Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 507 The collision between the golden cavalry and the black ocean!

Chapter 507 The collision between the golden cavalry and the black ocean!
The reason why Boss Fang dared to wreak havoc in the enemy camp... After all, he still has too much divinity, and his defense power has skyrocketed!
Plus the ability to add legendary king titles.

As long as there are tens of thousands of soldiers around him, some strength will be added to him. Of course, existences of his level will basically not increase attributes, but if Fang Yun's blood volume is revealed, the contractor of the Ark Space You will understand why he dared to fight Baqi.

After all... that's more than 8 life points!

This is not in Sunset City, if in Sunset City and World Tree's domain, he can superimpose more than 10 lives, except for detonating his head, cutting off his head, the rest of the damage is completely... a piece of cake, even defense There is no need to guard against it.

He couldn't even break his own mind power protection, so this is why he dared to fight to the death.


Although the Burning Legion was smashed into a mess by three waves of attacks, it was not completely disabled. At this time, there were at least 6 intact demon guards.

There are three sharp long horns on their heads, and their muscular upper bodies are exposed. It seems that with their roars, they can see their chests rising and falling.

Although they don't have upper body armor, it doesn't mean they don't have it elsewhere!

Both arms are completely wrapped in armor full of evil energy, wearing a pair of combat boots connected to the waist, every time you take a step forward, you can't wait to step on a big hole.

Each of them is holding a heavy sword-like weapon, more than one meter long, with a cold light, and it can be seen that these weapons are not only heavy, but also full of sharpness.

An extraordinary person stood in front of them. The moment he saw the setting sun cavalry rushing menacingly, he immediately yelled: "Demons, go berserk, hack them to death!"


With a roar, the demon guard ran crazily, ignoring the cannon fodder of the little devils in front of him, and directly flew them away, rushing over with blood in his eyes!


There is no doubt that these guys want to collide with the sunset heavy cavalry!

And this collision will also determine the outcome of the two sides. If the setting sun cavalry can't collide with these demons, the cavalry behind them will definitely not be able to stop their speed directly, and will definitely hit the brothers in front. Those [-] cavalry, After stacking and bumping, the speed stopped, and he was really about to die here.

Therefore, the vanguard must show unparalleled strength!
As for the hundreds of contractors in front of the vanguard, they had to repel the enemy contractors in one fell swoop.

And this is the so-called... The war mode is one wave, if you want to fight slowly, only siege warfare is possible. As for other situations, especially the situation with cavalry, it is often a battle between life and death.

Ares and Hanks rushed to the forefront, followed by Boss He and others. Everyone's breathing was extremely heavy, and the two sides were about to collide!
Especially some evolutionaries, seeing the enemy's eyes full of killing intent at this time, finally understand that this is an endless war, and being a deserter may be a matter of dying a little later, but what if you really win? , Maybe Killing Floor will give a lot of rewards.

The moment when the tens of thousands of black soldiers on the plain collided with the golden soldiers of Jushou City.

The collision of domains has begun first!

"Go away, feel the gravity, idiots!" Hanks slashed with his sword suddenly, the exaggerated epic long sword, carrying sword energy, broke a bloody path, and his limbs flew...

As for the exaggerated gravity field, because of the absorption of divinity, it now has an area of ​​200 meters square!

And everyone's domain can distinguish enemy troops from friendly troops, so others are also releasing one after another.

Hanks knew that the cavalry needed to break through their formation and directly turn on the strongest 35 times gravity. At that moment, many demon guards knelt heavily on the ground, and many contractors almost fell down!
But the collision of domains distorted the space, and the enemy's purgatory killing array made the space blood red!
The thunder field opened by Leifa filled the battlefield with thunder rolling around, the sky was filled with black clouds, and lightning struck down from time to time.

Before the cavalry collided with it, Ares decisively opened the defense field, which can add a strong defense force to all friendly forces...

So many fields collided together, almost turning the 1000 square meter battlefield into chaos!

Cracks in space appeared and then disappeared... Some cavalrymen accidentally bumped into them, and they were split into two halves in the air, with blood and viscera falling to the ground one after another... This kind of situation didn't just happen to the sunset cavalry.

It also appears within the Burning Legion.

And when they collided completely, Fang Yun's time domain... finally bloomed!

And this kind of god-level domain... can be called a crushing trend, within a full 1000 square meters, it is all within the scope of Fang Yun's domain.

Many contractors in Killing Space, as well as those plot characters, saw that group of behemoths, they became so slow, and even those extraordinary, evolutionary, and contractors did so one after another... and they still don't know...

In their consciousness, they just think, these guys...why are they getting so much faster?


Under such circumstances, the Quel'dorei heavy cavalry, like a ferocious golden dragon, with indomitable power, fiercely tore through the black line of defense of the Burning Legion, and one after another the demon guards were overturned by the horses.

One enemy after another was pierced by the golden spear!

An evolutionary of the enemy died under the raging horseshoe!
No one saw Fang Yun at this time... But he was motionless, his eyes were bloodshot, and his whole body was trembling... The scope of the field can be so wide, but there is only one enemy in the field and [-] enemies are different.

The slow time that could have lasted for hundreds of seconds, but after only 30 seconds, Fang Yun spat out a mouthful of blood and nearly fell to his knees on the battlefield...

But at this time, he had already done it. He completed the most difficult first charge of the cavalry. In just 30 seconds, it undoubtedly brought at least thousands of vanguard soldiers to the Burning Legion.

A cavalryman in golden armor beside him, with a whistling sound, quickly bypassed Fang Yun. They rushed over with fearless courage, no matter whether it was life or death in front of them...

The battlefield is tragic...

Even an extraordinary person can't stop the sunset cavalry's charge...

Only the equivalent demon guard...

Because as the cavalry rushed into the battle formation, without the protection of the time domain, they really felt the horror of those guys!
A number of golden cavalrymen were chopped off by the exaggerated giant sword, and even the horses were shot into a pool of rotten meat.

There are also some super demon guards who are nearly [-] meters tall, not afraid of those heavy war horses at all, and directly wave a huge mace, hitting the horse's head heavily, smashing the horse's head directly, and causing the cavalry to fall to the ground ...

The weight of more than 300 kilograms is even more perverted than an orc...

But the Sunset Cavalry is after all veterans who have fought against the orcs for many years... According to the situation that other legions should be defeated, they fought more and more fiercely!

only because……

Their Majesty the King is on his feet again!

And he also came to the forefront of the cavalry. Maybe many people couldn't see him, but they could see the shining sunset sword. Although their king was not humble, he kept wielding the sword to kill the enemy.

Those blood blooming in the air, those flying heads are their confidence and their glory!

The contractor of the ark space thought that the sunset cavalry would be dragged to death on the battlefield...

But at the moment when a cavalryman fell from his horse and was surrounded by demons, and was about to fight to the death, the young soldier, with the belief that death was not alive, pulled out the long sword at his waist and rushed towards the demon guards. At the same time shouted: "For the glory of the king!"

"For our homeland!" A legendary warrior wielding a long spear like a dragon and a god leaped high and smashed the head of an evolutionary viciously, shouting likewise!

"For Sunset City!"

"Fight for the king!!!" This voice spread like a sea wave, when Jushou City and the battlefield shouted this sentence together...

The sound of pain and wailing, the sound of weapons clashing, and the sound of heavy horseshoes all disappeared... All that remained was the endless glory and blood.

And the mighty golden cavalry, like solid rocks in the black sea, pierced through the Burning Legion fiercely!
(End of this chapter)

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