Chapter 111 Bad news!
The battle between Qian Lao and Tang Jiujue came to an end.

However, it is not Qian Lao who is the victor, but Ding Ning who stands out the most.

This battle, on the contrary, made many important figures in Jiangling realize how terrible Ding Ning was, and the impact Ding Ning had on Lao Qian's birthday was much greater than before.

Nowadays, Ding Ning is Qian Lao's savior, Ma Luoyun, Lu Wanli and other top businessmen in Jiangling also respect Ding Ning very much. As for martial arts practitioners, Ding Ning is regarded as a god-like figure.

In particular, the mysterious strange thing has attracted many people to speculate about what kind of magical thing it is. It is simply against the common sense and refreshes people's three views.

Even martial artists have never seen such a miraculous thing.

Ding Ning's reputation spread deeper and wider in Jiangling. In the whole of Jiangling, everyone who has a reputation knows that there is a Mr. Ding who is not very young but has a great status in Jiangling.

Once a person is famous, and with fame, there will be no shortage of visitors.

For several days in a row, Ding Ning's home was visited by people in an endless stream, rushing to visit Ding Ning.

Ding Ning's mother, Yang Xueyi, and father, Ding Shengyuan, were warmly received from the beginning, but then became numb, and finally closed the door without seeing anyone.

At the dinner table, his parents asked Ding Ning what he had done to attract so many people to his door.

Ding Ning didn't want to say too much about martial arts practitioners, he was afraid that his parents would worry, and it was difficult for him to explain this matter, so he simply mentioned it in a simple sentence and pushed it all to Mr. Qian.

His father, Ding Shengyuan, knew about Mr. Qian's status, and he had told Yang Xueyi a long time ago. When they heard that it was related to Mr. Qian, the two of them stopped asking in detail, and asked Ding Ning to respect Mr. Qian. After all, when these people came, It was also for Qian Lao's sake.

Both parents think that Qian is always paving the way for Ding Ning, which is why so many people come to visit at home.

Ding Ning didn't explain it, so let his parents think that way, it's better if he paints darker and darker.

When the meal was almost over, Ding Ning said that he wanted to change the house for the family, which surprised the family.

"Xiao Ning, although your father's salary is not low, it is still very difficult to buy another house. Buying a house is not so easy. You want to exhaust your father to death." Yang Xueyi said.

"Mom, I've already bought the house. Dad doesn't need to buy it. We just need to move in there." Ding Ning said.


"Xiao Ning, where did you get the money?"

When Ding Ning spoke, Yang Xueyi and Ding Shengyuan froze for a moment, all showing expressions of surprise.

"Dad, Mom, you don't have to worry about the money. These days, the people who come to visit are annoying to you. When you move into your new home, there won't be so many people bothering you." Ding Ning said.

"Xiao Ning, where did the money come from? If you don't let us understand, even if it is a free house, your mother and I will not live in it." Ding Shengyuan said seriously.He didn't want Ding Ning's money to be a good source. The house he bought like that would not be safe for him to live in.

Ding Ning looked at his stubborn father and smiled helplessly: "I did Mr. Qian a big favor before, so Mr. Qian gave me a house to thank me. Now you can rest assured."

"Sent by Mr. Qian?" Ding Shengyuan muttered when he heard this.

Anyway, he has dumped the blame on Mr. Qian, so it's not too late to transfer the matter of this house to Mr. Qian.

Regarding the house, Ding Ning had long wanted to change it for his family.

When he was reborn and returned, how could he let his family still live in a small house of more than 80 square meters, where a family of four was crowded.

So he has been looking for a high-end residential area in Jiangling, and the high-end residential area has an advantage, more aura, and people who live in such a place for a long time are very good for the body.

Just a few days ago, Ding Ning went to a real estate company to see a few houses, and happened to be seen by Ma Luoyun. Ma Luoyun is engaged in real estate. After hearing about it, he immediately decided to give Ding Ning a set of a high-end residential area developed by him. .

Ding Ning naturally didn't want to accept Ma Luoyun's house as a gift. Although he cured Ma Luoyun's illness, Ma Luoyun also paid the corresponding revenge, and he still had a lot of money in his hand. Ailment, Mr. Qian gave him a black card, there are several million in it, enough to buy a house.

But Ma Luoyun insisted on not wanting Ding Ning's money, so Ding Ning had no choice but to accept it.

Since the house was given by Mr. Qian, Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi no longer had doubts, and asked which area the new house was in.

"Jianghe Happy City!"

"Jianghe Happy City?" Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi had never heard of this community before, so they didn't know where it was.

"I seem to have heard of this place, right!" Ding Qinghe muttered, and suddenly ran back to the room, and returned to the dining table after a while, holding a real estate leaflet in his hand, which said Jianghe Happy City typeface.

"Let me see." Ding Shengyuan took a look at it, and then froze there.

Mother Yang Xueyi was also surprised.

Seeing the appearance of his parents, Ding Qinghe wondered, "What's the matter?"

Then she took a closer look and found that the house price on it was a series of zeros. She counted the zeros one by one. At the end of the count, her small face was full of shock, and she shouted: "Oh my god, one hundred thousand one flat !"

Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi were also shocked by the price above. One hundred thousand yuan per square meter, and only a few hundred thousand yuan a year after working, they can only buy a few square meters here.

Ding Ning's heart moved slightly. He didn't expect that the house Ma Luoyun gave him, the Fang family was so tall, wouldn't it mean that any house would be several million bigger?

In this way, he still owes Ma Luoyun a favor.

After Ding Qinghe was surprised by the price, he looked at Ding Ning again and asked, "Brother, how big is our new house?"

Ding Ning has always had a vague memory of such small things, since Ma Luoyun said to give him a set, it should be not small.

"Look at the biggest and flat one on the top, it should be the biggest one." Ding Ning said calmly.

Parents and younger sister glanced at the square meters of houses on the leaflets, found the largest square meters, took a closer look, and immediately gasped.

350 square meters, a large villa with two floors above and below!
Doesn't it mean that this house costs more than 500 million?

The family of three was so shocked that they couldn't speak. How could they have imagined that they could live in such a house in their lifetime.

Ding Qinghe was the first to wake up, and kept talking excitedly, that he was going to live in a big house, so excited.

Seeing the happy family, Ding Ning is also happy in his heart. As long as the family is happy, let alone a villa worth tens of millions, even if it is a star in the sky, Ding Ning can pick it off for you.

Just when the family was very happy about moving into a big house, a letter arrived, which suddenly made the atmosphere in the house dignified.

Ding Shengyuan looked at the letter in his hand and didn't speak for a long time.

After a while, I just said to the family: "Your grandpa passed away!"

Hearing this, Ding Ning and Ding Qinghe didn't feel much, because the word grandpa was unfamiliar to them.

But Yang Xueyi's complexion changed, because she knew that Ding Shengyuan's father loved Ding Shengyuan the most and was also Ding Shengyuan's closest relative.

"We have to go back to pay tribute to your grandfather." Ding Shengyuan said with a serious expression.

(End of this chapter)

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