The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1048 1053 Exploded! 2 more

Chapter 1048 1053 Exploded! 2 more

It has been some time since Ding Ning entered the colorful clouds, looking at the sky is completely black, I am afraid that the catastrophe will continue for a while.

This also shows that Ding Ning's catastrophe is still going on.

"We are watching here, but we can't see the scene of him crossing the catastrophe. It's a pity." Someone couldn't help but sighed. As long as ordinary monks cross the catastrophe, as long as they are present, they can see the general situation. How can there be someone like Ding Ning? Yes, directly drilled into the Heavenly Tribulation, and then there was no movement.

Does anyone know what kind of precarious scene Ding Ning is facing at this moment.

Fake Ding Ning is even more terrifying than Ding Ning thought, and his growth ability is simply shocking. Even though Ding Ning deliberately didn't use too many things, he was still learned by the fake Ding Ning. The opponent's learning ability is amazing. It has been able to perfectly replicate all his movements.

Unless Ding Ning uses a new technique, the fake Ding Ning can be fully presented.

With such a powerful growth talent, Ding Ning couldn't help being startled, and Ding Ning had a feeling that he was the fake and the other party was real.

The fists and feet of the two collided and bombarded so fiercely that the entire cloud layer rolled over.

Suddenly, Ding Ning's eyes flickered and his heart froze. He saw only a fist, which was coming at a very tricky angle, and it was still silent. He saw the corner of the fake Ding Ning's mouth rising. That’s not to say, blue comes from blue and is better than blue.”

As soon as he finished speaking, his fist suddenly disappeared. In the next second, Ding Ning suddenly felt a chill in his back, and subconsciously put his hands behind his back to block the fake Ding Ning's attack.

His sudden defense was obviously not well-prepared. A powerful punch sent him flying, and he was pushed forward tens of meters before barely stopping.

This opponent is becoming more and more difficult to deal with. Ding Ning glanced at the black clouds around him. Obviously, the fake Ding Ning is his catastrophe, and this catastrophe, he wants to kill himself, the only way to get over it.

Through the series of fights just now, he has almost touched it. Unexpectedly, the opponent is indeed the same as him, possessing two powers of righteousness and evil.

Since the two heavenly tribulations of righteousness and evil came together, it is understandable that this would be the case.

This is bad news, but there is good news. Ding Ning has confirmed that the other party really does not have his Vajra God Demon Body, which is the only advantage.

Because the vajra god and demon body acts on the body, it is very difficult for the fake Ding Ning to learn it secretly. Moreover, the vajra god and demon body is formed based on the reconciliation of the two forces of righteousness and demons, as well as other body training methods. A new method.


Suddenly, Ding Ning thought that the main reason why the other party could not copy his Vajra God Demon body should be his black and white profound arts. Although the fake Ding Ning possessed both positive and evil powers, he did not possess black and white profound arts, so he could not reconcile the two. strength.

"Perhaps, I can rely on this to kill him." Ding Ning thought to himself.

With this in mind, he didn't want to delay too long, the other party's ability to learn is too strong, as long as he uses it once, the fake Ding Ning can almost learn it, the evildoer is terrifying.

The longer the delay, the stronger the opponent grows, and in the end, completely surpass him.

This opponent is too unusual. In Ding Ning's view, he is even more terrifying than the existence in Jiang Taichao's body.

As long as he can kill this fake self, Ding Ning feels that it will not be too difficult to kill the existence in Jiang Taichao's body.

"Then let's end this catastrophe as soon as possible and step into the realm of crossing the catastrophe." Ding Ning's eyes flashed, ready to use his ultimate move, and use his own advantages to strive for a one-hit kill.


The two figures were like two cannonballs, meeting in the air, and then the sound of thunder erupted.

It was the result of their attacking confrontation. Ding Ning punched hundreds of punches in a row, and each punch was enough to shatter a galaxy.

Fake Ding Ning is unruffled in the face of danger. It is not difficult for him to deal with it, but it is not so easy, but it gives people a feeling that he is not in a hurry. It seems that Ding Ning's attack cannot cause his life to be in danger.

"Your means can't kill me at all. Maybe you already know that if you want to enter the tribulation realm, you can only succeed by killing me. However, I am not so easy to kill. I have exactly the same conditions as you , It’s as if you beat yourself, how can you tell the winner.”

When he said this, the fake Ding Ning had a look of complacency on his face. In fact, it was exactly as he said. His conditions were indeed the same as Ding Ning's. It might be difficult for others to do this, but don't forget, the fake Ding Ning It was transformed by the catastrophe.

And Heavenly Tribulation was born from Heavenly Dao, that is to say, the fake Ding Ning was created by Heavenly Dao, and Heavenly Dao created an existence similar to Ding Ning. The copy ability, can copy everything.

As long as Ding Ning is killed instead, the fake Ding Ning may really replace the real Ding Ning.

As the Dao of Heaven, the supreme order of this universe does not allow a person like Ding Ning, who is a fellow practitioner of righteousness and evil, to reach the pinnacle of Dao of Heaven.

Ding Ning's crossing the catastrophe, in fact, is also a blocking battle of heaven. If the catastrophe cannot stop Ding Ning, then naturally Ding Ning will grow up against the sky.

"Whether you can kill you or not, you will know right away." How could Ding Ning be distracted by the other party's few words, and Ding Ning's figure instantly became blurred and disappeared from the sky.

"Hehe, the technique of hiding?" Fake Ding Ning was unmoved, he had just experienced the power of Ding Ning's technique of hiding breath, and he also learned this skill in a short period of time, but he was not very proficient.

"In that case, let's see who has the better concealment technique." Fake Ding Ning smiled lightly, and immediately after, his figure also began to fade, and then disappeared.

Above the dark cloud, the original two figures disappeared.

The two started a secret contest, and at this moment, the fake Ding Ning's voice suddenly sounded: "Hehe, I found you."

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared in a void. This person was the real Ding Ning, and opposite to Ding Ning was the fake Ding Ning. He forced Ding Ning out.

"It seems that my method of concealment is better than yours." Fake Ding Ning said proudly.

Ding Ning did not fight back verbally, but his hands responded immediately, and both palms fell on the fake Ding Ning.

Fake Ding Ning didn't care about this, and said lightly: "You can't kill me, even if I let your attack fall on me, it's useless, useless!"

The fake Ding Ning didn't resist, and really let Ding Ning's palms hit him, while he himself remained motionless, and he really didn't get hurt at all.

"is it?"

Ding Ning's voice sounded faintly.

The fake Ding Ning continued to smile lightly, but at the next moment, the fake Ding Ning's light smile disappeared. On the contrary, a terrified expression suddenly came out of his mouth.

" are..."

The fake Ding Ning's eyes were full of shock, he didn't expect that Ding Ning would deal with him in such a way, only to see that the fake Ding Ning's body suddenly began to collide and become bigger, like a balloon.

"At this moment, do you still think that I can't kill you?" Ding Ning said slowly, with a sense of victory in his words.

"Damn it, I don't want to die yet, I want to replace you, I am your partner, I am your shadow, I am your brother, you can't kill me, you can't..."

Fake Ding Ning hadn't finished speaking, only heard a bang, and the fake Ding Ning exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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