The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1024 1029 Immortal! 2 more

Chapter 1024 1029 Immortal! 2 more

Pom Pom Pom...

Looking at the dazzling light, the gorgeous flowers bloomed in the air several times, very beautiful.

But the monks of the four continents who have been paying attention to the sky all know in their hearts that behind this beauty is the exchange of self-destruct magic weapons by the most powerful.

And all of this was just to kill that person.

A perverted person who can practice both positive and evil ways at the same time.

Dozens of magic weapons detonated at the same time, no matter how strong this guy is, he can't hold it back.

He must be dead by now.

No, it should be more appropriate to be smashed to pieces.

Many people present had this idea, especially those who wanted Ding Ning to die.

"Almost all the powerhouses in the four major continents have put their magic weapons into it. If this person still cannot be killed, then it can only be said that this guy is too scary. Anyone who provokes him will be the worst mistake." decision."

"He will surely die."

"Except for immortals, no one can survive this kind of siege."

Many people are very sure that Ding Ning's ending, in their eyes, this kind of four continents strongmen join hands to deal with one person, except for immortals, other people can't do it at all.

"He's dead, I'm betting with all my worth..." The man was talking, when suddenly, his words stopped abruptly, and a look of seeing a ghost appeared on his face, his mouth opened wide, forming a circle .

The astonished face of this monk was not alone, 90.00% of the people present had such an expression.

They were all shocked, because the person who thought he was going to die, he really didn't die, even if there were so many magical artifacts that exploded at the same time, he was still alive.

Ding Ning's figure was in everyone's sight.

He didn't die, he survived, but his appearance was a bit miserable. Before that, he was pierced by so many magic weapons, and then he was blew up by the magic weapons. If you think about it, you know, it can't be any better.

In people's hearts, it is a miracle that Ding Ning is alive.

Ding Ning looked very embarrassed, his clothes were ragged, and his body was covered in blood.

The flesh and blood of many body parts were turned over, even when they fought against Yelu Kunlun and others back then, it was not so miserable.

Ding Ning stood there motionless, with blood dripping from his forehead into the void.

The hair had completely parted at some point, covering most of the face, and no one could see clearly what kind of expression Ding Ning had at this time.

But people can feel one thing, that is the cold murderous intent coming from Ding Ning.

That gloomy aura, from faintly present to non-existent, continued to intensify.

In the end, like tentacles with teeth and claws, they continuously danced and spread in the void, causing the strong men who were still near Ding Ning to retreat involuntarily.

"I'm almost going to die in your hands." Ding Ning said suddenly. He raised his head, revealing his entire face. At this time, his eyes had returned to normal, no longer blood red, but full of coldness.

Dozens of instruments exploded at the same time, and they exploded on his body. Ding Ning was the first to bear the brunt of the damage.

This is Ding Ning. If it were any other monk, he would be dead right now.

If he hadn't possessed the Vajra God Demon Body, he would have been smashed to pieces at this time, and no Mahayana monk would be able to withstand the self-explosion power of dozens of top powerhouse magic weapons.

Even if you cross the Tribulation Realm, you will suffer.

However, Ding Ning insisted on surviving from it.

In addition to being able to cause such harm to himself, the most important factor was the presence in Jiang Taichao's body, apart from the fact that the strong men from the four major continents shot together.

So, after Ding Ning finished that sentence, his gaze was fixed on Jiang Taichao.

He could feel that the main reason why he couldn't move before must be the existence in Jiang Taichao's body, not Lei Mengsheng. If Lei Mengsheng had this kind of means, he would have taken it out a long time ago, and it would not be just this time. .

It was the first time Ding Ning had seen such a method of negative emotional attack to sink a person, and he did not expect that he almost lost his life in it.

The existence in Jiang Taichao's body met Ding Ning's gaze, and slowly said: "I didn't expect that you will not die under such an attack, you are really tenacious."

"You can't kill me, this time, it's time for me to kill you." Ding Ninghan said.

"Oh? Then I'm looking forward to it, but before that, you may have to pass through many people to come to me." The existence in Jiang Taichao's body smiled.

He was right, in front of Jiang Taichao was a strong man from the Four Continents, this guy hid at the back, if he wanted to kill him, he really had to deal with other people first.

When Ding Ning heard this, he smiled lightly: "It's okay, I will clean them up one by one, and kill you at the end."

As he said that, his eyes returned to the strong men from the four major continents.

He saw that there were some people he was familiar with, Ye Wuxiang, Mu Nanbei, these are the powerhouses of Eastern Shenbu Continent, it was expected that these people would take action, after all, he had caused great harm to Eastern Shenbu Continent before. small injury.

However, those strong men from the other three continents also chose to intervene, which was beyond Ding Ning's expectation.

He didn't know how Jiang Taichao persuaded these people, but it was not an easy task to get them to take action.

"Do you want to kill me too?" Ding Ning looked at the strong men outside the Eastern Shenbu Continent.

In fact, this question is a useless question, because standing here, these people have already expressed their attitude, and even used the magic weapon to self-destruct, naturally to kill Ding Ning.

"Evil cultivators, everyone can get them and punish them." A strong man from Beilubuzhou said.

"If you hand over the inheritance of gods and demons to me, on behalf of Xigabuzhou, I don't have to make a move."

"Leave it to me, and I can do as well as Nanzhan Buzhou."

"My purpose is very simple, to hand over the secrets of your righteous fellow practitioner."

All of a sudden, several strong men spoke up, some wanting the inheritance of gods and demons on Ding Ning, and some wanting to correct the secrets of demons and fellow practitioners. In short, they all coveted the things on Ding Ning.

"Hehe, so you want these things, it seems that you must intervene." Ding Ning said slowly.

"If you don't know how to play, we can grab it by force." Someone sneered.

If you obediently hand it over, most of us can quit. Faced with so many of us at the same time, you should know the result. A piece of advice is to meet our conditions, otherwise you will die miserably. "

"Unless you want to face the attacks of the four continents, otherwise, you can only bow your head."

Whether it is Xihebuzhou, Nanzhanbuzhou, or Beilubuzhou, they all have a lot of confidence in beheading Ding Ning. After all, they almost killed Ding Ning just now. As long as there are a few more attacks like that, Ding Ning If you don't die, you have to die.

What's more, looking at Ding Ning's appearance, it is obvious that he has suffered a lot of injuries. With so many of them, there is no chance of winning.

No matter how evil the strong are, there is a limit. As long as they are not immortals, the strong from the four major continents will never be their opponents. This is why they are confident and confident.

When the four continents are united, is there anything irresistible?

Nor will there be.

Unless that person is a fairy, is Ding Ning a fairy?

The answer is even more impossible!
(End of this chapter)

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