The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1018 1023 The most tragic person! 2 more

Chapter 1018 1023 The most tragic person! 2 more

Ding Ning had to pay attention to the attack in Jiang Taichao's body. Although he released the aura of crossing the sky, the catastrophe has not yet fully formed, and at least one to three breaths are needed.

And during this period, if other people shot at him, it would be impossible to cause the Heavenly Tribulation to kill him.

In other words, if he wants to cross the Mahayana Heavenly Tribulation, he must at least survive the three breaths.

The existence in Jiang Taichao's body, his hands are constantly dancing, and he is performing a special method. Those seemingly slow hands are actually as fast as lightning, and in an instant, there is a stinging light in front of him.

I saw two strands of white light lingering on Jiang Taichao's hands, and the next second, Jiang Taichao came in front of him in an instant, punching with both fists.

The two strands of white light formed something like a big net, covering Ding Ning all at once.

"Fellow Daoist Lei, it's up to you!"

After finishing this move, Jiang Taichao said suddenly, the next moment, Lei Mengsheng suddenly appeared behind Ding Ning, when the big net formed by the white light wrapped Ding Ning, Lei Mengsheng brought the most strength of his body to follow Ding Ning's attack. The head slammed down.

This is to blow up Ding Ning once, not even his soul is left, and he is so dead that he can't die again.

A white glow bloomed on Ding Ning's head, and then spread to the surroundings, making it impossible for everyone present to open their eyes.

"See if you die or not." The existence in Jiang Taichao's body stared at the void covered by the white light. He cooperated with Lei Mengsheng and had already practiced it several times, just to be able to kill Ding Ning with one blow.

"With the cooperation of the two of us, even if you have the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, it won't be able to save you. When we turn on and off, the entire attack time is completed in an instant, and you can't escape."

In order to prevent Ding Ning from resisting the attack with the help of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, the existence in Jiang Taichao's body had already figured out this coordinated attack, otherwise he would not have joined forces with Lei Mengsheng.

Although he was not the one to act as the next killer in the process of cooperating to kill Ding Ning, that doesn't mean that he didn't play a role. On the contrary, without him, Lei Mengsheng would have to give a big discount if he wanted to hit every hit. up.

The net he formed with his own power was to restrict Ding Ning, and even play a certain role in blocking Ding Ning's summoning of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower.

Enveloped by his energy net, Ding Ning couldn't break free in a short time, at least he would be restricted for one breath, and this one breath was enough for Lei Mengsheng to condense all his strength into one blow and use it on Ding Ning.

"Did it succeed?" Lei Mengsheng never thought that his cooperation with Jiang Taichao would be fulfilled so quickly, and it was surprisingly smooth. In order to ensure that Ding Ning was killed, he did not spare any strength. He really did his best. At this time, Dantian Among them, there is nothing left, and there is no strength left.

Because he understands that between him and Ding Ning, it's either you die or I die, life and death must be separated.

Lei Mengsheng didn't want to die, so he could only let Ding Ning die.

With all his strength, Ding Ning's head must have been blown off. At this time, only a headless body should be left.

"No, the dark clouds in the sky don't mean to disperse at all." Lei Mengsheng suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. The dark clouds in the sky were caused by Ding Ning, because Ding Ning was going to cross the catastrophe. , these dark clouds should appear to be dissipating at this moment, but on the contrary, the dark clouds are getting thicker and thicker, and the sky is depressed, giving people a very depressing feeling.

He is still alive.

When Lei Mengsheng had this idea in his mind, a voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

"You are really easy for me to find."

Lei Mengsheng turned his head, and at some point, Ding Ning quietly appeared behind him.

Immediately, Lei Mengsheng, a strong man who had crossed the Tribulation Realm, broke out in a cold sweat.

Facing this opponent whose realm was lower than his own, Lei Mengsheng didn't have any confidence, but he felt uneasy.

"How did you dodge?" Looking at Ding Ning's intact body, it didn't look like he was taking a blow with all his strength. This can only explain one situation, that is, Ding Ning dodged at a critical moment.

Ding Ning smiled: "I didn't hide, I just let someone take the blow you just took instead of me." As he spoke, Ding Ning pointed to the battlefield just now and motioned Lei Mengsheng to take a closer look.

Lei Mengsheng looked over immediately, and when he saw that there was indeed a person standing there, he was stunned.

When he saw clearly the clothes on this man's body and the half of his face that was blown up, he was even more startled.

This is……

Crane... Master Crane!

"How is it possible!" Lei Mengsheng didn't expect that the person he killed with all his strength just now turned into Master He. Master He didn't disappear, why did he suddenly appear.

What the hell is going on here?
Lei Mengsheng turned his attention back to Ding Ning: "You designed all of this?"

Ding Ning smiled: "Could it be that you two are only allowed to design me secretly, and I'm not allowed to design you instead?"

The one who is most angry at the moment is Jiang Taichao himself. Although Jiang Taichao's body is now dominated by the existence in his body, Jiang Taichao himself can see everything that is happening in front of him clearly. When he sees Ding Ning making a move After the civet cat exchanged the crown prince, making the attacked person become a real crane, Jiang Taichao's anger surged out uncontrollably, and the existence in his body could feel this fiery hatred.

Ding Ning is letting him deceive his master and destroy his ancestors.

"I'm going to kill you, I swear, I'm going to kill you." Jiang Taichao was roaring, he begged the existence in his body to kill Ding Ning, no, just leave a breath, let him end Ding Ning's life.

"The Supreme Sovereign."

"The Supreme Sovereign!"

A group of Taishangmen's disciples saw the sudden appearance of Daoist He, who had half of their heads blown off, not even their souls left. Even standing there at this time, they were already dead.

The saddest thing is that the person who killed Master He seems to be related to Jiang Taichao.

Together they did not kill Ding Ning, but killed Master He instead.

Crane real person is really tragic.

Before, because Ding Ning sucked Jiang Taichao's sealing power into the God Demon Inheritance Tower and used it on He Zhenren, He was unable to move and suffered the pain of being licked by ancient fierce beasts.

When he realized that he had suddenly disappeared from the ancient beast, He Zhenren thought the pain was over, but unexpectedly met Lei Mengsheng's full blow.

Just like that, Master Crane tragically passed away and became the most aggrieved top powerhouse who died in history.

"The two of you really want to kill me, don't you, and I really want to kill you both. In that case, today, none of us will run away, and we will separate life and death here. Do you two dare?" Ding Ning said, eyes parting Look at Lei Mengsheng and Jiang Taichao.

In front of the monks from the four major continents, Ding Ning wrote the gauntlet.

(End of this chapter)

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