Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 508 Bloody Battle

Chapter 508 Bloody Battle

At this time, not only the Beast Repelling City was fighting, but also the Twilight Town was slowly attacking fortified battles. Although the casualties were not small, they were the least in comparison.

Because the Burning Legion that was going to attack Scorching Canyon and Loch Modan originally had 10 people each.

As a result, when the war started, Loch Modan's [-] demons actually opened a huge portal.

Teleporting to Scorching Canyon in one fell swoop, they directly captured Scorching Canyon with a crowd of 20 demons, and the tribe lost at least 5 orcs. Although relying on their strength, they also took away at least 6 Burning Legion.

But if the dwarves from Ironforge hadn't come to help them evacuate, there would have been more casualties.

But in this way, Scorching Canyon, Burning Plains, and Desolate Land are all the territories of the Burning Legion. The battlefield is divided into two parts, with Ironforge and the Horde in the north.

Stormwind City and Sunset City are in the south. If you really want to support other allies, apart from opening up the Scorching Canyon, you can only go by sea.


Fang Yun didn't know if he had done something wrong. These grandsons obviously planned to delay the time and not let the Alliance know their plan, so the plan of the Burning Legion to attack the Beast City was fake, at most it was a harassing attack .

It's a pity that Mr. Sa found the wrong commander. That Baqi attracted the entire army and kept moving forward, making Fang Yun unable to understand what they meant.

What's more, after killing Baqi, Fang Yun believes that this is the best chance to defeat the Burning Legion...

"But what the hell is that!" He stood blankly in this battlefield full of countless corpses. Not a single Burning Legion with a 10 army was left. Sunset troopers?
There are a total of 4000 heavy cavalry, all wearing golden suits. Each of them is very strong, but how many people are left?
Less than 3000 people! ! !

The Quel'Dorei Legion was wiped out. At this time, there were only more than 300 veterans left. The deputy head was dead. If the head of the group, Gilhard, was not strong enough, he would not have survived.

But his legs were severed, and he was transported back to Sunset City to recuperate. Before leaving, Fang Yun saw his lifeless eyes and looked at those The corpse yelled and made them stand up, not knowing what to say.

He just stood there blankly, the archers were very powerful, but those cannon fodder kids had no fear, they ran fast, and they chased the horses in groups, pulling those archers down with all their strength, biting or scratching them alive die.

The 10-strong Burning Legion is gone, but the nearly 6-strong Sunset Legion is also completely dead on this battlefield.

If it weren't for the Shield Fighting Legion going out of the city at a critical time for the final fight, it would not be certain who would win and who would lose.

To say that defeating 6 Burning Legion with 10 people is already a very good result, but... Fang Yun is not reconciled, he is very unwilling.

Legolas stood silently behind him, wiping his short sword. His armor was heavily scarred. In the end, even he had to engage in melee combat, mainly to protect Fang Yun, who had gone mad, for fear that something might happen to him.

None of the 20 legendary low-level elf guards had long since collapsed on this battlefield, and they all died for Fang Yun.

"Order, collect all the armor and send the corpse back to Sunset City for burial!"

"I ordered that part of the soldiers of the remaining heavy armored cavalry regiment be removed and re-form the Quel'dorei regiment. The ace cavalry must not be lost. We still have a lot of Quel'dorei war horses, and there are 300 veterans. Their military spirits are still there. !"

"Order, Sunset City is about to start a full-scale war. Conscript all nobles and private troops, and you can give them some benefits, but if you want to speak loudly, or resist. Kill without mercy!"

"Order, all idle adult men must undergo military training from now on and wait for conscription at any time!" At this point, Fang Yun took a deep breath of bloody air and sat down on the body of a certain demon I really don't want to move at all.

Legolas also sighed when he finally let go of the tense body, but still nodded clearly.

Looking at Fang Yun's attitude, Legolas also understood that this was sending him a message, asking him to tell the elf kings and the dwarf king Sorin that it is impossible for your soldiers to just guard Sunset City. Must go out.

After all, when you see this land, you will understand. Where the Burning Legion has passed, the blood with evil energy has been completely polluted the earth. It is estimated that there will be no grass in a few years. If they are allowed to fight all the way to Sunset City, what Too bad the whole world is completely polluted.

Although he didn't want to see the same clan go to the battlefield again, but... Fang Yun's general situation has been established, and no one in Sunset City dares to refute his order.

And his attitude was clear, and the three elf kings couldn't refuse, after all, the tragic situation of the entire battlefield had been conveyed back by the magic mirror.

Gandalf and the others should have seen it too. When they understand that the Burning Legion is not a simple enemy like the Horde, they should understand that it is time to take action against a guy with such terrifying strength, instead of blindly guarding the city.

Even without Fang Yun's order, maybe the elf kings will lead the army in person!
After all, the elven kings in Middle-earth often fight. They have long been accustomed to war. Even if they don't go to the battlefield for more than ten years, it's just a few days of their endless lifespan...


If a person is not dead, he must continue to live. Many soldiers with physical disabilities were sent back to Sunset City. After all, the water of life has the ability to regenerate limbs.

After Gandalf's years of pharmaceutical experience, he has come up with a formula that can use a small amount of water of life to make potions for restoring broken limbs.

Sunset City has been fighting for years, and there are many such medicines, which are enough to completely recover the remaining disabled.

The main reason is that the Burning Legion is too powerful. Otherwise, the number of disabled people will be more, and the number of dead people will be less. Their combat power will recover faster.

As for the soldiers who have recovered their combat power, there is no doubt whether they will continue to go to the battlefield!

After all...their king hasn't left yet, how could the soldiers leave?

"None of the evolutionaries and contractors in the ark space were left, and they all died... As for the seven or eight extraordinary people, three died and four escaped..." Ares looked at the huge battlefield, but he didn't know What will happen next.

After all, they haven't fully figured out the number of the Burning Legion. It must be a very difficult bloody battle!

"Then how many evolutionaries did we lose?"

"More than 50, none of the extraordinary ones died... After all, the space contractors of the ark mainly died under your time domain. In just 30 seconds, we shot with all our strength and directly made them kneel on the battlefield!"

"Well... I will go back to Sunset City first. I have a lot of divinity, but I am afraid of accidents. I will ask my teacher..." Fang Yun left, but when he came back, he would bring more many soldiers...

He wanted to make the Burning Legion understand a truth.

When all the ace troops in Sunset City gather, no matter who the enemy is, they can't stop him from advancing!

No matter who the enemy is.

All will fall under his torrent of steel.

He doesn't want to defend the city, he just wants to fight the Burning Legion in blood!
(End of this chapter)

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