Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 91 The Big Killer

Chapter 91 The Big Killer

The sailors on board the quasi-legendary warship were full of energy. After a long voyage and battle, they stayed in the port of Tutuga for one night.

And not only did they get physical comfort, but they also got spiritual satisfaction. After all, there would always be some sailors who flattered them, hoping to make them say a few more words and let them board the white wizard's battleship.

Fang Yun was very pleased with the group of boys who had spent all their gold coins. After all, all the wages they got were spent, so they worked hard. a wife.

In case a child is born, do you want to live and work in peace and contentment, and become a local rich man in the future?

This is not what Fang Yun wants to see. If Taylor doesn't spend all his money, and suddenly wants to fall in love after saving a lot, then he is not confused. He is his own gold medalist, so seeing Taylor is like other sailors , not in the habit of saving money, which made Fang Yun very satisfied.

Otherwise, if Taylor, who is carrying a huge sum of money, is going to fight to death like a gold medal fighter like before, he will definitely hesitate. After all, rich people always think, why should they work so hard when they have so many gold coins? Lazy behind?
The black warship is riding the wind and waves. Fang Yun is sitting steadily at the stern, fishing with a fishing rod. The main reason is that the journey to France is not too short, it will take nearly 6 days, and he really has nothing to do. boring.

However, I have to say that Fang Yun's technique is not bad, or in other words, the real lucky Lv7 has added a lot of benefits to himself, allowing him to catch sea fish easily.

The most exaggerated thing is that he also caught a bluefin tuna, which is a big guy with a length of four meters. Fortunately, the fishing rod is very good. With super high strength, it took 5 minutes to drag it up.

This kind of fish is really a rare species in the 21st century. Not only is the fish tender and delicious, but it is also full of nutrition. Some sailors saw the boss catch this kind of fish, and they all came to join in the fun.

Captain Fang was very generous. He chopped off half of it with one sword and gave it to them. As for how much they can share, it is not up to him.

"Hey, that who, you called Taylor, Aiken and others to my captain's cabin." Fang Yun went back with half a fish, and the pirate who was pointed out excitedly called all those people over.

Suddenly a group of people came to the captain's room, Fang Yun told them to sit down, took out plates, knives and forks, and the most amazing thing was a bottle of seafood soy sauce! !

Taylor didn't understand, but when he saw the sashimi, he wanted to eat it. Fang Yun glared at him, poured out half a bowl of hoisin soy sauce, squeezed out a small half tube of green horseradish, and stirred it evenly.

"Come on, come on, I haven't had dinner with you usually, let's see my craftsmanship today." Fang Yun asked everyone to sit down.

"Thank you head."

"Bluefin tuna, it's hard to catch, it's as nimble as a ghost."

"Being able to catch so many fish shows that the top is not bad." The unlucky Button nodded knowingly.

"Eat it, this thing should be eaten with soy sauce and horseradish, it's super exciting." Fang Yun took the sliced ​​sashimi, dipped it in his mouth, and chewed it lightly, only to find that it was getting better and better. Fragrant, not only has the taste of soy sauce, but also has a more delicious mellow aroma, which is the taste of raw fish.

Everyone has their own hobbies, anyway Fang Yun likes to eat like this.

"I heard that soy sauce came from Asia, but what is horseradish?" Harry was a little confused, not knowing what these things were.

In the end, no one paid any attention to him, and they were all frantically grabbing the sashimi on the plate like a hungry dog.

Robin Hood ate quietly at the side. After all, he was not familiar with everyone, but his hands were very fast, and pieces of fish were quickly swallowed by him.

"FUCK, it's so delicious." Taylor managed to swear a bad word, and immediately took the sashimi and dipped it hard, then his face changed drastically, and he coughed violently.

"There should be too much horseradish, can you slow down, you idiot?" Fang Yun cursed with a smile, after all, there is no need to be so serious after a meal, holding a delicate knife, cutting sashimi slices, In fact, he didn't want to win over this group of people, but he just felt that there were still so many days left, so there was no need to be nervous.

