The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 104 104 confrontation!

Chapter 104 104 confrontation!

The appearance of Mr. Qian meant that the appointment battle was about to begin.

When many pairs of eyes focused on Mr. Qian, some people suddenly showed surprise expressions because they saw Ding Ning beside Mr. Qian.

"It's him!"

Yuan Xiu saw Ding Ning who was almost at the front at a glance. Ever since he was easily defeated by Ding Ning in the private room of Emgrand that night, he has always remembered Ding Ning. The impression Ding Ning gave him was too deep.

Even seeing Ding Ning now, his heart couldn't help but tremble.

A few days ago, he heard news about Ding Ning. It was said that on Qian Lao's birthday, some masters appeared, abolished the Chibi Tiger, and scared away the Sangmen Star. very wide.

At that time, Yuan Xiu was wondering if that Mr. Ding was Ding Ning from Dihaoli that night.

Now it seems that he guessed right.

Ding Ning and Qian Lao appeared together, Yuan Xiu was not the only one who was surprised that Ding Ning was here, Tang Qing and his father were the most surprised.

"He...why is he here?" Tang Qing stared blankly at Ding Ning in the distance.

"It's really surprising that this kid actually knows Qian Wolong." Tang's father was equally surprised that Ding Ning was walking with Qian Lao.

The impression Ding Ning left on him was not shallow, on the contrary, it was quite profound, especially that time, Ding Ning refused to sell the pendant for a million yuan. This is a person of Ding Ning's age, very few people can do it things.

It was precisely because of this incident that he looked at Ding Ning with admiration.

Recently, I heard that Ding Ning did well in the college entrance examination and won the national honor of the national college entrance examination status. In Tang's father's heart, Ding Ning's impression was even deeper.

A young man with a personality and a bit of learning ability, the future can't be bad.

Tang's father wanted to have a chance to let Ding Ning come to the house through his daughter, but he didn't expect to see him here in advance.

"Oh? This young man is here too. Now I don't worry about old Qian." On the other end, Lin Yumo's grandfather smiled and said.

When Lin Yumo looked at Ding Ning, his expression became more complicated.

At this time, among the crowd who came here to watch the battle, someone pointed out that Ding Ning in front of him was the master who made a move on Qian Lao's birthday that day.

"He's too young, isn't he the one who abolished Fan Yunhe and scared Yuan Tianbiao away?"

"It looks like she's still in school."

"Is he really that powerful? It's really not like it."

At Qian Lao's birthday, the story of Ding Ning's attack was spread among many martial practitioners. Most of them had never seen Ding Ning. They had only heard other people describe him as very young, but they never expected that he would be so young. adult look.

"It was him. I was there at the time and saw him make a move with my own eyes. That Fan Yunhe was in front of him, and his cultivation base was abolished without even making a move." A young man said.

"Oh? That's really a shame." Someone sighed.

Except for a small number of martial practitioners who have never seen Ding Ning, most of them still accepted this fact. After all, many people can prove that it is true.

When Tang Jiujue and Lu Xiong saw that Ding Ning appeared together with Qian Wolong, their hearts couldn't help but move a little, and it didn't surprise them.

"Qian Wolong, don't you want to end the enmity between you and our master and apprentice? If you want to fight the teacher, you must defeat me first."


Lu Xiong jumped out voluntarily, with a movement of his feet, his whole body appeared on the rocky beach by the river dozens of meters away in the blink of an eye, as if he was floating on the water.

This riverside is the arena for them to fight.

Lu Xiong stood on a pile of rubble, standing proudly, with an invincible aura.

"Peak Wusheng!"

Someone with sharp eyes immediately noticed Lu Xiong's strength.

Although the realm of martial arts is only the second great realm for martial practitioners, it is not so easy to achieve.

There are many people who spend their entire lives without even reaching the threshold of martial arts practitioners, and there are many such people.

Lu Xiong was able to become a martial arts student, leaving most of the martial arts practitioners behind.

The higher you go, the fewer powerful martial practitioners. This is a pyramid-like ratio.

Although everyone wants to try their best to climb up, there are only a few people who can climb to the top.

Furthermore, the improvement of the strength of a martial artist is very slow, especially the environment of the earth today is not suitable for cultivation. To change from an ordinary person to a martial artist requires not only talent, but also a strong willpower. It is possible to succeed.

Lu Xiong took the initiative to stand up and let out such a sentence. Obviously, he wanted to take the lead and fight Qian Lao first.

Qian Lao was quite calm, with a smile on his face.

If Ding Ning hadn't pointed him out, he still felt a little beating in his heart, but now, that feeling has completely disappeared.

Beside Qian Lao, Tong Wantong raised her arm, clenched it into a fist, and shook it: "Grandpa, come on."

Qian Lao smiled, nodded, and walked towards Lu Xiong.

Seeing Mr. Qian walking over slowly, some people couldn't help but doubt: "Is this all right?"

But as soon as the man finished speaking, there was a sarcasm: "What do you know, his breath didn't change at all between walking and walking, and even his breathing was at the same frequency, which shows that his mood is very calm, calm It's like a lake without a wave, if you can have such a state of mind when facing a martial artist, if he can't, can you?"

"I can guarantee that if you go up like this, you won't be able to resist even a single move from others."

"You..." The person who made fun of Mr. Qian was suddenly speechless.

On the other end, Tong Wantong still couldn't help showing worry.

Seeing with her own eyes that her grandfather was going to fight with others, and if they fought, she might die. Tong Wantong couldn't keep her heart in her stomach. Even with Ding Ning's help, she still couldn't completely rest assured.

"Ding Ning, is there a high chance of Grandpa defeating them?"

"I have done what I can, and there are ways to defeat them 100%." ​​Ding Ning said lightly.

"What way? Tell me quickly, is there still time to use it?" Tong Wantong said hastily.

"The method is very simple. As long as I play, let alone the two of them, even if there are ten or twenty, I can easily defeat them all." Ding Ning Fengyun said lightly.

Hearing this, Tong Wantong gave Ding Ning a big roll of her eyes, even if she thought it was feasible, Grandpa would not agree.

Huh, no...

Tong Wantong frowned, recalling what Ding Ning said just now, why didn't it sound right.

What do you mean when you play, twenty people like Tang Jiujue and Lu Xiong are no match for you.

From what you mean, it seems that my grandfather is very good.

"Oh, sorry, I take back what I just said."

"Hmph, count you acquainted."

"Strictly speaking, no matter how many people with their strength come, they are not my opponents, because as many as they come, I can defeat as many as they come."

"..." Tong Wantong.

(End of this chapter)

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