The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1049 1054 Then kill it! 1 more

Chapter 1049 1054 Then kill it! 1 more

do you died?
Ding Ning looked at the fake self, which had disappeared without a trace, and he was relieved for a moment.

Fortunately, my own method works, otherwise it would be really not easy to kill that fake self.

The method Ding Ning used was actually not that complicated. On the contrary, it was very simple. He didn't use any methods at all, but simply injected the two kinds of positive and evil powers in his body into the opponent's body at the same time.

Although this fake self also has the powers of righteousness and evil, Ding Ning discovered a detail. The other party does not have the power to combine the two powers. The two are fused.

You know, Ding Ning had found out that the other party did not copy his Vajra God and Demon Body before, and the foundation of the Vajra God and Demon Body is the Black and White Mysterious Art. Therefore, Ding Ning thought at that time that this might be a breakthrough. If you don't have power, then once you infuse the two forces of righteousness and evil into the opponent's body, the opponent will naturally be unable to bear it, causing the opponent to explode and die.

After all, without black and white profound arts, it is impossible to synthesize the two powers. Although the opponent is transformed by the Heavenly Tribulation, it also has limitations, and this has become Ding Ning's strongest weapon to kill the opponent.

The death of fake Ding Ning can be said to be Ding Ning's success and Ding Ning's failure.

He could copy everything, but he could not copy the black and white profound arts that Ding Ning did not show, which also made his death inevitable.

Right now, he has passed the level of fake Ding Ning. Ding Ning doesn't know if there will be any other changes. If not, he will be able to promote both the righteous and the devil to the tribulation-crossing state at the same time.

Thinking of this, Ding Ning couldn't help but start to look forward to it.

Just when Ding Ning was in a good mood, suddenly, his eyes flashed, and something happened that shocked him.

He saw that fake self appear again.

How can this be?

He had already been killed by himself, logically speaking, he shouldn't appear again.

What surprised Ding Ning even more was that in front of the fake Ding Ning, there was an extremely familiar figure.

He never thought that he would see this person again at this time.

The person standing in front of the fake Ding Ning was Ding Ning's teacher in his previous life and his teacher in this life, a sloppy Taoist.

When he separated from his teacher, Taoist Sloppy, he was still on Earth's Mount Tai. At that time, the spiritual energy of the earth was revived, and Mount Tai had a change. As a result, he went there and met Taoist Sloppy. He did not remember him, but this did not prevent Ding Ning from becoming a teacher. They also experienced many dangers together, and finally, the two separated on Mount Tai, and they have never seen each other since then.

At that time, Ding Ning still remembered that the sloppy Taoist was talking about returning to the fairy world, or going to a farther place. When he entered the fairy world, he did not find the sloppy Taoist. Afterwards, the fairy world was shattered, and he was sad for a while. He thought that this cheap master might have died inside. Of course, there was another possibility. The sloppy Taoist had already left the fairy world, so he could only think about the bright side. Maybe one day in the future, the two of them, the master and the apprentice Will meet again.

Unexpectedly, this day really came, and so suddenly.

When the sloppy Taoist saw Ding Ning, his eyes were very complicated. Ding Ning could tell that his cheap master couldn't figure out why there were two identical Ding Ning, and he caught him again.

"Apprentice, what's going on here?" The sloppy Taoist looked puzzled. He probably didn't expect that he would be caught here suddenly.

"Haha, isn't it strange? Not only did I not die, but I also caught the person you value the most in front of you." Fake Ding Ning laughed and said.

Ding Ning frowned deeply, the current situation was really sudden.

This guy was able to capture his teacher here, the means are too amazing.

However, when one thinks that the other party is transformed by the Heavenly Tribulation, it is more or less understandable. The Heavenly Tribulation is the power of Heaven, representing the Dao of Heaven, and the rules of the Dao of Heaven envelope the entire universe. It seems that it is not difficult to find someone.

Ding Ning no longer thought about why the other party came back to life after being exploded. Since the other party appeared again, it meant that this guy might reappear after being killed again.

The problem is getting worse.

The difficulty of this catastrophe is not ordinary.

"The person is in my hands now, I hope you can do what I say, otherwise..." The fake Ding Ning showed a sneer on his face. He is a fake and has no relationship with the sloppy Taoist. Now he is threatening Ding Ning with the sloppy Taoist , In order to realize your own ideas, there is nothing better.

But Ding Ning is controlled by others, as long as he cares about the life and death of the sloppy Taoist, he has to do what the other party says.

"What do you want me to do?" Ding Ning asked, his tone was very calm, without any emotion.

"Hehe, it's very simple, tell me your method of balancing the two powers of righteousness and evil, and I can let him go." Fake Ding Ning said.

A gleam flashed in Ding Ning's eyes, and the other party started trying to see him.

It turned out that he had the idea of ​​black and white profound art, so to speak, this black and white mysterious art is even feared by the Dao of Heaven.

Otherwise, why explain the condition proposed by the fake Ding Ning? It is obvious that the other party covets his method of balancing the two forces.

However, thinking about it this way, it was not ineffective for him to kill the fake Ding Ning just now with the conflict between the two forces of righteousness and demons, otherwise, the other party would not have made this request.

In an instant, Ding Ning thought of many things, and his expression kept flickering.

"Have you considered it? As long as you give me a comprehensive method, I don't have to kill him."

The purpose of the fake Ding Ning is obvious. He wants black and white profound skills. If Ding Ning handed it over, the other party can copy the Vajra God Demon Body. In that case, Ding Ning really has no advantage.

But can he not pay?
Do you want to watch your only teacher being beheaded in front of your face?

Ding Ning really couldn't do it, but Ding Ning was really unwilling to hand over his biggest trump card of Black and White Xuan Gong.

Things suddenly fell into a dilemma.

Or don't pay, but the teacher's sloppy Taoist life will not be guaranteed.

Either hand it over, then his advantage over the fake Ding Ning will be equalized immediately, and the result of this is that he is likely to die.

Fake Ding Ning is a catastrophe, if he can't survive this catastrophe, he will only die in the catastrophe, and everything will be in vain.

One side is my own life, and the other is the teacher's life, how should I choose?

If Ding Ning is an out-and-out demon cultivator, then that's fine, he can give up the teacher's life without hesitation, but Ding Ning is not such a cold-blooded person in his heart, even if he was called Old Demon Ding in his previous life, he still has own guidelines.

In a dilemma, it's hard to choose.

Fake Ding Ning began to urge, and threatened: "I only give you three seconds, if you don't pay, then I have no choice but to kill him first."

Ding Ning's complexion kept changing, and just when the fake Ding Ning was about to shout out, suddenly, Ding Ning spoke up and said, "I've made up my mind."

When Fake Ding Ning heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

In the next second, Ding Ning's gaze suddenly turned to Sloppy Daoist and said, "Teacher, how many of the Nine Techniques of Ben Lei have you mastered?"

The sloppy Taoist was stunned, a little overwhelmed by Ding Ning, but he quickly recovered his original expression and replied, "I have practiced the fifth method that you taught me that day."


Ding Ning let out a cry, and the fake Ding Ning interrupted the conversation between the two, saying: "Don't dawdle, are you going to hand it over or not, if you dawdle any longer, I'll kill him first."

Seeing the other party's aggressive posture, Ding Ning suddenly smiled. The fake Ding Ning who smiled was inexplicable, and the words that Ding Ning said immediately changed the fake Ding Ning's expression.

"Since you really want to kill him, then just kill him." Ding Ning replied lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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