The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1050 10551 Everything is a demon! 2 more

Chapter 1050 1055 Everything is a demon! 2 more

Kill if you want?

Is this guy crazy? This is one of the most important people in his heart.

"Do you think I don't dare?" The fake Ding Ning showed a fierce look on his face, and he was about to kill the sloppy Taoist immediately. Concerned about his life and death.

Ding Ning smiled lightly, as if he would listen to you and do whatever you want.

Fake Ding Ning was obviously angry, and said viciously: "Okay, you forced me, since you don't want to save your teacher, then I'm not polite, I've already given you a chance, you chose to give up, it seems , in your heart, you, the teacher, are still not important, if you say give up, you will give up, hehe..."

Ding Ning laughed it off, and didn't show any more emotions because of the other party's words. Instead, he showed a look of interest, watching how the other party killed the sloppy Taoist.

"He's already there, so there's no need to exist." As he said that, a sharp weapon appeared in the fake Ding Ning's hand, and it cut across the sloppy Taoist.

call out.

There was a cold light, and it seemed that the soldiers were about to fall, and when the sharp weapon was about to fall on the sloppy Taoist, the fake Ding Ning suddenly stopped.

He stared at Ding Ning seriously and said, "I really want to know, why did you give up? You have a chance to save him. Is it true that in your heart, you, a master, are not important to you?"

"Your actions are no different from the teacher who killed you with his own hands, do you know that?"

Facing the fake Ding Ning's ridicule and doubts, Ding Ning smiled and said, "Of course I know, and I also know what I'm doing, so if you want to kill him, I won't stop you."

"But he is your teacher, the guide who takes you on the path of pursuing longevity. You are ungrateful."

"If he is really my teacher, I would be ungrateful if I did this, and I would be suspected of killing my teacher with my own hands, but he is not my teacher. Do you think a counterfeit is worth my care?"

Speaking of this, the smile on Ding Ning's face became stronger, and the fake Ding Ning laughed loudly: "Do you think he is fake? Hehe, it's ridiculous. I think you understand it in your heart, and you are confused and don't want to save your teacher. , looking for a high-sounding reason."

"Since you said that, then you can kill him, and see if I will stop you." Ding Ning didn't bother to explain, he had already seen the problem, of course, he didn't take the threat of fake Ding Ning to heart up.

Seeing that Ding Ning urged him to kill the sloppy Taoist, but the fake Ding Ning didn't do it, it seemed that some of Ding Ning's guesses were correct from the side.

The fake Ding Ning put down his sharp weapon, he knew that his threat could no longer move Ding Ning.

"How did you find out?" Fake Ding Ning's words are equivalent to admitting in disguise that the sloppy Taoist is indeed a fake, not a real sloppy Taoist.

"Do you want to know the reason?" Ding Ning raised his eyebrows and continued, "It's very simple. I just asked him how many techniques he has practiced in the Benlei Nine Techniques. Just this one sentence is enough."


"Because he answered me, he practiced the five methods." Ding Ning replied.

"This means that he is a fake? Your judgment is too sloppy. I don't think there is anything wrong with his answer like this." Fake Ding Ning said.

"Of course there is no problem with him answering like this. The crux of the problem is that I didn't pass on this set of techniques to him at the beginning. I just made up this set of techniques by myself just now." After Ding Ning finished speaking, he maintained a serious expression. smile.

The words have been made very clear, the sloppy Taoist and the fake Ding Ning are a group, since Tianjie can transform a fake Ding Ning, it is not difficult to make a fake sloppy Taoist.

Most importantly, Ding Ning believes that these two people are not only fake, but also illusory and non-existent.

"If I'm not wrong, you two are the demons in my heart. You appeared in front of me just to prevent me from going through this catastrophe." Ding Ning continued.

The fake Ding Ning and the sloppy Taoist were standing opposite each other, and they were all expressionless at this moment, they were spotted by Ding Ning.

The bodies of the two began to dissipate.

Seeing the bodies of the two become weak and weak, Ding Ning said calmly: "I failed to survive this calamity in the last life. In this life, how can I stumble twice in one place, so they all disappear."

"We will meet again, as long as you have not become a fairy, as long as you can survive the calamity, next time..." Before the fake Ding Ning finished speaking, he disappeared completely.

But the figure of the sloppy Taoist made Ding Ning look at it for a long time until it dissipated, and he was still immersed in it. Although this sloppy Taoist was a fake, but he appeared in front of him in such a real way, Ding Ning was deeply touched, and he didn't know the real sloppy Taoist Where are you now.

In this world of comprehension, Ding Ning did not find any news about the sloppy Taoist. Where is this mysterious cheap teacher at this time?

After his thoughts drifted away for a while, he finally came back to his senses.

Fortunately, this catastrophe of inner demons has passed without any danger. If I had just promised the other party to hand over the black and white profound arts, I guess the fake Ding Ning will continue to threaten me, as long as I believe that the real sloppy Taoist is my teacher , then he will be restrained and restrained by the other party.

In fact, when the fake Ding Ning reappeared and the sloppy Taoist appeared together, Ding Ning noticed that things were weird. Afterwards, through dialogue and testing with the other party, he finally determined that the other party must have been caused by a demon, otherwise the other party How could he know that the sloppy Taoist is his teacher? No one knows this except him himself.

This is one of the reasons why Ding Ning was able to see through the demons. The reason why he is not sure is because he has never seen it before. The demons can transform into a physical existence. This is completely different from the scene when he encountered the demons before. Two looks.

Ordinary heart demon robbery, the soul is immersed in it, just like a dream.

But the heart demon tribulation just now was no longer a dream, it was completely staged in reality, which made Ding Ning unable to confirm it.

Fortunately, he saw through the heart demon tribulation, but failed to catch the other party's way. The reason why the heart demon calamity is so special and weird should also be related to the heavenly tribulation led by the righteous demon practitioners at the same time.

Ding Ning didn't think about it anymore, since the heart demon tribulation has passed, then he has truly stepped into the tribulation crossing state, and then he can absorb the power of the calamity crossing, and step into the tribulation crossing state completely.

At the same time, everyone on the sea suddenly discovered that the dark clouds above their heads began to have a new change.

The dark night began to slowly emit light, and some sunlight began to shine through the clouds and shine on the sea.

Seeing this, everyone guessed in their hearts, is the catastrophe over?

Of course, the most concerned thing is whether Ding Ning has survived the catastrophe that both good and evil came together.

(End of this chapter)

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