Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 506 Fight!

Chapter 506 Fight!
What kind of skill is sunshine?
Legendary high-level, medium-sized group attack move, which can last for 8 seconds, and the damage it produces is still dropped by a percentage. The closer it is to the caster's body, the greater the damage received.

It's like the distance between the two of them facing each other... In the eyes of others, Fang Yun is almost dead, unless he has some invincible skills, otherwise he will die.

But they really underestimated Boss Fang. He not only has invincible skills, but also time reversal. If a fatal injury occurs, the timeline will return to 3 seconds ago.

There is also a time jump, when someone attacks him, he can jump to other timelines, which can last for 10 seconds.

In short, whether it is the defensive skill of time or the offensive skill, Boss Fang can easily avoid this total.

So when everyone looked over at the same time when the strong light faded away, Boss Fang had already disappeared... It seemed as if he disappeared out of thin air, and it seemed that this world did not exist.

But they never felt that the so-called King El Yunze was killed.

Because... At this time, Baqi staggered and knelt on the ground, and no one saw him being attacked.

There was no sign that he was being attacked, but only he knew that for no reason, he felt a sharp pain in his leg and his knee was smashed!
And the corner of his mouth couldn't help bleeding.

A series of scars appeared on his body, and a huge opening was split on his neck, and blood flowed out.

There was blood oozing from the chest and even the back, as if it was pierced by a sword!
What is even more frightening is that Baqi's left arm disappeared out of thin air, but there was obviously no fight there, no sign of a fight, and other extraordinary people couldn't see the problem.

But Baqi understands... he has met a transcendent with time skills, and he has nothing to do about it. He can only hope that he can defeat him in other timelines. Don't let himself at this time suffer too much damage. up.

However, he thought too much...

Fang Yun's skill is called infinite time. He can jump out of multiple timelines and attack the enemy. Every time he attacks very suddenly, no matter how powerful and sharp Baqi is, he can't block all of them unscathed. attack!
Especially Fang Yun, who has mastered the legendary top-level sunset sword, he doesn't care who his opponent is or what defensive means he has.

Just cut it down abruptly, if you say to break your arm, it will break your arm, no matter what dataization you have, no matter what defensive skills you have, they will all be chopped into pieces...

The skill of infinite time can last for 5 seconds, and it took Boss Fang, who was shining in the sun for 3 seconds, to enter the infinite time.

But the harm he caused was beyond everyone's expectation!
Especially at the moment when he jumped out of the timeline, he still carried a majestic sword aura that could tear apart the space...

As the distorted black space cracks slowly healed, the judgment disappeared as the red-lit setting sun...

Baqi looked at Fang Yun covered in blood. He really wanted to say a word at this time, but his mouth was full of blood foam and he couldn't make a sound.

So when a line of blood suddenly appeared on his neck and his head slid to the ground, the transcendent in the ark space was completely dumbfounded...

Fang Yun looked at him silently, no matter how exaggerated the vitality of the extraordinary, he would still die after all. Unless he had some special ability, even Boss Fang would not be able to live if his head fell off.

Although... Baqi has a strong vitality, even if his head falls, he can blink his eyes twice... But if he can't go back to the killing space, that's all he can do...


The Burning Legion, without its commander suddenly, was a little at a loss, and shouted chaotically.

The transcendents in the ark space are also in a mess. At this time, they are not discussing what to do if Yaqi is dead, but how to control the Burning Legion...

But after all, many people were not appointed by Mr. Sa. Although there was a deputy commander in chief, they were stunned at this time, mainly because none of them thought that Baqi would die so quickly.

And just as they were in a mess, the east and west city gates were already wide open, and the shooter legion, whose momentum had reached its peak, came out from the east and west gates, formed a large arc, and attacked the flanks of the Burning Legion.

When their transcendents saw the archer army appearing like a golden dragon swiftly and violently on the plain, they were facing their south gate, but creaked and slowly rose.

Gilhard slowly stroked the horse's neck, a trace of war flashed in his eyes.

At the moment when the city gate was completely raised, the legs clamped the horse's belly, and the legendary war horse under him rushed out like an arrow from the string.

And the cavalry lined up behind him were all like this, rushing out like crazy!

"The little devil stepped forward to stand up, the demon guards formed a battle formation!!" A transcendent shouted desperately on a horse.

But the distance between the two was too close, less than 800 meters away. They always thought that Fang Yun would lose, and only wanted to win the city. They seemed to have forgotten the magic robes and trebuchets on the city wall!

and so……

With the cavalry shooters on the left and right sides, all arrived at the designated position at the moment.

The moment when Queldo's heavy armored cavalry rushed out.

The 30 magic robes exploded together and roared!
There was a loud "bang", as if thousands of cannons fired again, and dozens of bright lights burst out on the city wall.

