The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1042 1047 It's over! 2 more

Chapter 1042 1047 It's over! 2 more

Naturally, Ding Ning saw Lei Mengsheng's actions. When he entered the fifth-floor God and Demon Trial Field, he felt the energy fluctuations of Lei Mengsheng and the ancient murderer.

He didn't show up in a hurry, but watched the whole process of Lei Mengsheng beheading the ancient beast.

I have to admit that even though Lei Mengsheng only had Nascent Soul left, he was still very strong.

Of course, Ding Ning fears the most, that is, Lei Mengsheng's third eye, which can restrain him. Although it is less powerful than the evil and negative emotions in Jiang Taichao's body, it is not easy.

He had been tricked once before, and he didn't want to be tricked again. However, since Lei Mengsheng lost his body, he must not be able to use his third eye anymore.

The method of physical body secret storage is based on the existence of the physical body. Without the physical body, it cannot be displayed naturally.

Lei Mengsheng beheaded the ancient beast, and it seemed that he still wanted to use the ancient beast to do something. How could Ding Ning fulfill Lei Mengsheng's wish, and immediately removed the ancient beast from the fifth-level God and Demon Trial Field? .

"You came to attack me so soon, it seems that you failed to deal with him." Lei Mengsheng said.

The "he" he said refers to the existence in Jiang Taichao's body. According to Lei Mengsheng's understanding of the existence in Jiang Taichao's body, it is impossible to be killed by Ding Ning so quickly.

Therefore, when Ding Ning appeared in front of his eyes, there was only one situation. For the time being, Ding Ning did not want to target the existence in Jiang Taichao's body.

"I will deal with that person myself, but before that, I will deal with you first." Ding Ning said lightly.

"Get rid of me? Old Demon Ding, so what if you are a fellow cultivator who is righteous. I am in the Tribulation Realm, a realm higher than yours. Even if you trap me in this tower, you will not be able to kill me." Lei Mengsheng proudly road.

Although the plan to recreate a physical body failed, Lei Mengsheng was not overly pessimistic because his cards were still there.

"Whether I can kill you or not is not decided by you, but by me." After Ding Ning finished speaking, he went straight to Lei Mengsheng. Confront Ding Ning.

The power of the Mahayana level surged out, like a shocking wave, and it was photographed with a bang.

Lei Mengsheng was not afraid in the face of danger, he immediately mobilized the power of crossing the tribulation realm and went straight back. Ding Ning's attack instantly collapsed. Sure enough, under Ding Ning's simple competition of strength, he did not have the advantage. The power of robbery can easily break Ding Ning's attack.

Ding Ning just made such a move, and immediately changed the fighting method to melee combat. He has the body of the Vajra God and Demon, and Lei Mengsheng only has the Nascent Soul. In the melee combat, Ding Ning can regain some Advantageous.

On the fifth floor, the gods and demons' trial ground, without the ancient fierce beasts, the entire space became a battlefield for two people.

In another place, everything the two pass by will be destroyed, even the void cannot resist the collision between the two, but here, the space is extremely strong, let alone the space is broken, even if it is The ground under the feet cannot be pierced, because this is the tower, a space where ancient gods and demons can fight each other.

The fight between the two of them naturally cannot cause damage to the space.

"Don't you have both righteous and demonic powers? Why do you use the righteous power to fight me instead of using both of them at the same time?" Lei Mengsheng's fists are sharper than Ding Ning's fists, which should be based on the fact that he wears both fists. Due to the pair of gloves that were worn at the time, the power of the fist was particularly strong. Even though Ding Ning was physically strong, he was also sent flying several times.

Ding Ning was knocked into the air several times, and just as Lei Mengsheng said, Ding Ning was only using the power of the righteous way. As a result, it would naturally become difficult to contend against Lei Mengsheng, a strong man in the Tribulation Realm.

Ding Ning wanted to rely solely on the power of the Righteous Path to fight across the border, but it was still not ready.

If it wasn't for his strong defense, even if he didn't die at this time, he would still be seriously injured.

Ding Ning didn't answer Lei Mengsheng, he still only used the power of the righteous way, constantly urging various methods, but all these methods were crushed by Lei Mengsheng's pair of iron fists.

This kind of combat power is too terrifying.

The Tribulation Crossing Realm is indeed not something that the Mahayana Realm can compete with. Ding Ning felt a huge pressure, but he knew in his heart that this pressure was exactly what he wanted.

"Come again!"

Without any hesitation, Ding Ning continued to take the initiative to cull the past. On his home court, he was fearless, even if the opponent was formidable.

"It's just useless work. I said you can't kill me, so you can't kill me." Lei Mengsheng attacked recklessly in the Yuanying state. He looked like a young man, even a little cute, but he was terrifying. But it is genuine.

No one in the entire comprehension world could ignore Lei Mengsheng.

Ding Ning took the initiative to kill again and again, and finally was blasted out again and again.

Qi Ling Daotong couldn't bear to watch it, it couldn't figure out why the master Ding Ning didn't let him help.

But Ding Ning forbade it to make a move, and Qi Ling Daotong could only abide by it.

"It's not enough." Ding Ning stood up, his physical body had retreated from the state of the vajra body, god and demon body, so his physical body looked a bit miserable, but his will was very clear.


Ding Ning took the initiative to kill again.

Lei Mengsheng didn't expect Ding Ning to be so stubborn and want to kill him so much, but with Ding Ning's current strength, he still wants to kill him, it's just a dream.

"Double Dragons Swallow the Moon."

Two more punches in a row, turned into two long dragons, instantly sent Ding Ning flying again.

In front of Lei Mengsheng, Ding Ning seemed to be getting weaker and weaker.

Having said that, Ding Ning is like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. Every time he is knocked into the air, he can stand up again and continue to fight.

After repeating it dozens of times, Lei Mengsheng was already bored.

He had already decided in his heart that this time, he would completely kill Ding Ning.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help clenching his fists, in the palm of his hand was his trump card.

It's time to settle the previous grievances with Ding Ning.


Lei Mengsheng raised his head and raised the corner of his mouth. Seeing that Ding Ning was getting closer and closer to him, his arm was slowly raised, giving people the feeling that a powerful punch was brewing again.



When Ding Ning was ten meters away from him, Lei Mengsheng did not punch again this time, but opened his palm, and in an instant, a beam of light shot out.

Ding Ning was slightly taken aback, he saw clearly what Lei Mengsheng was holding, it was an eye, and the light was shot out from this eye.

Heaven's eye!

This was Lei Mengsheng's third eye, and it was actually in Lei Mengsheng's hands at this time, and it was used on Ding Ning again as a trump card.

At the same time, two words came out of Lei Mengsheng's mouth: "Restrain!"

The light covered Ding Ning, and it was about to cover Ding Ning.

But in an instant.

Ding Ning's body suddenly disappeared.

Lei Mengsheng frowned, feeling a little pity that Ding Ning avoided him.

"It's time for you to die. Yelu Kunlun, Dong Yu, and Xiejun have been waiting for you for a long time. Go down and accompany them."

Suddenly, a sentence sounded behind Lei Mengsheng.

He was startled, and was about to point his eyes behind him, but unfortunately, he was still too late.

When the sound sounded, Ding Ning's attack had already landed on his Nascent Soul.


Ding Ning withdrew his fist and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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