The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1025 Eat it at 1030! 1 more

Chapter 1025 Eat it at 1030! 1 more

These people are all thinking about what is on him.

The inheritance of gods and demons and fellow practitioners of righteous demons are what these people want to know.

According to these people, as long as they want these things, as long as Ding Ning handed them over, they can withdraw from the battlefield.

But will Ding Ning pay it?

Ding Ning sneered in his heart, handing over his greatest secret and strongest weapon was completely equivalent to giving up everything and letting the opponent dispose of him.

How could he compromise.

It is impossible to hand over.

Even if he had to face all the strong men from the four major continents at once, so what.

"It seems that you don't intend to hand it over." A strong man from Nanzhan Buzhou said.

"I knew he wouldn't compromise so easily. Since we don't cry when we don't see the coffin, we just need to let him understand how big the gap is for him alone when facing so many of us."

"Hehe..." Ding Ning smiled when he heard the other party's unscrupulous words: "Listening to what you said, I really want to see your strength, the powerhouses of the four major continents, Zizi, if you are all dead, the four I'm also looking forward to what will happen in Buzhou."

"Arrogance, do you still want to defeat all of us alone?" Someone sneered.

"If you don't try, how will you know?" Ding Ning said lightly.

"You will regret your arrogance." Some people couldn't help but want to shoot.

However, Ding Ning's movements seem to be faster than the opponent's. Since there is nothing to talk about, it depends on who is stronger and whose means are better.

Before the man's words fell, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and Ding Ning suddenly appeared in front of him, which really surprised him, he didn't expect Ding Ning to make a move as soon as he said it.

"Looking for death!" The man yelled angrily. Fortunately, he had just made preparations. While speaking, he had already secretly activated his power. At this moment, he just needed to hit it out quickly.

"You are the one who is looking for death." Ding Ning saw that the other party reacted immediately, and punched him. With a slight smile on his face, he tilted his body and immediately dodged.

"Hurry up and kill him." Seeing Ding Ning dodge the attack so easily, the man's heart shuddered, and immediately he didn't care about the face of any strong man, and immediately yelled for other strong men to attack. He didn't want to be alone. Face Ding Ning.

The rest of the powerhouses naturally wouldn't just watch. To be honest, it was only a blink of an eye for Ding Ning to make a move.


Immediately, someone came to support them. After all, they were not far apart, and some were even less than ten meters away, which was a matter of an instant.

Seeing other people making moves, the strong man who faced Ding Ning was slightly relieved, but just as he was relaxing, suddenly, he felt a cold breath coming from behind.

Ding Ning was right in front of his eyes without moving.

No, he was looking at me and smiling.

So what's the matter with this icy breath behind him?
This strong man didn't look back, because he was afraid that Ding Ning would take advantage of this opportunity and kill him.

He could only get himself out of here quickly, and he definitely couldn't do it alone if he wanted to kill Ding Ning. He was very clear about this.

This strong man didn't hesitate, and when he felt a terrifying presence behind him, he immediately left.

"It's late." Ding Ning said on the opposite side.

The strong man secretly thought something was wrong, and then, the cold breath enveloped him in an instant, and the strong man understood that he was locked, and the other party was very close to him.

He turned his head back, because he didn't want to die for no apparent reason, at least he had to know what was killing him.

And the moment he turned his head, a blood-red palm grabbed him, making him unable to break free.

This is……

He saw a blood-red existence, like a guy who came out of a pool of blood. It looked ugly, and it looked like a monster. At this moment, a pair of cold eyes were staring at him.

This is the blood god, the blood god fusion that came out of the blood god's banner.

Since the last time he used the Blood God Banner was when he was fighting Yelu Kunlun and the others, he never used it again.

Now, facing so many strong men at the same time again, Ding Ning felt that it was a good time to sacrifice the blood refining god banner.

If all the powerhouses from these four major continents were sacrificed to the Blood God Banner, what height could the Blood God Banner reach?
Ding Ning is looking forward to it.

Today's Blood God Banner is not far away from the seventh side of the sacrifice, and it can even be said that it is close at hand.

It only needs the Nascent Soul of a few strong men, and maybe the seventh blood god banner can be born.

As soon as the blood god banner was activated, the six blood gods merged into one and turned into the strongest blood god. Ding Ning wanted to make this strongest blood god undergo another qualitative change right now.


Following Ding Ning's thought, the blood god grabbed the strong man and put it into his mouth, which was to produce swallowing and directly absorb and refine.

"Damn it, come and help me." The strong man panicked and watched himself being eaten by the devil. No one could keep calm. In the face of death, both the strong and the weak are equal of.

Others naturally saw the blood god holding this person in his hands, and they also understood the consequences of being eaten, which would only strengthen the blood god's strength.

"Boom and kill it."

For a while, many strong men greeted the blood god with their attacks, but this did not stop the blood god, but continued to send that strong man into his mouth.

The strong man was thrown into the mouth by the blood god, and after a final scream, he heard the sound of bones being crushed.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill you. I swear, I will let this monster die without a burial." Surprisingly, this strong man whose body was eaten by the blood god did not die. The baby came out of the body at a critical moment.

But just after he finished speaking, he heard a faint voice in his ears: "You have no chance."

And as he turned his head, he happened to see Ding Ning's cold face.


He almost forgot about Ding Ning.

The most dangerous thing is this guy.

However, Ding Ning didn't give him more time to think. With five fingers grasping, five chains emerged from the void, and immediately entangled the man's Nascent Soul.

This is the Demon Devouring Chain.

This strong man kept breaking free, but he found that the chain was really difficult to break free.

It’s over.

The next second, a more desperate scene appeared. The blood god who had just eaten his body came again, and the palm grabbed him again.

Then, he felt that he was surrounded by darkness, and he, his Nascent Soul was sent into the mouth of the blood god again.

But this time, before he even had time to call out for help, he fell instantly.

The sound of chewing spread all over the world. There is no doubt that the strong man just now is dead this time. Even the Nascent Soul was eaten in one bite. Even if the immortal came, he would be powerless to recover.

Hearing the sound of devouring, many powerhouses present felt a chill behind their backs. In less than three breaths, a Mahayana powerhouse died on their side.

(End of this chapter)

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