The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1043 1048 Completely beheaded! 1 more

Chapter 1043 1048 Completely beheaded! 1 more

Lei Mengsheng's Nascent Soul was blown away with one punch. In this blow, Ding Ning used the full power of both positive and evil ways. It can be said that he gathered all his strength in one blow. For such an attack, let alone Lei Mengsheng has no physical body. Yes, even in the case of a physical body, it will be injured.

The Nascent Soul shattered, turning from a whole into fragments, and scattered around.

However, these broken Nascent Soul powers have not been annihilated, they still exist, that is to say, as long as these broken Nascent Soul powers can be reunited, Lei Mengsheng can still come back to life.

Lei Mengsheng is not dead, the power of crossing the tribulation realm is terrifying.

"You can't kill me." Lei Mengsheng's voice sounded from the head floating in the distance, and the rest of the incomplete Nascent Soul's power was continuously gathering to restore its original appearance.

"I said it's over, so it's over." Ding Ning said lightly.

Before he finished speaking, countless black chains sprang from Ding Ning's body.

The Devil-Eating Chain can lock the opponent and has the function of restraint. At this moment, when the Devil-Eating Chain appears, there is no doubt that it is naturally rushing to interrupt Lei Mengsheng's intention to restore the Nascent Soul.

In an instant, the Demon Devouring Chains locked and entangled the broken Nascent Souls one by one, making them unable to move and continue to gather together.

When Lei Mengsheng saw this scene, he knew immediately that something was wrong. He yelled, but he had no choice but to run away with his own head in mind.

The horror of the Transcendence Tribulation Realm is indeed far beyond the Mahayana Realm. Even if the Nascent Soul is broken, it is still alive, and its vitality is extremely strong.

Ding Ning didn't expect that it would be so difficult to kill in the Transitional Tribulation Realm, the Nascent Soul was broken into that, and it was still alive and kicking. If Lei Mengsheng's Nascent Soul head escaped, Lei Mengsheng might really continue to live.

It's like a centipede is dead but not stiff.

"Unfortunately, this is the space inside the tower. I am in charge of everything here. Even if you can escape, you will not be able to escape here." Ding Ning said lightly. He was not worried that Lei Mengsheng could escape at all. If this was outside, perhaps, There is a possibility that Lei Mengsheng could escape, but in the God Demon Inheritance Tower, he was confident that Lei Mengsheng would not be able to escape no matter what.

Before Lei Mengsheng's Nascent Soul was intact, he couldn't get away, let alone now, there was only one head left.

A futile struggle.

The corner of Ding Ning's mouth raised, and dozens of chains on his body sprang out again, all trying to capture Lei Mengsheng's Nascent Soul.

Lei Mengsheng was very smart. When he was escaping, he still wanted to take the initiative to fight with those incomplete Nascent Soul forces to increase his own strength.

After all, he is just the head of a Nascent Soul right now, with limited strength.

Under Ding Ning's negligence, Lei Mengsheng really managed to get some scattered Nascent Soul power.

After Ding Ning realized this, a sneer appeared on his face, and in an instant, he flipped his palm, and the Blood God Banner appeared in front of him immediately.


The Blood God Banner immediately ran towards those incomplete Nascent Soul powers. According to Ding Ning's intention, these Nascent Soul powers should be refined and absorbed. There is an essential difference.

Immediately, the Blood God Banner began to devour and refine the scattered power of Nascent Soul.

Seeing the Blood God Banner devouring the power of his Nascent Soul like a foodie, and constantly strengthening himself, Lei Mengsheng's eyes turned red, and he couldn't help roaring: "Old Devil Ding!" , you will die badly."

"Hehe..." Ding Ning remained indifferent, and let the blood god's banner continue to devour him. All he had to do was to make Lei Mengsheng despair. At present, the effect was very good, and Lei Meng couldn't help shouting in anger.

He wants to see how long Lei Mengsheng can hold on. The Blood God Banner not only swallows and absorbs the incomplete Nascent Soul power, but Ding Ning also intends to absorb Lei Mengsheng's Nascent Soul head, but Well, now, he is going to stay at the end to absorb, he wants Lei Mengsheng to see with his own eyes how his own strength becomes someone else's wedding dress.

Trapped in the fifth-floor God and Demon Trial Field, Lei Mengsheng fled around, avoiding the pursuit of the Devil-Eating Chains, like a headless fly, escaping crazily, but unfortunately, he couldn't escape this world after all. As long as the God Demon Inheritance Tower is intact, he cannot leave.

The Blood God Banner devoured pieces of Lei Mengsheng's Nascent Soul Realm power, and his aura kept changing.

Finally, it started to change qualitatively.

The blood god's banner is already at the level of the six-faced blood god's banner, and now it has finally begun to be promoted to the seven-faced blood god's banner.

Ding Ning didn't expect Lei Mengsheng's incomplete Nascent Soul power to push the blood god's banner to the level of the seven-faced blood god's banner so quickly, and finally returned to the height of the blood god's banner in the previous life.

Thinking of this, Ding Ning couldn't help but smile.

The seventh blood god banner began to be derived, and in an instant, a new blood god was born, and the seven blood god banner was formed.

It is only one side away from the eighth Blood God Banner. Ding Ning felt that if Lei Mengsheng's remaining Nascent Soul Realm power was also absorbed, the Blood God Banner would be a big step away from the eighth Blood God Banner. .

In the previous life, he failed to refine the blood god's banner to the height of the eight-faced blood god's banner, but Ding Ning believes that in this life, he will be able to do it and forge a divine weapon with his own hands.

Promoted to the seven-faced Blood God Banner, it is faster to swallow, refine, and absorb the power of the Nascent Soul. The power of the Nascent Soul that is not restrained is swallowed, and the power of the Nascent Soul that is imprisoned by the Devil-devouring chain is also quickly swallowed. up.

In less than a moment, except for Lei Mengsheng's Nascent Soul's head, all the Nascent Soul's power was absorbed in the entire fifth-floor God Demon Trial Field.

When Lei Mengsheng saw this scene, his eyes were tearing apart, but he was already powerless, he knew he couldn't survive.

Immediately, he was about to rush towards Ding Ning, ready to explode his last bit of strength.

How could Ding Ning fulfill his wish? With a single thought, the chains of the Devil Devourer and the Banner of the Blood God moved together, and Lei Mengsheng's only remaining head of the Nascent Soul was doomed.

Under Lei Mengsheng's curse, his last trace of strength was also absorbed by the Blood God Banner.

So far, Lei Mengsheng died completely.

Ding Ning didn't have any joyful expression. He looked around, and finally, he moved his feet and appeared in another area in the next second, holding something in his hand. It was Lei Mengsheng's third eye.

Ding Ning was almost recruited before. If it wasn't for the stone key that made him leave instantly, he might have fallen into crisis. The stone key played an important role at the critical moment. Otherwise, once he was caught by the eyes of the sky, God knows what else Lei Mengsheng would have done. means.

Staring at the sky eye in his hand, the sky eye has been closed at this time, without the slightest breath.

"In order to avoid future troubles, so, you also disappear completely." Ding Ning squeezed hard, and the sky eye was crushed instantly. As for the broken flesh and blood, all were absorbed by the blood god banner. He believed that Lei Mengsheng Even in the Tribulation Transcending Realm, at this moment, he is dead and cannot die anymore. Everything related to him has been erased. Even if Lei Mengsheng wants to be resurrected, it is impossible.

So far, Lei Mengsheng was completely beheaded.

Ding Ning glanced at the top of his head and murmured, "It's time to go out and deal with the other guy."

(End of this chapter)

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