The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 103 The 1033rd day arrives!

Chapter 103 103 Three Days Arrive!
Jiangling, Wumen martial arts school.

There is only one day left before the three-day battle, and the entire martial arts hall is very quiet.

In the past, the children of Wumen would practice martial arts in the courtyard, but these two days, there was no sound here.

Because they were afraid of disturbing Tang Jiujue and Lu Xiong's cultivation.

Tang Jiujue and Lu Xiong's closed-door practice is to sit cross-legged on the ground and meditate without moving, not the kind of training on moves.

Before fighting, the most important thing is to calm down and keep yourself in the best condition, which is very helpful to keep a clear mind during the battle.

In the confrontation between martial arts practitioners, every move is accompanied by a life-and-death crisis. If you are not careful, you will be hit, and the light one will be seriously injured, and the severe one will be killed on the spot.

The two opened their eyes at the same time, and got up from the cross-legged state.

"Teacher, your hand?" Lu Xiong was worried that Tang Jiujue's hand hadn't recovered yet.

Tang Jiujue smiled: "It's okay, I repaired it with Yuanli, and it won't affect the shot."

Hearing this, Lu Xiong felt a little relieved.

In fact, recovering the scorched hands was not as easy as Tang Jiujue's understatement. After all, it was Ding Ning's blow. Although Ding Ning only condensed the spiritual energy together to form an attack, in terms of energy, it also had to surpass Yuanli of.

Fortunately, Ding Ning only used a little bit to get rid of the remaining power, otherwise, it would not be easy for Tang Jiujue to recover.

If Ding Ning used real energy instead of spiritual energy, Tang Jiujue's hands would never recover in this life.

"Teacher, I have a worry." Lu Xiong said.

Tang Jiujue signaled Lu Xiong to speak directly, and Lu Xiong said: "He Qian Wolong made a breakthrough, and at his age, he can maintain his peak combat power for a while. With this kind of strength, with my peak martial arts strength, as long as I can resist for a while, the next In a fight, I must win, but I'm afraid..."

"Are you afraid that the man named Ding Ning will help?" Tang Jiujue said.

Lu Xiong nodded: "That's right, you've seen this man's strength, and if there's an accident, the most likely thing is him."

Tang Jiujue nodded. Ding Ning's strength made him feel difficult. For a young man of his age, his strength was even more terrifying than himself, a martial artist who had practiced for decades. He really didn't know what Ding Ning was. How did you practice.

Lu Xiong is right, Ding Ning does have the ability to control the situation of the battle.

"We don't have to worry too much. Even if he helps, he can't help Qian Wolong. We just need to defeat Qian Wolong. As for him..." Tang Jiujue's eyes flickered, and he said meaningfully: "I still have a little A hole card is useless."

Hearing this, Lu Xiong was overjoyed. He knew that since the teacher said so, his cards must not be weak. Now that he had a way to deal with Ding Ning, he didn't have to worry too much about Ding Ning.

"I will try to kill him on the spot for you, teacher. In this way, you don't need to take action." Lu Xiong said.

"If this is the case, it is naturally the best."


Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and the day of the appointment arrived.

Before Qian Lao and Tang Jiujue showed up, many people had already arrived at the place where they fought.

Most of them are local martial arts practitioners in Jiangling, and a small number of them are from other regions.

Everyone who came here was very interested in Qian Lao and Tang Jiujue's actions. In the past few days, many people dug out the two people's brilliant achievements and spread them to the ears of many people, making more people Everyone wants to see with their own eyes the demeanor of the two of them back then.

There are also many important figures who came in advance, such as the second in command of the auction house Jiang Menshen, Li Huhu from Yanyu Building, and the old man who gave money to celebrate his birthday and almost shot Ding Ning. The master of the baseball man also came here. .

As for the ordinary people who came here, their identities are not really ordinary, but they are not martial practitioners, but their identities are all people with status in Jiangling, such as Ma Luoyun, Lu Wanli, the best businessmen, and Lin Lin. Yumo's family, who have a good relationship with Mr. Qian, and whose status is slightly lower, the chairman of Tianyu Group, that is, Li Sheng's father, Wang Peng's father, etc., have also come here.

If Ding Ning was here, he would definitely find that Tang Qing and his father were also here.

"Father, are there really people in this world who are far beyond ordinary people?" Tang Qing asked, she was still very interested in the existence of such far beyond ordinary people.

"Yes, the uncle who came to our house before was a martial artist. You should remember that he was the one who wanted to buy the pendant on your body." Tang Qing's father said.

Tang Qing had the impression that that person wanted to buy it even after spending a lot of money, but was rejected by Ding Ning and never appeared again.

"However, there is still a big gap between that person and the martial artist we will witness next," Father Tang said.

"Then will their fight be as thrilling as in the movie?"

"Those are just flamboyant fists and embroidered legs. Their hands are not very gorgeous, but their lethality is terrifying. Ordinary people can kill with a flick of their fingers in front of them." Father Tang sighed. Officials can't control them, they can at most supervise them, and don't let martial practitioners affect the lives of ordinary people, which is why he appears here.

After her father's description, Tang Qing looked forward to the fight between the martial practitioners even more, with a pair of beautiful eyes staring ahead, hoping to see this battle sooner.

As more and more people gathered here, the time for the fight was approaching.

Tang Jiujue and Lu Xiong are here!

It caused a burst of attention and discussion from the people around.

"Is he the one who wants to fight Qian Lao?"

"Tang Jiujue! It's really Tang Jiujue."

"General, a real general, even in his twilight years, is far from being able to be faced by people of our samurai level." Yuan Xiu said with emotion. Martial practitioners with slightly lower strength naturally don't want to miss it.

Most of the martial arts practitioners who came here were players like Yuan Xiu, who were dissatisfied with one bottle and half bottled in a mess.

"I don't know what kind of demeanor Mr. Qian is. I just met Mr. Zhao beside him before." Yuan Xiu muttered to himself, and the scene in Emgrand at that time appeared in his mind, but when he saw Zhao Long at that time, he was in a difficult situation. A little embarrassed, Yuan Xiu couldn't help but think of that terrible guy, a person who was similar to him in age but whose strength was many times higher than his.

"I don't know if that guy will come here, but he probably will." Yuan Xiu said in his heart.

Now that Tang Jiujue and Lu Xiong are here, people can't help talking about when Mr. Qian will arrive.

And just as people were discussing, Qian Lao came!
In an instant, everyone's eyes fell on Qian Lao and the others who were walking towards here.

Many people couldn't restrain their excitement, the two sides who made the move finally came, and a wonderful fight was about to be staged.

(End of this chapter)

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