes dangling around me, I can't help but want to be afraid of death." Fang Yun's eyes crossed Baqi and looked at the Burning Legion slowly approaching, as if They are very confident in this person, and plan to attack Baqi directly to reject Beast City if they plan to kill themselves.

"Ants? Mosquitoes, interesting, I like to talk to interesting people.

No need to look behind, king to king, general to general, I am the commander of this hundred thousand army, and you are the king of the setting sun.

You want to swallow me, I want to swallow you, then let's start with a life-and-death battle without interference, then it will be easy for whoever wants to swallow whose soldiers..." Baqi said indifferently, as if he didn't care at all Arkspace wins and loses.

And if he wasn't this kind of fighting lunatic, how could he become the successor of King of Fighters 97 Orochi?

"What a straight-to-the-point, I like it!"

"Then do you like my fist?" Yaqi shook his right hand, as if saying, I'm going to hit you with this hand.


There was a thunder on the ground!

When everyone heard the voice and looked over again, Baqi was already standing in Fang Yun's position just now, with his right hand clenched and stretched out...

And a figure in mid-air, with exaggerated inertia, slammed heavily on the city wall... leaving a big hole in it.

This scene made countless people exclaim, especially many extraordinary people in the ark space, who didn't even see Baqi's movements clearly.

The main reason is that Baqi is too fast, with teleportation-like speed, and the power of a dragon like an elephant, no one can think of it. His strength seems to be not that simple, and it is even more terrifying if he is not sure.

"Perhaps, he left just now not because he was afraid of us joining forces, but just... want to find an opponent who can match him?" White-handed Lake laughed at himself. They all knew that Baqi was alone and had never had a team, but his strength is so powerful.

He is always unscrupulous and has never had any scruples. His hobby is fighting, fighting non-stop until the day he dies!
Baqi stood with his hands behind his back, and did not take advantage of the victory to pursue. He raised his head proudly and scanned the people on the city wall, as if to say, should we come together.


"Hey, don't you really think I'm dead!"

As the sound came, everyone looked over and found that Fang Yun was nesting in the city wall, his body leaning forward slowly, and a small hole was smashed into the original city wall by him, but the moment he came out, he used his body abruptly, The enchanted stones that were in the way around were broken without any effort.

Seeing this scene, many contractors of the Burning Legion also gasped. This guy's strength and physique are not weak. After all, he was punched into the city wall just now, and he shouted so angryly. what harm.

And... that is Yaqi's fist, a fist with the power of darkness!
There is a saying in the World of Warcraft movie, light emerges from the darkness, and Baqi, who is full of the power of darkness in his body, can even use the super big move of the sun to shine, there is no place to reason...

"Huh? If you want to open the domain, please do so as soon as possible, otherwise your really can't face me!" Baqi looked at him who had stood up again, smiled and hooked his fingers.

Fang Yun took a deep breath, and rested his right hand on the edge of the city wall. The steel-like city wall seemed to be like mud in his hand, with a deep mark left.

Slowly stepping on the left foot, there was a loud bang, and cracks and cracks appeared on the city wall, which seemed to form a huge spider web. This situation made Gilhard have no time to feel distressed...

And the next moment!
Fang Yun's figure appeared right in front of Baqi, with a straight punch, he hammered away, not to mention whether Fang Yun was holding a weapon, the acceleration of gravity alone, and the real damage of that divine power were enough Kill a top evolutionary.

But when Baqi saw the fist, he smiled and remained motionless, as if he wanted to test how powerful his fist was.

Fang Yun didn't have time to hesitate during that time, so he just punched Baqi hundreds of meters away, rushed into the Burning Legion, smashed a path, and smashed hundreds of cannon fodder to death.

But his complexion was not very good-looking, because this punch...he didn't cause any damage!

It was like hitting a barrier, just like the protection of his thoughts just now, so Fang Yun didn't get hurt.

More because, he found a problem!
That is, after the smoke and dust passed, Baqi's figure was exposed, and the soles of his feet were still 3 centimeters from the ground. Even when he was beaten into the air, when he was talking to Fang Yun just now, his feet... never landed completely.

And this situation was only discovered by Fang Yun through the trajectory when he punched it flying.

The fine-grained control is not afraid, Fang Yun also has this ability, what is afraid of is this person's grasp of the battle, rhythm, and control, which is simply frightening.

Fang Yun didn't know if this person was his greatest opponent, and he didn't know if there was such a person in Ark Space, but there was no doubt that this person was very strong!

So strong that he had to use the freshly baked legendary top-tier weapon, the Sunset Sword!
The purple-to-black Sunset Sword is extremely slender. Just holding it in his hand, slight sword energy keeps spinning and blooming beside the sword body, causing void cracks to appear around the sword body... …

And when he took out the Sunset Sword, the transcendent in the ark space swallowed again... The power of piercing the throat all showed that they had seen a weapon like a divine weapon.

"I've used a sword, but it's still a very good sword. Could it be that you also practice kendo?" Baqi slowly floated over and looked at the sunset sword thoughtfully. He also understood that this weapon can definitely hurt He, so he will definitely not resist as hard as before.

"Kendo? No!" Fang Yun said lightly.

"Isn't this your best weapon? Don't you practice martial arts?" Baqi asked curiously, a little angrily.

There is a vague connection between Sunset Sword and Fang Yun, which is a long-standing tacit understanding of one person and one sword, and those who have knowledge of martial arts can naturally feel it.

"Sorry, I don't practice martial arts, I don't practice Taoism, I only become a god!"

"It's a pity, you have wasted this sword too much... Then let me replace you!" Baqi went crazy for some reason, and the last few words were all screamed out, because he was most annoyed by this kind of sword. Attribute guy!
So he disappeared in a flash, and with endless brilliance, he came to Fang Yun.

The sun in the sky is not as dazzling as him at this moment. I don't know how many people, at this moment, can't help but cover their eyes, for fear of being blinded by that bright light, because it is...the sun shines everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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