Old Ancestor, she's back again

Chapter 173 Height is a flaw, it needs to be cured!

Chapter 173 Height is a flaw, it needs to be cured!

"Old man, what old man, I am not old man, I am an old lunatic!"

Confused again?
A small stone hit Feng Chang'an's leg firmly and hard.

Patriarch makes you tangled, hum!
"Old lunatic!" Feng Changan called decisively.

"Hey, didn't you just return to your father-in-law?"

"Don't care if it's the old man or the old lunatic, I always help your apprentice clean up the yard together."

The old lunatic's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"Really, real gold is not so real!"

"Then you go, clean up a little bit!"

This is called crazy?It's also called crazy to make people move so slippery?
The ancestor who hid behind the haystack endured the unpleasant smell and mosquito bites, and was very excited.

It's good to know that it's cheap, but it can still be saved!If she is so crazy that she can't even take advantage of it, then she probably won't want to recover in her life.

"Cough cough cough..."

A series of shocking coughing sounds came from the room, and then the door panel slammed on the ground with a bang, and then Feng Changan and Luo Xiaoer rushed out from inside.

The ancestor immediately became nervous. Could it be that there is a more powerful mechanism inside?

"It stinks, it stinks to death, vomit~"

Feng Changan breathed heavily while exhaling.

The ancestor froze.

"Second brother, what did you touch just now? Why is it so smelly all of a sudden?"

Luo Xiaoer: "I remember that there is a record in the book that there is a kind of refining material that comes from the bottom of the sea. It smells extremely bad. It should be it!"

"Ugh~ I can't take it anymore, I don't want to go in again until the smell is gone!"

Luo Xiaoer: "The book says that the only thing that can neutralize that smell is mint grass. When I pulled the weed just now, I just saw it."

"Hey, little brother, don't be stupid, if you are not, you will be fainted in it, and I will not save you!"

Luo Xiaoer said no, and grabbed the mint grass and went in.

After a while, a cool air came, which shocked people's spirits.

"This smell is amazing, chilly and refreshing!"

Before Feng Chang'an finished speaking, the old lunatic got up from the ground and ran into the house.

"Oh, my baby, it's ruined, this time it's really ruined..."

What happened?
"Chang'an, go in and have a look!"

Feng Changan hurriedly covered his legs, and lowered his head in a low voice: "I know, I know, don't throw me anymore!"

When Feng Chang'an went in, he saw the old lunatic lying on the ground and messing around?

"Second brother, what's the matter with him?"

Luo Xiaoer: "Probably because the material is destroyed after the smell is neutralized."

"Destroy it, just destroy it, it's so stinky, I don't even want it for free."

"I'm not alive anymore, the magic weapon can't be protected, and the materials can't be protected. What's the point of me being alive? Let me die..."

After the old lunatic finished speaking, he tilted his head and fell silent.


Xiao Luo threw the mint leaves in his second hand and walked outside.

"Second brother, why are you going?"

"Have a meal."

"Yes, it's time to eat. Let's go, hurry up, I don't want to stay in this place for a second!"

"Why are you all out?"

Luo Xiaoer bent down and picked up the child.

"It's time to eat."

The child stared immediately: "Eating is not important."

Luo Xiaoer: "It's very important."

Without waiting for the child to get angry, Luo Xiaoer hurriedly said, "Maybe I can grow taller in the future?"

The child's hands froze in mid-air, his eyes gradually darkened, and he suddenly felt that what he said was very reasonable.

Before, it was because she was very hungry when she was a child. Even if she practiced successfully and experienced a rebirth, her height was only at the middle level. The height is the flaw of the ancestor, and it needs to be cured!

(End of this chapter)

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