Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 90 Recruitment and Sailing

Chapter 90 Recruitment and Sailing

Sailing on the sea at night is quite dangerous. The sudden change of the weather makes it too late for everyone to deal with it. The strong wind and waves hitting the battleship will make people feel that the whole ship is going to fall apart. Fang Yun in this storm Under the weather, I really can't sleep.

The swaying battleship seems to be overturned at any time, but Fang Yun and many sailors know that the quasi-legendary warships are all high-quality goods, and they have not been overturned by huge waves because of sailing the sea.

Ignoring the pouring rain, Fang Yun shook the water-filled pirate hats. They were already approaching the port of Tutuga. As they approached the port, when small boats landed, they found that the entire port seemed to be empty.

Hei Gulong looked like a horror, and he didn't know where the group of bastards who drank all night were dead.

As they walked onto the shore nervously, all the lights were lit instantly, and the sky instantly became red and bright, especially when the sound of musket guns rang out at the same time, Fang Yun's heart instantly became cold, and there were many pirates behind him, even Taylor's His complexion also changed suddenly, and they took out knives, guns and sticks one after another.

In front of the originally empty port, a huge musket light appeared, which almost caused Fang Yun and others to collapse.

But following this group of pirates, regardless of the storm, they all rushed out of the tavern and cheered to Fang Yun excitedly.

He knew... he was being tricked...
"Hahaha, look at the pastor's livid face, as if he was eating poop." The bartender at the Lucky Tavern pointed at Fang Yun and laughed loudly.

"Look at this group of legendary pirates who were frightened into stupidity. They were frightened into stray dogs by our welcome."

"Made, I just said that firing thousands of muskets at the same time will definitely scare Captain White Wizard into a mental retardation. I'm right..."

Unlucky Button's face turned pale, but when he heard that he was being tricked, he was unhappy at the time. However, everyone was joking and invited them to drink one after another, and Lucky Tavern treated them today, and they would not return if they were not drunk.

Fang Yun came to the bartender with a dark face, thinking that the bartender was angry with Captain Fang, and trembling with fright, who would have thought that Captain Fang suddenly burst into laughter and patted him on the shoulder.

The frightened bartender cursed secretly, he had nothing to do with any bad ideas, but Fang Yun was a quasi-legendary captain who walked out from the Lucky Tavern, and many of the pirates on board were all acquaintances of Tutuga Port, and their reputation was getting better and better. They, of course, will be welcomed by the sailors.

"MDZZ, you bastards, I'm going to drink you to death, come here, drink you to death." Fang Yun shouted loudly, tearing off his battle armor, revealing his incomparably strong upper body, The atmosphere instantly ignited.

At this moment, there is no need for aristocratic temperament. Fang Yun, who was not addicted to alcohol, drank with everyone and started to eat and drink.

Basically, every quasi-legendary pirate captain is worthy of admiration, especially Fang Yun belongs to the local pirates, and for them, locals, he has no airs, and his favorability instantly explodes.

Rum with a touch of sweetness is everyone's favorite. Fang Yun stood on the table holding a wooden wine glass, and sipped it with a sip.

The sailors clapped their hands and applauded. Fang Yun's own body has been digitalized, so he is naturally not afraid of drinking with others. In the past, he didn't fight wine very much in the tavern. He only liked to smoke, which made many people dissatisfied.

Especially when he became the captain of a quasi-legendary battleship, some sailors felt that there was nowhere for them to catch up with him. That would be better than drinking. Although wizards have high combat effectiveness, drinking is not based on physical fitness.

So the whole tavern was yelling, the crazy hormones seemed to be roaring, and the atmosphere was extremely frenzied.

As Fang Yun poured one after another of the sailors who were fighting for wine, everyone discovered that the legendary white wizard captain who killed Blackbeard was not only amazing in combat power, but also drunk in a mess.

..................... ..
Fang Yun, who was drunk, didn't know how he got back to the bed. As the sun hit his face, he rubbed his temples and woke up slowly.

"Reminder: Your pirate prestige has reached 20000 points, which is worshiped at this time."

"Reminder: Among all the contracts, only your pirate reputation has reached 20000 points, and under your leadership, enter the legendary sea of ​​​​death, and step into the island of the devil, and the legendary pirate Jack Sparrow, Barbossa Together, the captains killed Blackbeard, the pirate king of the Black Sea, and you will inherit Blackbeard's sea area 'Black Sea'."

"Reminder: Your title of 'White Wizard Captain' will be upgraded."

White Wizard Captain (special story title)

Title requirements: Quasi-legendary battleship captain, one of the nine pirate kings, has his own sea area.

Title Ability: Fantastic Wizard Captain: When you are at sea, your all attributes +5.

