The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1017 1022 Last Chance! 1 more

Chapter 1017 1022 Last Chance! 1 more

"He turned out to be that person..."

Cheng Kun was in a very complicated mood. He planned to witness Ding Ning's defeat, but now that Ding Ning admitted that he was Old Demon Ding, Cheng Kun suddenly felt that there was no hope for revenge.

In Cheng Kun's heart, Old Devil Ding is a powerful existence that cannot be defeated. If there is no Ding Ning, how can the Tianhe Sect behind him be able to rise to the top.

And he actually has a grudge against such a strong man, isn't he courting death?

Cheng Kun was glad that he didn't annoy Ding Ning thoroughly before, otherwise, he would not be enough to die a hundred times.

Not to mention that Cheng Kun is not Ding Ning's opponent, even Du Ling, the most powerful Tianhe Sect, cannot compete with him.

Everyone in the Tianhe Sect is aware of Ding Ning's horror, and they are also grateful to Ding Ning. If Ding Ning hadn't killed so many powerful people and changed the original top ten power structure in Eastern Shenbu Continent, how could Tianhe Sect be able to rise to power.

"Fortunately, he didn't argue with me, otherwise, Tianhezong would also be attacked." Regardless of how Ding Ning and Jiang Taichao fought, Cheng Kun did not dare to continue to be an enemy of Ding Ning.

Cheng Kun couldn't provoke such a strong man at all. It was fine if he didn't know about it before, but now that he knew about it, of course, he had to avoid any antagonism with him.

Jiang Taichao presses on step by step, every step, there is an aura appearing, and with the last step, the accumulated aura is like a vast sea, suddenly pressing down.


The existence in Jiang Taichao's body knew the danger of Ding Ning, so he immediately used the strongest means, and mysterious runes were generated in front of him. Each of these runes was shining golden, and then formed a huge golden body of runes.


The rune golden body was in front of Ding Ning in the blink of an eye. It didn't make any movement. When it reached Ding Ning's body, it immediately made an earth-shattering sound.

It exploded.

Like a human bomb, it detonated in front of Ding Ning's eyes, just like a Nascent Soul blew itself up.

The terrifying explosive power sweeps away everything around and destroys everything.

Ding Ning only resisted for a while, and his body was blown out uncontrollably.

After rolling several times in the air, it stopped.

Jiang Taichao was very satisfied with the existence in his body. He saw Ding Ning's embarrassment when he was blown away. This time, Ding Ning's powerful body did not remain intact.

he got hurt.

Some parts of Ding Ning's body can be seen to be bloody.

The only thing that made Jiang Taichao dissatisfied was that this blow failed to kill Ding Ning. Although Ding Ning was injured, he stood up quickly.

What was hanging on Ding Ning's face was not anger, but a smile. This picture made Jiang Taichao frowned and said, "What are you laughing at?"

"Thank you."

"Thank me?"

"Yes, thank you for that blow just now."

The existence in Jiang Taichao's body did not know what Ding Ning was talking about, but after Ding Ning said the next sentence, he finally understood the reason.

"If it wasn't for your attack just now, it would take a while for me to enter the Mahayana realm. You helped me to leave this realm ahead of time. Should I thank you?"

As he said that, the dark clouds above Ding Ning's head suddenly began to change, and the wind surged instantly. A large number of dark clouds gathered, and thunder and lightning began to thunder.

Cross the robbery!

Isn't this a picture of the imminent catastrophe?
The existence in Jiang Taichao's body is really a little unclear. In his opinion, Ding Ning is already a strong man in the Mahayana realm. Could this catastrophe be the catastrophe of entering the Transcendence realm?

But soon, he discovered something strange.

Ding Ning fought against him, from the beginning to the end, he never used the slightest magic power, moreover, Ding Ning has always appeared as an righteous monk.

Combined with Ding Ning's words just now, and the fact that the catastrophe is about to come.


The existence in Jiang Taichao's body suddenly thought of a possibility.

Is Ding Ning going to cross the Heavenly Tribulation of the Mahayana Realm of the Righteous Path?
Is he a fellow practitioner of the two paths of righteousness and evil?

After this idea appeared, the existence in Jiang Taichao's body showed a look of horror. How could someone be able to practice the two ways of righteousness and evil at the same time? This is simply impossible.

It's impossible!

This is absolutely impossible.

Jiang Taichao didn't believe in the existence in Jiang Taichao's body, but when the righteous aura in Ding Ning's body was provoking Heavenly Tribulation, he had no choice but to believe it.

The existence in Jiang Taichao's body has heard a rumor that in a very ancient period, an era even longer than the ancient times, someone once stepped on the road to reach it, practiced at the same time, and finally reached a terrible height, but because of this This kind of situation is too heaven-defying, not only the Dao of Heaven does not allow it, even the Dao is not allowed, some people speculate that if someone can merge several Dao, then it is possible to transcend the Dao and become the supreme existence in the end, even the immortal can be crushed to death.

The existence in Jiang Taichao's body has always been regarded as a kind of joke, and I don't believe it. After all, some aspects are mutually exclusive, and it is impossible to practice at the same time. Just like the two ways of righteousness and evil, only one can be cultivated. The monk will explode and die immediately.

But judging from Ding Ning, it seems that he broke this rule.

He was originally a strong man of the demonic way, and now he is about to raise the realm of the righteous way to the height of the Mahayana realm.

So what kind of strength will be achieved under the combination of the two ways?
The existence in Jiang Taichao's body discovered that he seemed to vaguely understand why Ding Ning was so powerful.

It makes sense for this guy to be a fellow cultivator of the two ways of righteousness and evil, breaking common sense, and his strength is against the sky.

If Ding Ning's righteous deity also enters the Mahayana realm, what kind of changes will happen to Ding Ning's strength?
The existence in Jiang Taichao's body was unimaginable, but through the side display of Ding Ning's strength before, he knew that once Ding Ning succeeded in crossing the robbery, he might not be his opponent.

You must know that Ding Ning had just broken through to the Mahayana realm in the realm of the devil, and began to sweep the Mahayana realm powerhouses. Now that Zhengdao has stepped into this realm, doesn't it mean that he can fight across borders.

Is his advantage still an advantage?

Ding Ning cannot be allowed to cross the catastrophe.

Ding Ning must be killed before the catastrophe descends.

Otherwise, if Ding Ning really survived the catastrophe, no one would be able to be his opponent.


The existence in Jiang Taichao's body exploded with unprecedented killing intent. At the same time, he sent a voice transmission to Lei Mengsheng who was in the dark, and it was time to take action.

Lei Mengsheng was shocked and speechless when he heard that Ding Ning was a fellow practitioner of both righteous and evil ways. After a while, this shock turned into a will to kill.

He knew that this was the last chance to kill Ding Ning, otherwise, when Ding Ning reached the same height with both positive and evil ways at the same time, Lei Mengsheng would never have the chance to kill Ding Ning again, even if he crossed the Tribulation Realm.


Lei Meng came alive and carried out a sneak attack in the dark.

Jiang Taichao and Lei Mengsheng launched the final and strongest attack on Ding Ning.

This will be the last chance for the two of them to kill Ding Ning.

(End of this chapter)

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