Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 92 Legendary Tier 3!

Chapter 92 Legendary Tier [-]!

Bluefin tuna is a marine fish that generally gathers in the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean and other sea areas.

At this time, the Black Sea was riding the wind and waves in the Atlantic Ocean, and there was a burst of white waves behind the stern. Fred ran below the deck, tossed and tossed for a long time, and finally took out a large bucket of blood-like bait.

From a long distance, Fang Yun could smell a pungent smell of flesh and blood. The old guy looked at the surrounding sea area, ran to the edge of the hull, and poured a lot down.

The Black Sea didn't stop at this time, but as time passed, Fred had poured all his flesh and blood into the sea.

The entire ship also stopped, because not far from them, a huge and extremely large fish appeared.

Looking at the bluefin tuna that jumped out of the sea suddenly, Fang Yun felt like he was about to kneel. The big guy, which was about ten meters long, was about to catch up with a big whale.

Bluefin Tuna (legendary Tier 3 marine creature)
Title: King of Bluefin Tuna
Power: 31
Stamina: 15
Agility: 39
Passive ability: Legendary Tier 3 marine creature, with an additional 10000 HP.

Passive ability: King of Bluefin Tuna, an additional 5000 HP.

Active ability: ? ? ?
Active ability: ? ? ?
At this time, this big fish with super thick blood volume is a legendary creature, but its IQ is not much higher. At this time, it is walking along the bait, and it is less than 30 meters away from the bottom of the Black Sea. , Fang Yun had already ordered his subordinates to push the giant crossbow and aim at this big guy.

With his super high perception, he naturally controls the direction, and the other giant crossbow is controlled by Taylor. Barton, who is bulging with veins, is working behind him at this time, and pulls the bowstring at the same time as the other bosses. The huge force makes these sailors, bite tightly. jaw.

As Fang Yun felt that the timing was just right, he immediately yelled: "Let go!"

The ear-piercing black iron arrow missed, and with a 'buzz' sound, Ling Li pierced through the air, and the space seemed to be torn apart, causing waves of air.

Two huge blood sprays exploded in an instant, and the super-sized bluefin tuna was pierced by two iron arrows in an instant. The tragic cry was extremely piercing, but even if it suffered such damage, it was not enough to become a legendary bluefin tuna. The blow was fatal, and there were scales growing on his forehead, his tail was shaking, and like a torpedo, he crazily hit the Black Sea.

The dull impact sound had a huge impact, causing the entire ship to shake a little, causing many sailors to fall down screaming.

"You must kill him quickly, otherwise this legendary creature will keep hitting one place, and even a quasi-legendary warship will be knocked out of a hole by it." Many sailors gathered beside the boat and used their muskets to engage in crazy battles. attack.

But no one expected that this super-sized bluefin tuna suddenly raised its huge tail, set off a huge wave, and directly slapped the sailors on the railing of the ship flying, and three or four people were smashed into blood foam. Unlucky Patton As soon as he got closer, he was hit by this fish tail, and his whole body crashed into the cabin like a cannonball.

"MD, kill it for me." Fang Yun glanced at Barton who was getting up, heaved a sigh of relief, and walked over, holding the Desert Eagle, and fired wildly. Dozens of sailors behind him started to gather with muskets. fire.

Almost in an instant, this legendary bluefin tuna was severely injured, twisting its huge body, trying to escape from here, but the arrows on his body were all barbs, deeply inserted into his back, and the connecting rope The quilt was placed on the bow of the ship, no matter how hard it tried to break free, it would only let its own blood flow quickly, and the wound would grow bigger and bigger.

The aroused fierce bluefin tuna slammed into the Black Sea crazily, but Fang Yun and his group fired a shot whenever they had the chance, and several leading sailors grabbed the ropes and kept pulling them, letting him The wound on the back was even bigger.

There are more than 200 sailors on board, and those who did not cool down went to shoot. They even killed this oversized fish king in less than 10 minutes. But I have to say, if they didn't With this powerful Black Sea ship and many powerful sailors, it is not certain who will live and who will die.

Finally, the bluefin tuna was pulled up with a fishing net, and the back had turned into a pool of rotten meat, but this was also impossible.

Fang Yun silently picked up the black plot key, mainly because his output was too low, only reaching 10% of all damage, if it was lower than 10%, he didn't even have the plot key.

As soon as I picked up the key, I found that I still had a silver plot key that I hadn't opened, which was the spoils of killing the first mate Harp of the 'Anne'.

At this time, Fang Yun also planned to open it together, waved his hand, and asked the crew to keep all the valuable things on this guy, and throw away the worthless ones. As for the fish, they can eat whatever they like.

Ignoring the cheers of the sailors, Fang Yun first returned to the captain's cabin and opened the black key.

"Hint: You get 1000 common coins."

"Hint: You got the black plot item 'Bluefin Tuna Skin'"

"Hint: You got the black plot prop 'Bluefin tuna belly'"

Bluefin Tuna Skin (Black Plot Props)
Origin: Caribbean, Atlantic Ocean

Material: Legendary Lv3, bluefin tuna.

Function: making sails

Effect: The skin under the belly of the bluefin tuna is extremely soft and has a strong wind-gathering ability. It is extremely rare to use it as a sail, but without the complete fish skin, it cannot be made into a complete sail after all, but the legendary L3 level is enough Let you make a big sail, the maximum speed can be increased: 2-4 knots.

Special effect: Every 24 hours, you can use the 'Legendary Tuna Crazy' once, and the full speed will be increased by 10 knots for 1 hour.

(Explanation: Very precious sail material, but first you need a craftsman who can make sails, so as not to spoil this thing.)
Fang Yun was about to cry at this moment. If he knew that he was holding the Desert Eagle by himself, he would grind it to death. How could he let others do it? Comparable to the Black Pearl.

"Made, your hands are black." Fang Yun lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and continued to check another prop.

Bluefin tuna belly (noir plot prop)

Origin: Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean.

Material: Legendary Lv3, Bluefin Tuna
Function: eat.

Effect: Strength +1 point, Dexterity +1 point.

(Explanation: The most delicious place for bluefin tuna is an unusually rare delicacy in the space, and it has added attributes.)
Fang Yun covered his lips, his face was moved, tears filled his eyes, he was really lucky to be able to eat such a good thing, MLGB, he will never eat the viscera of night ghosts again...
That kind of junk food, just thinking about it, makes me want to vomit.

"Bang bang!" Fang Yun looked up at the door and coughed lightly: "Come in."

Taylor pursed his lips, smiled and rubbed his hands together: "Head, can you tell me something?"


"Have a bottle of the seafood soy sauce you mentioned."

Fang Yun, who rolled his eyes, conjured up a bottle empty-handed, and threw it over under Taylor's respectful gaze, but Taylor licked his lips again before he left, "Head, how about another tube of horseradish?"

"Fuck you, eat you to death." Fang Yun conjured seven or eight tubes of horseradish out of thin air, and threw them all out the door. Immediately afterwards, Fang Yun heard the cheers of the sailors.

"The great captain, you have given us a new gift. From now on, before I decide to eat, I will pray to Captain White Wizard."

"Brother, you are right, I will do the same in the future."

"MD, that's the decision, do you hear?" Taylor roared.

"Hear that!!" Many sailors shouted in unison.

Fang Yun, who curled his lips, ignored them. Although in China, it is not suitable for people to be prayed like this before death, but this is a pirate of the Caribbean full of fantasy. Pray to yourself before eating, that is God's treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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