The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1026 1031 Fight against the strongest in the world! 2 more

Chapter 1026 1031 Fight against the strongest in the world! 2 more

A Mahayana realm was eaten alive, neither the physical body nor the Nascent Soul could escape.

The aura of the blood god didn't change much. It seems that at the level of six blood god banners, it seems that it is not enough for this Mahayana powerhouse to produce seven blood god banners.

But Ding Ning, the owner of the blood god's banner, can still clearly feel the change of the blood god's banner after devouring a strong man.

"It's still close." Ding Ning sighed.

The Blood God Banner is now at a critical point, but the strength of a Mahayana strong man is not enough to break through this critical point, and will continue to devour it.

Ding Ning turned his attention to those strong men from the four major continents.

If you want to give birth to the seventh blood god banner, you still need these people to continue to dedicate themselves.

"I can't let this guy go on swallowing it." Among the strong, Lei Mengsheng said, he and Ding Ning had not only fought once, he naturally knew how powerful Ding Ning was, and this Blood God Banner was one of Ding Ning's powerful means. Back then, Ding Ning hurt them with this blood god banner.

If Ding Ning is really born with seven faces by the blood god's banner, Ding Ning will become even more terrifying. You must know that Ding Ning's use of the blood god's banner is definitely beyond everyone else.

"It seems that we need to deal with this guy in two ways, one group against him, and one group against the blood god." Someone suggested that in this way, Ding Ning would not be able to cooperate with the blood god, and his combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced. They are also less threatening.

"Okay, then the people from two continents will deal with him, and the two continents will deal with this monster."

In an instant, the powerhouses of the four major continents decided on a strategy, and immediately turned into two torrents, encircling Ding Ning and Blood God respectively, ready to besiege each other.

Seeing this scene, Ding Ning frowned slightly. In this way, it was really difficult for him to cooperate with the blood god and continue to devour other people.

"If you cut off your cooperation, let's see how you kill people." A strong man said coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, kill this guy, and everything is over."

The number of powerhouses surrounding Ding Ning is as high as twenty, all of whom are from North Lubu Continent and West Hebe Continent.

As for the blood god, there are strong men from Dongshenbuzhou and Nanzhanbuzhou, forming two battlefields.

Ding Ning noticed that Lei Mengsheng and Jiang Taichao did not join any battlefield.

Just like two poisonous snakes, guarding outside the battlefield, ready to attack at any time.

However, if the other party didn't join the battlefield, he had no choice. After all, someone else made a move and surrounded him.

Lei Mengsheng and Jiang Taichao did not participate in any battle situation, and they had already secretly transmitted voices to other strong men. The two of them were preparing to launch a surprise attack. After all, their cooperation before was still seen by everyone, and the two of them The strength is the strongest, and once a surprise attack is made, the chance of success is also the greatest.

Of course, even this is not enough to unify the powerhouses of the other three major continents. The two had to make a secret promise that as long as Ding Ning is killed, all the fruits of victory will be distributed equally, and it will not be because of their strength. , occupy the bulk of the interests.

In this way, the powerhouses of the four major continents have reached a unity, and they have no opinion on Ding Ning.

The scene of all the strong men from the four major continents taking action is extremely shocking. After all, it is extremely rare for so many strong men to show up together, let alone attack together.

Two battlefields formed in the sky, and each battlefield, it can be said, gathered half of the power of the cultivation world.

To deal with Ding Ning alone, it can be said that the power of the entire cultivation world was used.

The monks present never thought that they would be able to witness such a scene in their lifetime.

To put it bluntly, such a scene can only be seen once in a lifetime, not everyone is qualified to make the four continents deal with one person.

At this time, all geniuses and young talents were thrown aside.

In the face of this level of collision, those are just pediatrics.

He Daojing is not qualified to participate in this fight, let alone a young genius.

No matter which continent's genius you are, at this time, you can only stay honestly below, you can only pay attention to the battlefield, and you can't participate in person, because any person on the top can kill you instantly with a single blow.

Ding Ning was targeted by the four major continents. Those who wished Ding Ning's death all showed excitement, seeing the dawn of killing Ding Ning.

As for the people who didn't want Ding Ning to have trouble, there were very few of them. Compared with the number of people present, it could even be said to be close to none.

Only Lu Feng and the others hope that Ding Ning is safe.

But with the current situation, they don't know that Ding Ning can survive. The current situation is really too difficult. This is an enemy of the entire cultivation world.

One person faced forty or fifty Mahayana powerhouses from the four major continents, and two of them were from the Tribulation Realm.

No matter how you look at it, there is not much hope.

There are too many strong people in the four major continents, and they are simply crushed.

"Will Big Brother Ding come down?" Lu Yao murmured, this sentence seemed to be asking others, but also seemed to be asking herself.

"Maybe a miracle will happen." Lu Feng could only reply.

According to the judgment in his heart, [-]% of Ding Ning would not be able to survive, but he didn't want such a thing to happen, so he could only hope for a miracle.

"Senior Hong, what do you think?" Stone and Wood looked at Hong Qi.

This kind of battlefield, even Hong Qi, who is the number one in physical training, can't go to the field. This is a match between the top powerhouses. .

Even if he is in the Dao realm, even if he has the strength to compete with the Mahayana realm, he can't change the situation of the battle. As long as the opponent dispatches two people, he, Hong Qi, may be beheaded.

Hearing Stone and Wood's question, Hong Qi said firmly, "He will never die. I believe he will win."

Hong Qi's firm answer made everyone's eyes brighten. They didn't expect Hong Qi to be the one who had the most confidence in Ding Ning among them.

But, can Ding Ning really survive?They don't know why Hong Qi is so convinced of this.

"Because he is the apprentice of the immortal, if he is in danger, will the teacher not show up?"

Hong Qi didn't say these words, but just thought about it in his heart. When he thought of the possibility of an immortal appearing, Hong Qi couldn't help trembling with excitement.


Taboo-like existence, soon, will he be able to see it?
Ding Ning didn't know that he had fooled Hong Qi to death with a casual sentence at the beginning, and he firmly believed in the fact that there was a fairy behind him.

At this time, he was waiting for the fairy teacher behind him to appear.

In fact, immortals will not appear, but will Ding Ning die?

Ding Ning did not allow such a thing to happen, he had already died once, how could he die again.


The next moment, the two battlefields in the sky began to collide with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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