Old Ancestor, she's back again

Chapter 700: The Treasure of Kongkong Mountain!

Chapter 700: The Treasure of Kongkong Mountain!
One big and one small, a dog went down the mountain.

"Do you have money?"

Luo Jiuchen paused on his heels.

"You are a little doll that is not as tall as a chair, can you stop asking such vulgar questions. Your master and I seem to be short of money?"


"Shut up! Talk so heartbreakingly, be careful that you won't get a wife in the future!"

After going down the mountain, Luo Jiuchen was like a butterfly flying among the flowers, he flew up busyly, and when he turned around, he found that Gouyue had disappeared.

"Why is it missing? Where's the person? Where's Luo Xiaoyi? They won't be stewed by someone, right?"

an hour later
Luo Jiuchen found a lone child and a dog standing at the crossroad they passed just now.

Inexplicably, some guilty conscience appeared again.

"Xiao Gouyue~"

Gou Yue: "You only add a small letter before my name when you are guilty!"

"Guilty, I'm your master, I'm a guilty ass!"

"Then why are you nervous?"

"I'm not nervous?"

"Okay, let's go!"

"Gou Yue, I just walked too fast, didn't you keep up? It's not my fault!"

Gou Yue: "It's because of my short legs!"

Luo Jiuchen took a deep breath silently: "Has anyone ever told you that a child who speaks so angry doesn't have candy?"

Gou Yue: "If you don't get angry, will you buy it for me?"

"Uh, this, that?"

"Today's weather is good. As a teacher, I will make a calculation. It is suitable for robbing the rich and helping the poor!"

Gou Yue: "..."

"Oh, I've said it all, don't look at me like this anymore~"


"A few small bandits, how long will it be enough for us?" Gou Yue was thinking about this question while eating.

"Little Gouyue, making money is an adult's business, as a child, you can just eat!"

"is it?"

Gou Yue looked at Luo Jiuchen with deep meaning in his eyes!

"Gou Yue, you are not cute at all..."

"I, Luo Xiaoyi, are still cute... Hey, Luo Xiaoyi, why did you run away, but I picked you up!"

an hour later
"Where's the money?" Gou Yue

"Looks like it was stolen?"

"How many bandits like just now are around?"


"Then let's go back to the Xuan faction!"

"Xiao Gouyue, I haven't played enough, I don't want to go back..."


"Come on, pass by, don't miss it, let me know about the broken stone in my chest..."


"Yue, the rocks are broken into dozens of pieces, where is the money?"

Gou Yue silently glanced at Luo Jiuchen's outstretched hand, and then put the money in his pocket in front of her!
"Put it on me, it's safer!"

"Gou Yue, don't be so cruel to my teacher..."

"Little Gouyue, dear, I want to eat candied haws!"

"Eat candy seeds too."

"I'll have a serving of that snack too..."

Gou Yue: "Didn't you eat Bigu Dan?"

"Well, I've said it all, I really don't know how to raise children."

Why are children nowadays so unlovable and difficult?

"Gou Yue, let's go back. As a teacher, I miss the mountains and rivers of the Xuanyi School."


"Isn't it you who said you were going back?"

Gou Yue led the dog and walked away with a serious expression on his face.

"Sister, your son is so cute!"

"Who are you calling big sister? It's not my fault..."


"I heard no, there is a very interesting treasure out of Kongkong Mountain, I heard it is very miraculous."

"Really? Let's go and see."

Interesting treasure?

"Gou Yue, after sending you back to the Xuanyi faction as a teacher, you are ready to retreat!"

Gou Yue: "I'll tell the head, you go to Kongkong Mountain to grab treasures!"

"You child, how can you do this!"

empty mountain

"When Daihui goes in, don't make a sound, you know?"

Gou Yue: "Kongkongshan is famous for its ingenious manufacturing, and its mechanism skills are very powerful!"

"you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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