Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 509: The Key to Becoming a God!

Chapter 509: The Key to Becoming a God!
Fang Yun left the battlefield where the corpses were strewn all over the place, and returned to Rejecting Beast City.

At this time, there are thousands of soldiers and more than 2 civilians on the battlefield. They are cleaning up these corpses, mainly to prevent the plague from rotting in the revenge corpses. More importantly, some equipment still needs to be recycled.

The armor worn by the demon guard is also very good. If it is rebuilt, it can extract a lot of essence.

He didn't ask who killed those transcendental beings or who got the divinity. He just wanted to know at this moment whether he could become a god to change this situation.

The strength of the Burning Legion is too terrifying, they have the ability to change the situation in Azeroth!
If it weren't for the fact that his time domain is very powerful and able to change the speed of time on a large scale, it must have ended differently.

He returned to Sunset City with Legolas, and there were still more than 1 soldiers and 285 contractors left in Beast City.

The rest of Satan's team is currently in charge of the situation in the beast city.

After returning to Sunset City from the portal, the original happy and cheerful scene has disappeared, because the bodies of soldiers who died in the battle have been brought back, and many soldiers' families live in Sunset City.

At this time, many old people were pulling children, or some young girls were crying and looking at the corpses that were taken away on the road. The soldiers who died in battle would be buried collectively.

Since they were killed by demons, the corpses may be contaminated with fel energy, which cannot allow them to come into contact with each other who are separated from life and death.

The corpse must be purified by the Holy Light before it can be completely buried in the mausoleum.

Seeing such a bleak scene, Fang Yun slowly clenched his fists. Although the way of defending the city would not cause soldiers to die in large numbers, and could even defeat them more easily, they are not stupid, so they will definitely take a detour or even continue to fight. pollute the land.

Once the land is polluted by evil energy, there will be less and less territory for people to survive, and a face-to-face decisive battle will eventually be required.

So Fang Yun still decided to take the initiative to attack, but he cannot handle the initiative alone. He must find his ally, Stormwind City!

"You're here!" Gandalf was wearing a snow-white magic robe at this time. He was originally calm, but now he was violent. A trace of magic elements emanated from his body, which surprised Fang Yun. After a closer look, I found out...

"Teacher, you have broken through to the top level of legend?" Boss Fang couldn't help being surprised. After all, only when you have just broken through can you lose control of the magical elements in your body, otherwise when will Gandalf have such a situation.

The smiling Gandalf stroked his beard: "Yeah, after all, I'm on the top floor of the magic tower, and I'm still under the world tree. The magic elements are going to turn into springs, and I'm better at understanding the rules of the world. If I don't Breakthrough, don't you want to bury my talent?"

"Oh...hehehe" Fang Yun smiled awkwardly.

Gandalf's old face darkened: "What kind of attitude do you have..."

"No, no... I just want to ask. At this time, my divinity is almost enough, and there will be 100 pieces soon, but should I directly integrate it into my body and become a god directly, but I always feel a little uneasy what."

Fang Yun frowned, and took out the 30 gods that Baqi exploded. This guy is very powerful. According to the number of gods he exploded, there are at least 90.

But it stands to reason that if this guy really wants to become a god, he can explode enough divinity to make him a god by killing a friendly Transcendent casually, and with his personality, he can definitely do it, but why didn't he In doing so, does he also feel the uneasiness of becoming a god?

"Become a god..." Gandalf looked at him leisurely, but he didn't expect his disciple to be one step ahead of him. According to the strength of the plot characters, as long as they exceed 80 divinity coins, they can reach the legendary top-level plot characters.

Although it is not so easy for them to become gods, they will not be afraid.

Because the divinity in the body of many plot characters is cultivated one by one by oneself, not like a transcendent, they are all snatched out, so the strength of the plot characters is also stronger.

After all, they take one step at a time, and if they want to become gods, the later divinity becomes more and more difficult to cultivate, but if they really accumulate 100 divinity coins, it will come naturally, and they will not feel afraid of becoming gods.