Title ability: Captain White Wizard, your deterrence against ordinary pirates is increased by 250%, the deterrence of the officials on your battleship against ordinary pirates is increased by 150%, and your underwater breathing time is extended by 30 minutes.

Title ability: When you are on the sea, the ship under your feet will increase the attack power/defense power/moving speed by 40%, and your attack power will also increase by 20%.

Title ability: Privateering license, when you successfully capture/sink other ships and enemies at sea, you also get a certain chance to view and get some loot, such as precious special parts of ships/precious special materials/precious special equipment , or equipment on some pirates.

Title ability: White Wizard: Since your magic ability is widely spread, when you are on any ship, the magic you cast on non-contractors will have an effect of X3.

(Note: You already have the qualifications to enter the legendary pirate captain, that is to own a legendary pirate ship, come on, contractor!)

The high-spirited Captain Fang ignored the space reminder and glanced at the time. There were 69 days left before the return, so he wandered to the tavern to recruit new staff.

You must know that with Fang Yun's reputation at this time, coupled with his popularity and talent, the sailors he recruited are not only above the elite level, but the recruitment fee can also be discounted, which is enough to save a lot of gold coins.

Don’t think about the characters in the silver plot. It’s hard to see such people even in Tutuga Port. Basically, they are all named and surnamed in the movies. Among the pirates, they were either poached by the major captains, or became the leader of the pirates themselves.

Nearly a thousand people were gathered in this seaman recruitment meeting, and the sailors flocked to line up in a hurry, hoping that they could join Fang Yun's quasi-legendary battleship.

Fang Yun's reputation in Tutuga Port is excellent, like a married girl who became a rich woman and now returns to her mother's house, intending to lead more people to venture out, of course she is welcomed.

Some ordinary level pirates have no chance at all, but Fang Yun will not directly refuse, invite these people to drink a glass of rum, and then say that the outside world is too dangerous, you still need to practice, and so on.

For a whole morning, Fang Yun spent a lot of energy, and finally recruited 100 pirates, including 15 leaders, and the rest were elite pirates.

Among them was a down-and-out guy who made Fang Yun ecstatic the most. This guy was called Robin Hood. He used to be an aristocratic knight in England. Still a boss, but soon to be promoted to a silver character, almost a quasi-silver character.

Fang Yun was very happy about this unexpected joy, and generously let him be the second mate. As for Taylor, he agreed to be his first mate at this time. Unfortunately, Patton was the bosun, Aiken was the mate, and the navigator was the mate. Harry,
As for the nearly 20 leader pirates, 10 of them were arranged by him as his guards, and the other 10, according to their own abilities, those who could play with artillery went to play with artillery, and those who could play with guns played with guns. Anyway, each of them led some elites. pirate.

At this time, on his ship, apart from more than 50 ordinary pirates recruited in Port of Spain, at worst they were all elite pirates.

Taylor belonged to the British Navy and had a normal relationship with other pirates, but his strength was outstanding. No one was afraid of him, but he also felt helpless. Patton belonged to the old man. As the bosun, there were many elite pirates who followed him.

As the second officer, Robin Hood is a newcomer, and he also has no power under his command, but he is easier to get along with than Taylor, but he is only a pirate in Port Tutuga.

As a Spanish pirate, Aiken still has more than 30 Spanish soldiers available, so this is another strength.

In fact, there are so many scores and strengths on the ship, which makes people feel that people are not in harmony, but only in this way can Fang Yun feel at ease. After all, he will definitely leave one day. If there is no restriction between them, if they fail to do so, they will turn against themselves.

So these people's arrangements are necessary, and after I leave, I can feel a lot more at ease.

As the Black Sea set sail again, he, the Pirate King, also left the port with the cheers of many sailors.

"From now on, go to France with all your strength, don't waste any more time." Fang Yun said a goal lightly, and the sailors desperately exerted their strengths, pulled the sails, cleaned the cannons, and cleaned all kinds of stains on the ship.

Attention must be paid to such details on the ship, especially some dirty and smelly places, which must be wiped clean, basically within 3 days, otherwise something rotten may cause the crew's illness.

This time in Tutuga Port, Fang Yun specially bought a lot of tomatoes, various vegetables, etc. Otherwise, there will always be people who get sick due to insufficient nutrition. This group of idiots don’t know the reason. Talent, how can you not understand this simple thing.

And about these principles, I personally explained them carefully to Taylor, Aiken, Patton and other core subordinates, so that they should not forget to buy these vegetables in the future, and don’t know how to drink every day... Save Fang Yun next time, the result is all So dead.

 Character, another 3000 words.

(End of this chapter)

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