Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 511 Time and Battle Situation

Chapter 511 Time and Battle Situation

Fang Yun still knows too little about World Tree.

When he grows into an extraordinary person and possesses divinity, he can truly feel that the soul of the world tree is not only huge, but also has some rules of realization in its body, or it is growing and perfecting. rule.

It seems that over time, these rules will gradually become perfect!

What is the world tree? It can be said that it is a miniaturized world and turned into a tree.

how tall can it grow
I can't say an exact value. In short, people who are not strong enough, if they want to live on the top of the tree in the future, they will definitely suffer from lack of oxygen, and even be frozen to death...Anyway, they will be able to come to outer space by a tiny bit of distance.


Feeling the endless rules of time, Fang Yun would have been lost in the long river of time without a strong soul.

In fact, according to Gandalf's thinking, he didn't dare to imagine the rule of time. It is a rule that almost no one can understand, and sooner or later he will die!

But he didn't know...Boss Fang has a time gem!

The time gem has been integrated into the time domain, but it does not mean that it has disappeared. Fang Yun can clearly feel that the time gem is in the body at this time, and the 126 gods, revolving around the time gem, seem to be getting more and more close, but the Time Stone just won't let them post it.

Boss Fang always feels that the Time Gem is despising these divinities... he feels that they are not pure enough!
"MD, is this time gem taking up my godhead position?" Boss Fang couldn't help cursing inwardly at this moment, but the time gem was unconscious, just floating there alone, as if waiting for someone who could really control him.

"Come, come, let's see Lao Tzu comprehend the rules of you scumbags with a god-like soul!" Fang Yun is like a huge super sponge, absorbing the time gem and divinity crazily and quickly. time rules above.

Almost in a short period of time, the effects of Fang Yun's time skills can be doubled!
And these rules are just a tiny bit of time rules!


The Sunset Kingdom recruited soldiers on a large scale, but it didn't cause any resentment. After all, they had a large population and few soldiers. Many young people who wanted to join the army were rejected and had no chance at all, so the conscription was easy!

So within a month!
The military strength of the entire kingdom has almost exceeded the original 15, and reached 20 troops. It was not until then that the speed of recruiting slowed down, but it never stopped.

In fact, not only here, major cities such as Stormwind City and Ironforge are also expanding the number of recruits, and batch after batch of recruits are on the training ground, because the number of Burning Legion seems to have no bottom line, it is difficult to determine How many of them are there.

Those little devil cannon fodder are really cannon fodder. Thousands of them are sent out every day, bypassing the city wall, to harass the residents in those territories, causing many places to be polluted by evil energy, making people miserable.

Otherwise, there are enough cavalry in Sunset City, and they really can't stand this kind of suicide sabotage attack.

As Fang Yun said, the Burning Legion is playing harassment mode against Stormwind City and Sunset City, and the main forces are all in Ironforge and the Horde.

One tough battle in seven days, one small-scale attack in three days, and a full month of fighting. The most important thing is a group of demons, who don't seem to know what fear is.

They killed at least 15 people in eight days, but they continued to charge without fear. This kind of offensive mode without fatigue, life and death, and no morale at all almost dragged down the tribe and the dwarves.

If Stormwind City and Sunset City hadn't sent 5 troops to support them, another piece of territory would have been handed over.


At this time, Jushou City has 10 soldiers stationed, and every day, more than [-] regiments of heavy armored cavalry will be sent out to wander around, brush grass and kill mice. With speed and excellent commanders, they will often eliminate thousands of demons Soldiers, retreating rapidly,

And this method also made the Burning Legion restless.

But Sunset City held back at least 13 demon army.

The three extraordinary people in the ark space were the last survivors of that war. They ran out and publicized the strength and combat power of Sunset City.

Originally thought that so many soldiers died in Sunset City, they would not become too active, but unexpectedly, in less than three days, an army of [-] soldiers appeared in the entire Rejecting Beast City again.

And stronger than before, with more aces, even half of the Griffin Legion was sent over.

The attack during the disturbance all day long, and the appearance of forming a formation from time to time, and having a duel with you really makes people feel uneasy.


The Burning Legion knows their situation internally, they have an army of 130 million.

There are 70 demon guards, and the rest are all kinds of miscellaneous soldiers, especially the cannon fodder of the little ghosts.

Although they have a strong army, they also have a lot of territory, and their forces are all scattered. Although they have cut off the route of the two, they are still suffering from the enemy.

Mr. Jean Sa didn't dare to put all his eggs in one basket. Whenever they attacked the tribes and dwarves, Stormwind City and Sunset City would carry out some attacks.

Make them go up and down...

This situation lasted for 3 months until... that night.

Mr. Sa came to Loch Modan himself...

The tribe suffered heavy losses... 6 orcs were killed again, 2 reinforcement dwarves, and I don't know how many small tribes were completely crushed...

But under the leadership of the legendary leader Thrall, they still broke through the encirclement... Bringing the old and the weak, women and children, they returned to Ogmary in the wetlands, but there were only 8 orcs left, and Ogmary was also in danger. They are not afraid of the Burning Legion.

It's just... Sargeras is too powerful!

In the sixth month, Ogmari held...the wetlands were gone. Although Mr. Sa did not show up again, he completely shattered the orc defense line, and the territory disappeared. There was only one main city left, and the resources had to be relied on other main cities send.

But the Burning Legion couldn't beat the iron barrel-like Ogmare, so they stopped attacking. They just put some soldiers there to guard them so that they didn't dare to come out, and turned to attack Ironforge.

But even though Ironforge only has that territory, it doesn't mean they are weak... The Burning Legion wanted to chew on it, but lost more than a dozen big teeth.

Because the dwarves' Ironforge is underground, it is really difficult for them to attack.

The entire mountain range was almost hollowed out by them. On the peaks above Ironforge, there were black holes everywhere. They were not entrances... but hundreds of magic cannons.

The army of 3 demons who attacked Ironforge for the first time almost killed more than [-] in the baptism of artillery fire...

Before hitting the entrance, they were almost dead.

This is the most awesome record in six months!
But the dwarves didn't dare to come out, and the Burning Legion also gave up these two tough bones. Anyway, in their eyes, the tribe and the dwarves had only one main city left... which could be taken at any time, so in the seventh month, they decided to The target has turned to Stormwind City and Sunset City.

(End of this chapter)

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