Old Ancestor, she's back again

Chapter 174 Includes 2 months of snacks and candies plus 1 meals a day!

Chapter 174 You will be provided with snacks and candies for two months plus three meals a day!
"I finally found you, where did you go?" Mo Li Shuangxue asked anxiously.

The ancestor lacked interest and was not in the mood to talk to her.

Feng Changan: "Just go to the back, Shuangxue, don't worry, what's the matter?"

"My father sent someone to inform me just now that I should learn to forge from Senior Hundred Soul."

Feng Chang'an: "Are you talking about this?"We know. "

"you know?"

Feng Chang'an and Mo Lishuangxue exchanged glances, it was the kid who did the trick, and they wanted to find her.

Mo Lishuangxue didn't know if she didn't understand or what, she just didn't understand what Feng Changan meant.

"Damn it, do you know what's going on?"

Even if I know, I can't tell you clearly!

"Feng Chang'an, speak up!"

The child turned his head impatiently: "Why are you arguing, do you still want to eat?"

The two immediately shut up.

Seeing the child gobble up, Mo Lishuangxue couldn't help asking: "Are you hungry for her?"

"Are you kidding, no one can starve her when she's hungry!"

Mo Lishuangxue: "Tell me, what's going on?"

Feng Changan tentatively said with a reminder: "Why don't you wait until Chenchen is full?"

"Eat slowly, there is more." Luo Xiaoer was afraid that the child would choke, reminded softly, carefully packed the soup and put it aside.

"You are full, why don't you eat?"

"Hehe, you are eating too seriously, you didn't even see us eating."

Mo Lishuangxue stomped Feng Chang'an under the table.

Who is he messing with again!
"Chenchen, do you know that I worship the soul of Baiji as my teacher?"

"I know!"

"Who suggested it?"

"its me!"

"Why?" Mo Lishuangxue asked excitedly while grabbing the table.

The child took a sip of the soup leisurely, savoring the saltiness.

I really got impatient with Mo Lishuangxue waiting, the beautiful Frost beauty melted abruptly.

"Shuangxue!" The child looked at Mo Li Shuangxue without blinking, and his tone was that of a child pretending to be an adult.Also with the euphemism of caring for the younger generation.

"Chenchen..." For a moment, Mo Lishuangxue thought that the child was taken away by some old monster somewhere.

After thinking about it, I felt that something was wrong. If it was really a seizure, the elders would have noticed it when Piao Miao was born.

"Chenchen, tell me!"

Feng Changan kicked Mo Lishuangxue, and when she looked over, he put his hand on his leg twice.

What do you mean?
not understand?
Feng Changan rolled his eyes and immediately said: "Chenchen, do you want to eat? Shall I go get you some snacks?"

Mo Li Shuangxue was instantly enlightened.

"I'll provide you with snacks and candies for two months, plus three meals a day!"

The child continued to hold his chin.

Mo Lishuangxue hurriedly said again: "The Bailiantang doesn't count, I'm talking about after leaving the Bailiantang."

"make a deal!"

"Xiaoxue said, she doesn't want you to hit the iron, it's too tiring!"

"Did my mother really say that?"

"Why, you still don't believe me? Do you want to confront Xiaoxue in front of her?"

"Need not."

Old Ancestor: "Your mother still cares about you very much. What's so good about blacksmithing? It's dirty, tired and hot. I went to see the forging room. The elder said that if you don't go, they will just wear pants and shorts. "

"Well... Luo Xiaoer, why are you covering my mouth?"

Feng Chang'an's expression was also a little wrong.

"Shuangxue, I think Chenchen did a good job."

Not knowing what Mo Li Shuangxue was thinking, she lowered her head and kept silent.

"Shuangxue, don't be afraid, the old lunatic is also a very capable person, if you don't believe me, ask them?"

Mo Lishuangxue looked at Feng Changan and Luo Xiaoer.

The former's eyes dodged, while the latter's attention was not on Li Lishuangxue at all.

(End of this chapter)

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