It's good for everyone to get together to eat, drink and drink, just take it easy.

After a group of people are full, they are thinking about when they can have a second meal. Although half a bluefin tuna is very big, each of these guys has a tiger's stomach, and they are all plot characters above the boss, so they can't fill up at all them.

Fang Yun, who is lazy, is looking at the incomparably beautiful Atlantic Ocean. There should be many legendary sea beasts in such a large sea area. Maybe there will be a legendary bluefin tuna. If you get one to eat, it will be no problem...

Captain Fang, who does whatever he thinks of, immediately recruits Fred, who can find legendary sea creatures. Fred is an elite pirate, but he has this special ability, so the benefits Fang Yun gave him are pretty good. .

Fred had brown hair and a hunched waist. It was rumored that he was once attacked by a sea creature and had a big hole in his abdomen. Although he was lucky enough to survive, his body was already somewhat disabled.

However, the muscles on his body are still very strong, his skin is dark, and he looks very honest, but he has been thinking about troubles for the legendary sea creatures all day long. Hearing Fang Yun's call, he rushed over.

When he heard that the captain wanted to eat the legendary bluefin tuna, he was so excited that he almost picked up the guy and fired two shots at the sky.

"Boss, it's not wrong to entrust this matter to me, but to deal with this kind of big guy, you need the help of many people, otherwise I will definitely not be able to take down this kind of stuff."

Fang Yun waved his hand casually. Legendary sea creatures are still very dangerous to ordinary ships. Warships below the quasi-legendary level need to engage in some thrilling fights when encountering such difficult sea creatures.

Fortunately, the passive ability of the Black Sea can make these legendary sea creatures sense danger and evacuate by themselves. Unless the hull is covered with a lot of blood, it will not attract too many legendary sea creatures.

The reason why they are not divided into 'silver, golden plot creatures, etc.' is mainly because they are all special boss creatures with super thick blood volume.

This type of guy usually has more than tens of thousands of health points, and needs many contractors, or special bosses that contractors and plot characters attack at the same time.

When the sailors heard that they wanted to get a legendary bluefin tuna, they all stepped forward to help, especially because there were two large ocean giant crossbow bolts in the warehouse.

The exaggerated guy actually needs three or four people to work together to pull the bowstring apart. Fang Yun also went over to take a look. The bow body is made of high-quality spruce oak, which has been soaked and dried for a long time, and the bowstring is made of giant sea snakes. There are three thick tendons twisted into one strand, and the arrow is a huge iron arrow.

Such a good thing, let him admire it, it is a big killer, but the attack speed is slower than the cannon, and it is not easy to move. Basically, if you shoot an arrow, it needs to cool down for a long time. If there is a long-range attack on the other side, everyone Even if the guy is finished.

Fang Yun had seen it before, but didn't pay attention to these details.

This big toy has a powerful penetrating power. Basically, the creatures that are shot will be pierced by an arrow, and the tail of the arrow can be tied with a rope to prevent the shot sea beast from escaping.

Ocean giant crossbow (special story weapon)
Origin: Pirates of the Caribbean
Additional devices: triangular arrows, crescent shovel arrows, needle arrows, ropes.

Attack power: 1000-2000 points

Range: 500-800 meters.

Conditions of use: Several people are required to work together and have more than 80 points of strength to draw the bowstring. At the same time, another contractor (plot character) with more than 20 points of perception is needed to aim and attack.

Cooling time: 5 minutes.

(Note: This kind of big guy is not used by one person at all. If you want to use it to kill people, please make sure your enemy remains motionless...)

(Dear friends of pirated books, come and read the original version, there is no charge yet, download Qidian APP, and life will be more exciting from now on, there are piles of readers and girls, hurry up.)
  I’m hungry, I’m going to have something to eat. Why do you ask for votes, because I don’t ask for it, so I really don’t vote. Children who can bark have candies, and I am the author who can bark.
(End of this chapter)

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