But the contractors are different. They have changed from baby toddler to running, and finally they fly when they are running.

Fang Yun didn't comprehend the so-called rules of heaven and earth at all. He had eaten up a lot of divinity, and when he reached the critical moment of becoming a god, he would naturally feel that restriction!

The limit of death upon becoming a god seems to feel that his body is about to collapse, be torn apart, and completely plunged into darkness, that dark will tells him!
You do not deserve.

Not fit to be a god.

How can this feeling make Fang Yun dare to swallow this mouthful of divinity?
And this situation is mainly because they... belong to the weapons created by the space, the weapons that compete for the origin of the world, and the space is for their own benefit.

It is possible to seize the origin of the living planet and use it to enhance their attributes and divinity, so that they can reach the sky step by step and become stronger and stronger. It seems that there is no limit to how strong they are, but is this way of boosting the growth of seedlings really good?
Perhaps it wasn't until the moment when a transcendent person was about to become a god...becoming a real god, that he fully understood that the so-called space was the most cheating existence in history!

Because when they become gods, they will face the rules of the multiverse, but in the face of the temptation to become gods, there are a few people who put the divinity in their hands and don't take a gamble. The talents of extraordinary people are very good, otherwise They have not grown up to the present, and they have come to the present step by step with their firm will. It is more uncomfortable to let them give up becoming gods than to kill them.

So many extraordinary people died inexplicably...

As for whether space has the ability to create gods?That is impossible!

Because space is also part of the multiverse.

Even the top-level Killing Space, at this moment, cannot fail to interfere with it.

Gandalf was a little speechless, but in the end he said slowly: "Decades... you have grown up to this point, your potential is very strong, and you already have a lot of divinity at this time, if you endure it, endure it again For decades, it is possible that there is no one who can reach the sky in one step..."

"It's impossible, waiting for decades? Azeroth has been wiped out. The Sargeras clone of the Burning Legion must belong to the existence of gods, and there are so many of them..." Fang Yun retorted.

"But don't forget, you are not the only one who is fighting against the Burning Legion. Don't think that becoming a god means you are immortal. Oh, you are in the time domain... But you must also understand that it is not yet time, and it is not yet time. It's a life-and-death situation!" Gandalf didn't want his disciple to die like this, so he couldn't help persuading him.

The two stared at each other for an unknown amount of time, and Fang Yun and Gandalf sat on the edge of the platform, with the Sunset Mountains at their feet.

One old and one young were smoking pipes, Fang Yun blew out a smoke ring, took down the pipe with his right hand, looked at Sunset City at the foot of the mountain without knowing when, and said slowly: "Teacher... don't tell me you really haven't become a god?" Is there a way?
I don't want to watch them die...

I don't want to see those old people with tear-stained faces, chasing the carriage pulling the dead body with crutches and falling down, just to see the last look of their dead son...

I don't want those children who haven't grown up to be like me, uneducated and cared for. If they are bullied, they can only fight back by themselves, and if they are scolded, they can only scold them back even more viciously!
I look very strong... and the so-called strong is just because I don't want people... to know that I am really weak in my heart.

I may still have relatives, but they are elf kings who are aloof and have lived for thousands of years. They don't understand my feeling!

I can't find my parents, maybe they died somewhere, and they never showed up...

So far, you are the only one who can take care of me.

Teacher, you have seen many lives and deaths...

And I am not afraid of death!

So tell me, the way to reduce risks and become a god, I want to take another gamble. In just a few decades of life, my journey is already very exciting. The greatest glory of my life is to build Sunset City. I don’t want to Seeing them die because of my own hesitation...


Now let me go to hell in the most wonderful way...

Or with glory... to the end! "

Fang Yun stood up at this moment, staring at Gandalf intently.

The old man whose gaze was originally as deep as the sea closed his eyes tightly at this moment, his lips moved slightly, and he didn't know what he said...

As for Fang Yun, who left, he didn't seem to see the sparkle in the old man's eyes...

 --.What is the subject of the next book?

  Positioning science fiction!

  Do you want to write an infinite stream? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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