Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 510 Fusion World Tree

Chapter 510 Fusion World Tree

As he expected, the safer key to becoming a god is the World Tree.

But he never expected that if he wanted to become a god, he could still break through for a year or so. In other words, Gandalf was afraid that after his soul merged with the world tree, he might fall asleep forever, so he said a little more Time to confirm whether he is really alive.

But even if Fang Yun knew this, he had to make up his mind to become a god immediately!

So the original plan to join forces with Stormwind City to counterattack also disappeared.

But defending the city is not a problem for the Sunset Legion.


Several members of Satan's team gathered in a tree house on the top of the tree. Looking into the distance, there was a sea of ​​clouds. Boss Fang could see such a luxurious and spectacular scene every day, and this was his tree house alone... …

There is no palace in Sunset City, but people who can live on the World Tree, if you let him live in a so-called palace, they will not be willing.

At the beginning, Fang Yun said that it would be awesome if hundreds of legendary plot characters lived on the World Tree, and this sentence has finally come true now.

There are nearly 1000 characters in the first-level plot characters of the legend of Sunset City, and there are more than 30 people in the middle-level legend.

Only with this kind of strength, Fang Yun would have the intention to actively attack the Burning Legion.

And he dared to become a god during the war, but he was not worried about the stability of Sunset City, and it was also because of these capitals.

Five people drank wine, and when Boss Fang revealed his purpose, they were a little dumbfounded...

" this becoming a god?" Poker looked at Fang Yun speechlessly, he is still an evolutionary, okay?

"You know, a handsome man like me who can grow up so fast is naturally unique, so don't be envious..." Boss Fang pretended to be relaxed.

Several people raised their middle fingers together. Although they wondered why it took him so long to become a god, they also expressed that they would definitely take care of Sunset City, and Fang Yun never told them the danger of becoming a god.


The road to condense the godhead is very long, especially the time godhead!

If this kind of god-level godhead wants to be easily condensed, at least it needs to understand the rules of time. What is divinity?
That is the realization of the rules, let the rules integrate into your body, Fang Yun has a lot of divinity, and they are all robbed...or it is the flawless divinity collected by World Tree.

Then these things just blended into it, but it's a pity that he didn't understand the meaning of divinity at all, and he didn't understand those time rules at all!
Even though the rules are in his body, he doesn't know anything about it, it's all imposed on him by the space.

It's like the ancient one who didn't use the time gem to kill the enemy at a thousand times the speed of time, turning him into a pile of bones or even fly ash in an instant.

As for Fang Yun?
Holding the time gem, he can use slow time or speed up time, at most only a few dozen times, and this is the gap in understanding of the rules of heaven and earth.

If he wants to truly condense the time divinity, he must thoroughly understand the time rules contained in the divinity in his body within an extreme time.

If he doesn't merge with the world tree, and relies on his own soul to understand the rules of time at the moment of becoming a god, he can only lose his soul and die.

But the world tree is a bug. When he was just born, he could completely fuse his soul with Fang Yun. At the beginning, Fang Yun almost fell into it. He felt that everything within a radius of [-] meters could be controlled. Incitement, the drop of a needle, he could easily smell it.

If it wasn't for the fact that the world tree wasn't so huge back then, and the soul wasn't too strong to make people outrageous, he would have finished the game long ago...

It wasn't that the World Tree wanted to harm him, it was just that his soul was just a drop of water in the ocean of souls of the World couldn't make any waves.

And from then on, from the beginning to the end, even if Gul'dan attacked, Fang Yun did not dare to integrate into the soul of the World Tree, just because he was afraid that he would not be able to go back to the beginning and completely fell into it.

But now, I have to do it!

"I've made all the arrangements that should be done, and I'll try my best to defend the Beast City, after all, it belongs to the first front, so how long it can last is as long as possible.

When I'm not around, the Beast City will arrange at least 3 ace legions, Thranduil and Legolas and his son will be there to control the overall situation, and the same is true for the contractors.

But what about can go if you want, or stay in Sunset City if you don't want to go, make friends with girls, drink and play.

No matter how powerful the Burning Legion is, it will take a long time to break into Sunset City! "Fang Yun said to Ares and others at this time.

This sentence is a bit ambiguous, as if it is explaining the funeral...

But even if Hanks and the others think that there is something wrong with Fang Yun becoming a god, they can understand it by looking at his eyes.

He has already made up his mind, and it is not good for people like himself to say anything, so he can only pat him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, we will definitely be able to defend the Beast City. The Burning Legion suddenly wiped out 10 troops there, and they are still dead After losing so many evolutionaries and superhumans, it must be very distressing.

They will certainly not be the first to start the war if they are not foolproof. "

"Well, I know, these guys cut off the road between us, the dwarves and the Horde, and that's why they want to destroy the Horde and Ironforge first.

However, we can also go to support through the portal, which is not a big problem. As for when I am away, Gandalf will come forward to preside over the overall situation.

I believe that with him here, there will be no problem with the war in Sunset City. "Fang Yun reassured them. After all, Gandalf has fought in the world of Lord of the Rings for thousands of years, and his experience points have already been maxed out. All kinds of conspiracy and routines are completely ignored. Whoever can win depends on his own strength .

"Okay, I won't say more. This tree house will be locked from the inside in the future, and no one can get in. Maybe the moment I go out is the time for us to completely counterattack!" Fang Yun said this sentence If so, send away a few people...

Then he closed the door and sat on the bed blankly without saying a word.

It wasn't until dark that he stood up slowly, his eyes filled with bright brilliance: "It's time to become a god, 100 gods are nothing, if you want to come, there will be a big scene!"

Let him swallow a full 30 divinity pieces. At that moment, Fang Yun, who had 126 divinity pieces in his body, seemed to start to distort his body, his limbs seemed to be degenerating, and they seemed to be evolving. The whole person didn’t seem to exist. The world is the same, in a trance, making people see it unreal.

And at this moment... the floor under his feet was originally made up of the world tree, but suddenly a huge opening was opened, and he was integrated into it, as if he had fallen into endless darkness, but the infinite vitality kept pouring in. his body.

As for Fang Yun's soul, at the moment it was forgotten by time, it was completely integrated into the soul ocean of World Tree.

A radius of 100 million cubic meters!
All are within the shroud of World Tree's soul, and at that moment, Fang Yun also thoroughly felt the endless and huge soul power, and felt more clearly the meaning of the time rules in his body.

"Then, let's get started... Help me condense my godhead at the moment before my soul disappears, you know? Big guy!" Fang Yun was communicating with the soul of World Tree.

And World Tree also told him consciously: "During this time, my soul domain, life breath, and magic element domain will all shrink, in this way to provide you with powerful soul power, so hurry up...

Otherwise, your soul will only become weaker and weaker with the passage of time, even if I can replenish your soul energy, it will only make your consciousness less and less in the end, and you will become a walking dead..."

"Well, remember to help me convey information about the situation of the war every day, maybe this thing can make me sober!" Fang Yun is now feeling the rules of time, but he can clearly talk to World Tree. This feeling is really incomparable wonderful.

"Okay, do you want me to pass you something else?"


"Every day when the sun goes down, there are a lot of human beings who say 'hmm', 'ah', 'ah', and 'don't'... I'm so curious!"

"Cough cough cough...forget it!" Boss Fang, who was in a soul state, turned dark.

"Oh, okay!"

"But it takes so long to become a god... If you learn like me, you can call me twice..."

(End of this chapter)

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