Old Ancestor, she's back again

Chapter 699 Gouyue is able to beat your apprentice, and it is also a skill!

Chapter 699 Gouyue is able to beat your apprentice, and it is also a skill!

Luo Jiuchen felt that he was rejected!
Xiao Gou gets more disgusted!
Dogs hate it too!

"It's obviously the dog I brought back. I named it. Why does it keep following you?" Luo Jiuchen complained.

Gou Yue threw the rag on the ground with a dark face.

"Is there someone as sloppy as you? I've inquired. The dogs you brought back, every time you don't raise them yourself, let others raise them. In the end, those dogs all ran away!"

"You bullshit!"

I have a guilty conscience for Mao!

"Luo Xiaoyi, come here!"

Gou Yue looked at the puppy that had been shrinking towards his feet with disgust, and kicked it.

"What are you kicking it for?" Luo Jiuchen complained.

Gou Yue grabbed the dog by the neck, opened the door and threw it out.

"Gou Yue, you are going too far!"

Gou Yue: "When you come back from picking up messy things in the future, think about it carefully, take a look in your house, is there any room for your feet?"

Luo Jiuchen felt guilty again.

"Then you can't throw my things?"

Gou Yuehei pointed at the rubbish that had been cleaned up.

"What are those?"

Luo Jiuchen clearly recognized the original appearance from those things that were covered in ashes and could no longer see their original appearance, and they were all treasures.

"I borrowed that chair from the Qingcheng faction. I heard that it was used by the gods who had passed through Feisheng. I wanted to take it back to experience the feeling. Who would have thought that I could not find it? I didn't expect you to find it."

"There is also that sword, but it is the mountain treasure of the Xingyue faction. I heard that it can cut mountains and cut the moon. I lost it after killing fish last time. I didn't expect you to find it again!"

"There is also the big knife borrowed by the Wangwu faction, which is very good for chopping firewood..."

Gou Yue: "Can you shut up?"

"Why, Gou Yue, you don't respect your master!"

"I'll take the notes and someone will return them later."

"Why do you have to pay it back? When they need it, they will come and get it!"

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Xiao Gou Yue's dark face.

"Little Gouyue, are you angry?"

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Gou Yue: "Go and tell others that you don't return what you borrowed!"

"Little ancestor, they lent it to me on their own initiative, and I didn't say I wouldn't pay it back!"

"Hey, don't go, I'll pay it back, can I still pay it?"

Xiao Gouyue didn't know when, so he ate Luo Jiuchen to death.

one day

"Little Gouyue, stay at home and I'll go out for a while. When you're free, go and play with the apprentice of the second senior brother's family."

"it is good!"

After turning around and walking a few steps, he was overtaken by the second senior brother.

"Luo Jiuchen..."

"Second senior brother, why are you so angry?"

"You made Gou Yue beat my apprentice?"

Luo Jiuchen: "I just asked Gou Yue to find him to play with, but I didn't say fight."

"No, why did my apprentice say that he was beaten by Gou Yue?"

"Second Senior Brother, that apprentice of yours can put Gouyue in, so it's not certain who they will hit whom?"

"What did you say? No, you go back with me and speak clearly in front of the head!"

"Senior brother, I have taken all my baggage, and if I want to go out, are you sure you want to block my way out?"

The two stared at each other with wide eyes, and in the next second, they started fighting.

"Luo Jiuchen...why is it you again..."

"Senior brother, Luo Jiuchen hit me!"

Luo Jiuchen: "If you don't block my way, can I hit you?"

"You let your apprentice beat my apprentice!"

Luo Jiuchen: "Gou Yue can beat your apprentice, that's his skill!"

"Shut up both of you!"


One big, one small, one dog, carrying a small bundle, stood at the gate of Xuanyi faction.

"Tch, it's not the first time. We'll go back when we're full!"

(End of this chapter)

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