The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 112 Chapter 112 Hometown!

Chapter 112 112 Back to hometown!
Ding Ning has never met anyone from his father's old home, and no one from that side has visited their home for so many years.

Father Ding Shengyuan seldom mentioned things about his hometown, and Ding Ning only vaguely knew that his father's family was a big family with many branches, but they didn't communicate with each other.

When my father was young, he seemed to have a very unpleasant quarrel with the members of the family, and then he ran out and came to Jiangling City to work hard. Because of vomiting, he never went back for so many years.

My father's hometown is in Qingfeng City, a city next to Jiangling.

It takes three or four hours to drive from Jiangling to Qingfeng City, and another two or three hours to go to the town below. Adding up the back and forth, it takes a long day just to drive the car.

On the way, my father seemed very silent, and I don't know if it was because he hadn't returned to his hometown for many years, or because his grandfather passed away.

Mother Yang Xueyi didn't say anything, she just wished Ding Ning and Ding Qinghe good luck and politeness when they met their relatives on his father's side, and don't embarrass their father.

"Mom, why didn't Dad go back after so many years?" Ding Qinghe asked.

Regarding this question, Ding Ning actually really wanted to know. In the past, he and his sister were young and didn't understand many things, so that they ignored the question of whether they had grandparents, uncles and aunts.

So much so that they didn't feel anything when they suddenly heard the bad news.

However, this did not fail to arouse the curiosity of the two brothers and sisters. Why did the closest blood relationship go so far, and even reached the point where they would never communicate with each other.

Mother Yang Xueyi sighed, and her eyes fell on Ding Shengyuan, who was somewhat hunchbacked.

"Okay, you are so old, there are some things that I should let you know."

Seeing that Ding Shengyuan had no intention of stopping, Yang Xueyi talked about the past 20 years ago.

About 40 years ago, when his father Ding Shengyuan was still a child, at that time, Huaxia had just experienced a catastrophe, and it was time to recuperate.

People live in poverty and poverty, and even eating is a problem.

His father, Ding Shengyuan, was a homeless man. The head of the Ding family looked pitiful at that time, so he took Ding Shengyuan in and raised him as his own son.

As Ding Shengyuan grew up, the head of the family became older and older. When it came to dividing the family, the head of the family wanted to give Ding Shengyuan a field and a house in the family.

However, it was opposed by the family members. Ding Shengyuan was not the only son in the Ding family. The head of the Ding family also had two sons and two daughters.

Of course, the four couples and the two girls didn't want to give their belongings to an outsider, Ding Shengyuan, they disagreed with life and death, and even joined hands against Ding Shengyuan.

Ding Shengyuan had never thought of asking for it, but the four brothers and sisters forced him to give up voluntarily, and Ding Shengyuan agreed.

Ding Shengyuan, who had no money, started his business at that time. Unexpectedly, he caught up with the good time and his business became bigger in the local area. At this time, the four brothers and sisters came to the door and talked about the Ding family's kindness to Ding Shengyuan. Ding Shengyuan was soft-hearted and kind. Forgive them and allow them to join your business.

However, they did not expect that Ding Shengyuan's business was gradually moved into their own hands by the four people, while Ding Shengyuan was emptied out. In a fit of anger, Ding Shengyuan quarreled with the four people.

In the end it was the head of the Ding family who came forward. Ding Shengyuan was grateful to his father, so he gave up pursuing the matter and chose to give the business to the Ding family, which was considered a repayment of the kindness of the upbringing. So I came to Jiangling City alone to work hard, and then I went all the way to today.

Mother spoke slowly but in detail, which surprised Ding Ning and Ding Qinghe. The first half of father's life turned out to be like this.

Ding Qinghe was a little angry: "Humph, these brothers and sisters of my father are too much. My father didn't want to fight with them for property, but they are aggressive."

Although the mother spoke calmly and eloquently, at that time, the father in that situation must have been in an extremely bad mood.

Because only the person who loves the most and is the closest will hurt the person the deepest.

"It's been so many years, and the only thing your father misses is your grandpa. Even if we are not the real Ding family, if there is no your grandpa, there would be no you. You can hate those uncles and aunts , but your grandfather, I believe, he also loves you." Yang Xueyi said.

Ding Ning didn't say anything, the truth is touching, Ding Ning is very clear about this truth.

This kind of thing actually doesn't just happen on the earth, even in the world of comprehension, let alone not born, even the father and son, mother and daughter who are born have turned against each other because of interests. Such things are just There is no need to be too surprised and angry about the normality of history repeating itself.

Ding Ning sees it very openly, reliving the whole life, having gone through so many lives and deaths in the cultivation world, he has already seen through everything.

On the contrary, Ding Qinghe had a lot of opinions on his father's brothers and sisters, and felt wronged on his father's behalf.

About six hours later, the car drove into a quaint town. The buildings here were quite old, with a smell of misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River.

In the end, the car stopped, and stopped in front of a tall gate. On the door, there were flowers shaped out of white cloth, so that people could tell at a glance that the family was holding a funeral.

There were many people gathered in front of the gate, and it seemed that they all came to pay tribute to the funeral.

The car stopped, but his father, Ding Shengyuan, did not get off immediately. Ding Ning saw that his father was taking a deep breath. After taking a deep breath, he said to the family of three sitting in the back, "Let's get out of the car."

Ding Ning and Ding Qinghe opened the door and got out of the car. Mother Yang Xueyi stood beside her father Ding Shengyuan, standing side by side.

The appearance of a family of four attracted the attention of many people around.

This small town is not big, and the people in the town know each other, so when a stranger appears, it will naturally attract the attention of many people.

Just like in front of you, the family of four suddenly became the focus.

"Sheng Yuan, is it really you, Sheng Yuan?"

At this moment, a voice came out from the crowd, and a middle-aged man who was about the same age as his father Ding Shengyuan walked out. After seeing Ding Shengyuan, he showed an excited expression.

After Ding Shengyuan saw this person's face clearly, tears welled up in his eyes, and he said softly: "It's me, I'm back."

The two middle-aged men held hands and looked at both sides, both very excited.

The people around were surprised when they heard Ding Shengyuan's name. Obviously they also knew Ding Shengyuan, but they hadn't seen him for so many years that they didn't dare to recognize him anymore.

"Sheng Yuan is back."

"It's been more than 20 years."

"I just said that Sheng Yuan is the most benevolent, and he won't come back to see his father."

(End of this chapter)

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