And in the next second, huge blue fireballs were set off in the entire camp of the Burning Legion. Facing such a powerful magic cannon, no character in the plot could stop it!
A little ghost cannon fodder, facing such a huge magic shock wave, really turned into bursts of fly ash, and a huge crater appeared on the ground as if hit by a meteorite...

As for the so-called demon guards, as long as they are within 30 meters of the center of the explosion, they are basically immortal or disabled, and their arms and legs are all reduced to ashes...

And the contractors in the ark space are also desperately deploying defensive methods, but in the end, these 30 magic cannons easily fall into the battle formation. After all, the speed of the magic robe is too fast and the power is still great. Dare to die and stand in front.

Thousands of people were lost in a single attack!

Everyone's faces are not very good-looking...

But the magic cannon has a long cooldown, so they won't worry too much!
As for the flame throwing stones that appeared again in the sky, many extraordinary people dismissed them a little bit, and relied on their own abilities to blow them up in the air.

But... I don't know which dwarf genius it is!

There is actually a lot of black powder hidden in the big stone, and then the stone is closed with magic. This kind of thing will explode only when it comes into contact with the pressure. That is, when it hits the ground, it will not only kill many people, but also produce an explosion...

So the next moment, they were stunned...

More than a dozen huge flame throwing stones were blown up, really exploded completely, and directly turned into a ball of flames in the air, and the exaggerated broken stones directly used their strong inertia to drill how many little ghost cannon fodder into blood holes... …

As for the catapults that fell into the battle formation, they were completely blooming in all directions, and blood mist burst out from the entire battlefield...

"Meet the enemy, meet the enemy, don't fucking worry about throwing stones, the cavalry is coming!" The deputy commander's voice was almost broken, and the Burning Legion, whose formation was disrupted, was relieved, but it was too late.

As for why?
Because... If someone looks down from high in the sky, they can find that the cavalry at the city gate have won the opportunity to form a triangular battle formation during the time of heavy artillery fire just now!
And with Sunset City's trump card, that is, the Quel'Dorei Legion, leading the battle, they lined up in turn, and the number of heavy armored cavalry, as many as 4000, gathered together densely, but in an orderly manner, which can be called a model among the cavalry !
In particular, everyone is wearing heavy armor that glitters with golden light. It is completely conceivable that they all run, and the impact caused by them, no matter how strong the opponent is, they can still exert crushing lethality.

What's more... not far from the two wings of the Burning Legion, there are also two golden dragons. They are archers riding on horses. They draw their bowstrings with all their strength, like a full moon!

The moment the 'whoosh whoosh' sound appears!
I don't know how many people swallowed their saliva...

Just look...the arrows in the sky are overwhelming!
Although it has not yet fallen, it is carrying the momentum of a violent storm.


That's when...

Fang Yun held the long sword in his right hand, stood alone in front of the cavalry, and shouted coldly: "Kill!"

All the heavy armored cavalry who were waiting, "swish, swish, swish" raised their short spears high at the same time, bursting out with earth-shattering roars.

The sound of killing echoed in the world!
Then... the contractors in the ark space saw the thunderous cavalry rushing in!


The contractors of Killing Floor did not ride horses!
They couldn't explode faster that way, they could explode faster just by running, so they followed behind the two MTs of Satan's team!

As for Fang Yun holding the Sunset Sword with one hand, he looked up at the arrow that was about to fall, as if he was looking for the right timing...

The moment he saw the arrow was about to hit the ground!
The originally motionless body suddenly disappeared, and a puff of mist appeared on the spot.

But someone saw it... His whole body turned into a rainbow light, and he had already rushed into the Burning Legion. The people standing on the city wall only saw that the great light passed thousands of meters in a short period of time, one after another The blood mist also appeared directly...

They can completely see that the little devil's cannon fodder, together with the demon guards, were blown away or crushed by the rainbow light. This is the power of speed. The cloud can demonstrate this unparalleled lethality.


And the contractor team with Ares and Hanks suppressing the charge speed is not so fast... because they still have to wait.

Wait until you get close to the Burning Legion...

The moment the arrow rain fell.

Endless arrows fell one after another, leaving only screams, and one after another magic flew into the sky, blocking the endless rain of arrows...

In fact, what was even more frustrating was the [-] heavy silver short guns.

When they cross the sky, it seems that the wind is howling, and it seems that the dragon is roaring!

It seemed that a dozen silver dragons smashed heavily into the battle formation.

Under the four-layer attack of magic robe, trebuchet, arrow rain, and short spear throwing!

At least more than [-] enemies were completely killed, and countless enemies were severely disabled.

Victory Balance seems to have come to Fang Yun's side at the moment of Baqi's death, not because they were weak or unprepared.

It is Sunset City, which has been in business for 30 years, and with the support of the elves, dwarves, Gandalf and others in the entire Middle-earth world, it is really strong...

But... Although the Burning Legion has suffered heavy losses, their strength is not long-distance, but... the upcoming handover of soldiers!
(End of this chapter)

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