Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 57 Port of Tutuga

Chapter 57 Port of Tutuga
"Time: Mid-seventeenth century, 1:30 noon."

"Location: Port of Turtuga, Spain******** Scene: Pirates of the Caribbean, Ghost Ship."

"Could it be: Normal (Class C)"

"Pain reduction: 50%"

"Additional enhancement of personal ability: 0%"

"Current scene exploration: 0.00%"

"Story world correlation: 0.00%"

"Explanation: This field is a peaceful scene. Contractors will not drop any items when they are killed. If you have any questions, you can ask the killing space through the soul imprint."

"Hint: You will automatically master the relevant language, you can interact smoothly with the characters in the plot, and you will automatically forget it after leaving this world."

"Reminder: Do you want to change your appearance? It will be restored automatically when you return to Killing Floor."


Although his face has changed, Fang Yun, who has a high charisma value, is still much more handsome than many dirty and ugly pirates.

The elf armor, which was originally full of artistic sense, has changed at this time, as if it has experienced the baptism of time, it has become extremely vicissitudes, and it is full of imprints of swords, but this kind of armor is still very charming, because those imprints represent the meritorious service of protecting the master .

He stood up slowly and walked backwards, always feeling that with a little force, the broken port might be trampled down.

The terrain at Tutuga Port is "concave" and divided into the inner sea and the outer sea. The water flow in the inner sea is stable and there are no strong winds and waves. As for the tens of thousands of meters, the ocean outside the mountain is rough.

Fang Yun, who finally returned to the shore, slowly walked towards the port with more and more people. Before entering, Fang Yun could already smell the smell of alcohol and noisy voices. Which bastard is shooting indiscriminately.

Don't think about how beautiful the pirate's port can be. There are filthy places everywhere. You can almost use three words to describe the security and situation of the port, that is, dirty and messy!

And some corners always smell of urine or stench. Fang Yun squinted his eyes, always afraid that those smells would sting his senses and sense of smell.

Fortunately, some streets are paved with bluestone slabs. Otherwise, for a seaport that faces violent storms all day long, it is better not to board the ship, but to spend all day in the mud on the streets.

There is an extra cowhide purse around Fang Yun's waist, which seems to be able to hold some water and serve as a temporary water bottle. Although it looks ugly and has no sense of fashion, there are still 3 gold coins in it. Yes, it is gold coins. Fang Yun is here In the world of Lord of the Rings, he once touched 3 gold coins, which could not be brought out of the plot world, so he kept his anger in the killing space.

When you come to this world, it can still be used universally. Although it will change the appearance of gold coins, this does not hinder the role of gold coins. Two words: valuable!

Fang Yun first entered a clothing store full of pirate hats. Although there is no order here, please note that no matter what you do here, the only thing you can’t do is kill people, even if you make him disabled, but Just can't kill a person's life.

Because this is all due to the "pirate treaty". Although this treaty is not very formal, it is after all the common regulations of the nine pirate kings. Well, pirate kings generally regard treaties as references and often do not keep their promises. Canadian port is the port of entry for many pirates, and there is an unwritten rule that they are not allowed to kill each other in the port.

Swords and muskets are basically the standard equipment of every pirate. Of course, some soil turtle pirates don't even have a rusty western sword, let alone muskets.

As an excellent pirate, Fang Yun doesn't need a western sword, because he has a beautiful and sharp elf sword, but he still lacks a pirate hat at this time.

After entering the room, I found that there were many things in this small and damp shop. In addition to pirate hats, it also sold Western swords and muskets. It has been rusted, and the muzzle of the musket is still cracked. I don't know if it will explode.

The shop owner was leaning on the wooden chair, sleeping soundly with his neck tilted, his saliva forming a straight line, and he didn't hear Fang Yun coming in at all.

"Boss, buy something!" Fang Yun patted the greasy and solid table.

The old man with a mustache was startled and almost slipped and fell to the ground. He quickly wiped the corner of his mouth, glanced sideways at Fang Yun, tapped his mouth, picked up a bottle of familiar rum, and took a sip before slowing down. Slowly said: "What to buy?"

"Hint: Old Connor's affection for you has increased by 20 points."

"How much is this pirate hat?" Fang Yun chose the most pleasing pirate hat, at least similar to his body shape and clothing.

When the old man saw Fang Yun put on his hat, he was slightly taken aback. He could clearly see that the pirate in front of him was different, not only because of his scarred leather armor, but also because of his innate arrogance.

"You are lucky. As the first customer to open the door today, I decided to give you this pirate hat. I believe it will bring me luck." The old man with the mustache prayed to God.

Fang Yun put on the pirate hat and blessed him in the same way.

Just as he was about to leave, the old man with a mustache suddenly said, "Aren't you a local?"

He froze, turned his head slowly, and asked inexplicably, "What's the matter, which pirate here is a local?"

"It's not about this problem, it's just that you are very pleasing to the eye. I remind you not to agree to the pirate ship's invitation lightly. You'd better be careful." After saying a word, the old man waved him away.

Fang Yun left here thoughtfully. The advantage of having a high charisma value is here. Faced with almost all plot characters from the neutral camp or the friendly camp, he will basically not hit a wall. What's more, he has the talent of 'Affinity'. All the way unimpeded ah.

When you look up, you can see many pirate ships on the shore. They have both black and white sails. Generally, everyone sails on the sea with white sails. When they really rob, they will reveal their black sails. Of course, the pirate ships that can approach the port are also small boats. , the displacement is not much, otherwise it will not be close to here.

As for the legendary pirate ships in the movie, Fang Yun didn't see any of them from the beginning to the end. It can be seen that he is really out of the main mission.

As Hanks said, if you want to rely on the protagonist's plot, you need your own abilities. Fang Yun discovered several contractors with his super high perception, and those people did not discover Fang Yun's identity at all. It is the crushing of perception.

The scene in the Caribbean Sea is too big, and it is in the plot world of the first part at this time, but Fang Yun is in the port of Tutuga, while the protagonists of the plot are in Port Royal at this time, no accident, there must be a contractor there , and even get a share of the future plot.

Fang Yun was a little hesitant. He didn't know when the Black Pearl attacked Port Royal and took Elizabeth away. According to the logic, Killing Space arranged himself in Port Tutuga, not just to let them completely abandon the protagonist's plot mission. , There are some small ships moored in the port, which can be rented, and they can be driven away after paying a certain fee. If many contractors get together and take out all the money, they will definitely be able to go to Port Royal to join in the fun.

It also gave him some ideas, whether to expose himself, cooperate with others, and go to Port Royal. After all, his healing skills are enough for him to gain a foothold.

 -. -Chapter 3 is perfect, please recommend.


(End of this chapter)

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