The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1041 1046 Lei Mengsheng refuses to admit defeat! 1 more

Chapter 1041 1046 Lei Mengsheng refuses to admit defeat! 1 more

"Master, he's too shameless. He knows that I'm afraid of sky thunder. As soon as I appear, he uses lightning to attack me." Qi Lingdaotong said angrily.

At this time, Ding Ning had expelled all the corrosive power from his body, and a pool of black matter had formed in front of him, which was the corrosive power.

Originally invisible energy, after being expelled, it has an entity.

What is the existence in Jiang Taichao's body?Ding Ning always felt that this guy had a big secret. Of course, the other party was also very threatening.

He already had such a method, but he didn't use it at the beginning, but only used it after Lei Mengsheng was taken away by him.

I thought that I must have hidden power before I came here, but now I have to use it.

By the way, Lei Mengsheng.

Ding Ning thought of Lei Mengsheng who was taken into the tower, so he said to Qi Lingdaotong: "It's okay, let him focus on the attack tower for now, let's deal with the other guy first."

As he said that, in the blink of an eye, Ding Ning came to the space where Lei Mengsheng's Nascent Soul was taken away.

After all, Lei Mengsheng is an existence at the level of transcending tribulations. Even if only the Nascent Soul is left, he is still extremely tyrannical. , it can be seen that Lei Mengsheng even has the upper hand.

The strength of the ancient ferocious beast was actually at its peak in the late stage of the Mahayana realm. In addition to its rough skin and thick flesh, it appeared to be even more terrifying than the peak in the late stage of the Mahayana realm.

But Lei Mengsheng is in the Tribulation Transcending Realm, so this ancient beast is no match for him, but now that Lei Mengsheng has lost his body, he is not in the peak state, the two fought for a long time, and neither of them could do anything to win the other.

Lei Mengsheng knew that he was in the tower of gods and demons inheritance at this moment, but what he didn't expect was that as soon as he entered, he would face an ancient beast. In his strength is not bad.

"Hmph, if you want to kill me, even if you put me in this tower, I, Lei Mengsheng, are not easy to kill. Today I will turn the space in this inheritance tower upside down."

Since Ding Ning did not deal with him, trapped him in this space, and dealt with it with the help of ancient beasts, it means that Ding Ning might not be able to kill him for a while, which is good news for Lei Mengsheng.

After fighting against the ancient murderer, Lei Mengsheng discovered that his own strength has been tempered a lot. It is worthy of being an artifact for sharpening ancient gods and demons. With such a magic weapon, it fell into the hands of Ding Ning. .

If the inheritance tower belonged to him, Lei Mengsheng, he, Lei Mengsheng, would now have the possibility to win the title of immortal.

As far as he knows, there are nine floors in the Gods and Demons Inheritance Tower. Although this floor is not known which floor it is, judging by the strength of this ancient beast, it should not be the last few floors, because the further you go, the more difficult it is to train , the terrifying existence in it will become stronger.

In a short period of time, Lei Mengsheng had already analyzed his surroundings and the environment he was in.

It is not easy to become a strong person in the Tribulation Realm. Lei Mengsheng is a casual cultivator, and he is naturally a good person today.

Immediately, he decided to kill this ancient beast, wait for Ding Ning to appear, and find a way to kill Ding Ning in the tower. If he succeeds, he may seize control of the inheritance tower and become the new owner.

Thinking of this, Lei Mengsheng's eyes lit up. He felt that killing Ding Ning in the God and Demon Inheritance Tower would indeed be the best. Ding Ning's stronghold here, Ding Ning would definitely relax his vigilance.

"Although my physical body is gone, my hole cards are still there." Lei Mengsheng said, the corners of his mouth curled up.

"However, Old Demon Tatin is the master of this inheritance tower now. I'm afraid he knows exactly where I am, and even if he wants to, he can see all my actions. This is a problem."

Lei Mengsheng also wanted to carry out a surprise attack. In this way, the possibility of killing Ding Ning would be greater, but this place is different from the outside. As the owner of the inheritance tower, it is easy for Ding Ning to know the situation inside the tower at any time.

This also led to the fact that Lei Mengsheng couldn't escape Ding Ning's eyes whenever he wanted to do anything.

"It seems that we can only do it clearly, and we can't do it secretly."

"Even so, I still have three layers of confidence that I can kill him with one blow."

Lei Mengsheng said with bright eyes, now he only hopes that Ding Ning will not appear for the time being, so that he can take the opportunity to recover some strength, and finally Ding Ning will fight to the death with the existence in Jiang Taichao's body, and then deal with him later, in that way, his confidence will be at least It will be upgraded to the fifth floor.

It's a pity that Lei Mengsheng doesn't know how Ding Ning will choose, whether he chooses to solve him, or the existence in Jiang Taichao's body.

After thinking about it for a while, Lei Mengsheng let it go, and dealt with this ancient beast first, so as not to disturb his peace.


Lei Mengsheng's Nascent Soul launched an attack again. At some point, a pair of gloves appeared on his hands, with a metallic texture, and put them on the Nascent Soul.

There are not many weapons that can directly affect the Nascent Soul. Although they are not rare, they are still rare.

Lei Mengsheng kept waving his fists. The ancient beast was huge and spewed out all kinds of energy from its mouth, but they were all blasted out by Lei Mengsheng's fists.

Afterwards, Lei Mengsheng approached the ancient beast, and his fist hit the ancient beast.

In an instant, the ancient ferocious beast yelled, and it was hurt by the beating.

The ancient beast became more fierce, it roared crazily, and Lei Mengsheng knew that his fist had an effect and caused a lot of damage to the ancient beast, so he continued to swing it immediately.

The earth trembled, and the giant beast roared continuously.

However, it could be heard that the sound of the beast's cry became weaker and weaker, and in the end, it stopped ringing at all.

Finally there was a bang.

A huge figure fell to the ground.

The ancient ferocious beast died, and was beaten to death by Lei Mengsheng.

Lei Mengsheng, who was floating in the air, had a faint expression on his face, killing the ancient beast was only expected.

Next, he can implement the second step, and soon he will have a new physical body.

Looking at the huge body of the ancient beast, yes, Lei Mengsheng's idea was the body of the ancient beast, and he wanted to use it to create a new body.

The flesh and blood of the ancient ferocious beast has long been in the body, and it will not be weaker than the original body.

Thinking of this, Lei Mengsheng didn't want to delay any more, he was afraid that something might happen, after all, this was Ding Ning's territory, and he only hoped that Ding Ning didn't have time to pay attention to him now.

Just when Lei Mengsheng was about to start making the body, suddenly, the huge ancient beast disappeared out of thin air.

This made Lei Mengsheng startled.

How could this be?
However, when Ding Ning appeared in front of him again, he understood that Ding Ning did it on purpose.

"You've been here already?" Lei Mengsheng asked.

"Thank you for killing this big guy for me, saving me some energy." Ding Ning replied lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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