Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 58 Wizard?

Chapter 58 Wizard?

In the mid-seventeenth century, a gold coin was equivalent to one pound. Because there were no paper money in that era, one pound was equal to 1 shillings, one shilling was equal to 20 pence, and one pound was equal to 1 pence.

I thought that gold coins were very expensive, but Fang Yun was a little helpless at this time. A double rum cost 4 shillings, and he could only afford 15 glasses.

Fang Yun walked for three or four hours, almost half of Tutuga Port, not to find side missions, but to familiarize himself with the terrain, because he decided to stay here.

Instead of going to Port Royal, look for the Black Pearl, first of all without saying anything else.

The entire Ghost Thief Ship has been cursed. Those crew members can't be killed or destroyed. They are not afraid of all kinds of swords and swords. They basically can't break those monsters without using cannons.

Going to Port Royal in the early stage is basically to raise the protagonist to block the damage. Of course, this method can attract the attention of Jacques Palo or other protagonists, but no matter what, it is all at a disadvantage, which is not worthwhile.

Although this method is very simple, and as long as he can resist damage, he can almost mix with the protagonist and be a little subordinate.

But in Fang Yun's eyes, this is the most stupid way, especially seeing a boatload of contractors leaving Tutuga Port, Fang Yun made up his mind to stay here.

The main task is to be a captain. That is to say, if you choose a ship at will, you can apply for the main task and complete the task. In this story world, there is no time limit. It is very likely to complete the main task, or it is very likely to be the main story. After the end, return to the space.

Fang Yun wants to be the captain, or the captain of a pirate ship, but what if he doesn't have a ship?
Well, don't think too much about it. If you want to be a pirate captain, you have to mix up your names first. As for how to become famous, this should be very simple for him.

When the sun was setting, he strode towards the largest tavern in the port. The sun in the west was fiery red, and the burning clouds above his head were strangely shaped.

The entrance of the tavern is full of oak wine barrels, but almost all of them are empty. Putting them here has a decorative meaning, which means that this is a very good tavern. As for the inside, it is a bit dark, but fortunately, the yellow candlelight Everywhere.

Fang Yun's entry did not attract too many people's attention, but the eyes of the "female branches" were shining, and they all came up to each other. Fang Yun, who is of mixed race, always exudes a natural and attractive charm. People will have 20 points of affection for him. In the world he experienced before, there were few plot characters, but only now did he realize that this talent is simply amazing.

The space jingled and reminded non-stop, Fang Yun turned it off directly, and politely rejected several choppy 'female girls', especially one of the women had a fishy smell in her mouth, which made him feel even worse. His refusal was much firmer, he walked to the front desk, sat directly on the extremely smooth oak chair, looked around, and planned to find something to do.

The bartender looked up at him, poured a glass of rum directly, and said with a smile: "Welcome newcomer, you are a pirate I have never seen before, the first drink is free, as for the future, there will be no credit."

Fang Yun froze for a moment, and said thank you. The Charm value is high, but it goes well everywhere. He has never drank rum. As for drinking, he only drinks some cocktails and red wine, and basically does not touch beer.

From noon to now, I have been wandering outside, relying on my own brain, trying to memorize all the routes, but after such a long time, I was really thirsty, so I picked up the cup and took a sip, feeling a refreshing feeling in my mouth, There is also a hint of sweetness, but the alcohol is really not strong, not even as good as a cocktail.

However, the wine-making process in the 17th century is really not flattering. There is no distilled wine yet. Otherwise, with the steam engine, who would play sailing.

"Do you have any cigarettes?" Fang Yun asked suddenly, and the pirates who were drinking beside him were stunned, even the bartender, a little confused.

However, there was a tall black man who took a breath, drank the rum in one gulp, slammed the glass on the table and said: "It's tobacco, British stuff, I heard it's very interesting, and it's for wounded officers. But most people can’t get it.”

The pirates suddenly realized. Some people also said that after seeing some marines who were injured, they used to smoke cigarettes and spit out light blue smoke from their mouths. It was very interesting and enjoyable.

The bartender shrugged helplessly at Fang Yun.

"That's a pity, there's not much in stock." As a smoker, Fang Yun always has four or five cigarettes in his storage space, as well as several boxes of cigars. The expression made a group of soil turtles look dazed.

Swallowing saliva almost involuntarily, I have never smoked the legendary thing, I really want to try it, it is almost the idea of ​​all pirates, so many people stood up, including the strong black man with a height of two meters, with A sneer.

Newcomer pirates are just too stupid. If you expose good things, that's the rhythm of being robbed. Don't mention any pirate oath to me. It's good that I didn't kill you.

Fang Yun turned his head indifferently, looked directly at them, and thought in his heart, he is worthy of being a pirate, my 20 points of favorability have been added for nothing, if you want to grab it, you can grab it.

Fang Yun, with a cigar in his mouth, snapped his fingers lightly with his right hand, and everyone gasped instantly, because they saw it! !

The fingers of the mixed-race youth caught fire, and even lit the cigar. Suddenly, a shadow appeared in the hearts of many pirates.

And now there are already people who are slowly retreating, because this person is very likely to be a legendary wizard, who may be able to use extremely evil black magic.

The few people who didn't want to retreat at first saw Fang Yun flick his fingers, a small fireball flew towards an extinguished candle, and directly ignited it again. to his seat, even the tall black man.

What's the scariest thing about the Caribbean?Civilians are afraid of pirates, what are pirates afraid of?Certainly not afraid of the navy, because they often face them, but pirates are afraid of legendary things, such as the octopus captain Davy Jones, or the ghost ship that eludes ghosts and leaves no one alive, and finally the evil and terrifying dark wizards, such as black Captain Beard.

These gods and gods are almost impossible to guard against. The pirates are afraid of being targeted by a wizard. What if they cast a spell on you, how miserable will it be?

However, the mixed-race young man in front of him, although dressed as a pirate, is wearing armor with historical traces, a beautiful long sword, and a musket hanging on his waist.

It just opened up the gap between him and the pirates, but this also shows that this young wizard must have extraordinary combat experience, and it is estimated that he will be very good in close combat.

At first, these pirates were a little disdainful. I thought this kid just came out to play, and he hasn't met any vicious guys, otherwise his armor would be stripped off for you.

But as soon as the fireball technique appeared, they were completely stunned. What the hell is a wizard, but what does it mean to come to the dirty and chaotic port of Tutuga at this time?

Fang Yun, who was puffing, had a look of enjoyment, and the purpose had been achieved, which was to make these pirates have unknown fears about themselves, or spread the influence of being a wizard, etc.

Contractors who know magic are relatively rare, but contractors who know magic don't necessarily have their own high charisma, and they also have the talent "affinity". Be afraid of yourself, but not disgusted with your own abilities.

If other contractors want to use this trick, they might want to minimize the favorability of many pirates and stay away from that contractor.

Otherwise, a group of pirates will directly reduce the favorability to a negative number and fight you to the death.

(End of this chapter)

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