The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 115 115 Abacus!

Chapter 115 115 Abacus!

National college entrance examination champion!
National college entrance examination score first!

This sentence fell into the ears of the four women and their children Ding Tao and Ding Chao, and they were all shocked.

Ding Ning!

"No wonder I think I've heard the name Ding Ning before, but I didn't remember it for a while, so this person is him!" Ding Chao's eyes fell on Ding Ning who was not far away, his eyes were full of surprise.

Ding Chao also thinks that he is not weak in his studies, and he has always been No.1 in his class. He also got the highest score in the whole school, and even in Qingfeng City, he can rank high. His grades are a bit worse than the top score in the city's college entrance examination, but he is also one of the top figures in the city.

But this guy in front of him turned out to be the number one in the national college entrance examination, and his scores surpassed all the candidates in the city.

Ding Chao knew how high the number one score in the national college entrance examination was this year. It was a score that would be difficult for future generations to surpass, 749.5!
Only 0.5 points away from the existence of all full marks, this is a top student among top students, not a human being, no matter which city's champion is in front of him, he will only be crushed.

At that time, Ding Chao still admired this national college entrance examination champion very much, and his surname was Ding, and his mother even joked with him, saying that our old Ding's family has produced talents, and it is a credit to everyone surnamed Ding.

Because of this honor, since the establishment of the college entrance examination system, no one has been able to reach this level.

However, Ding Chao never expected that this national college entrance examination champion was actually his cousin. Yes, in terms of seniority, Ding Chao wanted to call Ding Ning his cousin.

Thinking about the self-satisfied look on his face just now, and the pride his mother showed when she talked about his scores, I am afraid that in the eyes of Ding Ning and her mother, it is just a joke.

Ding Chao was so shocked that he couldn't speak, and then felt ashamed in his heart, talking about the college entrance examination scores in front of Ding Ning's mother, wasn't this a big knife in front of Guan Gong.

Ding Chao was shocked, and his cousin Ding Tao was also surprised. He had paid attention to this year's national college entrance examination champion. After all, such a high score is very rare.

When he heard that the college entrance examination score was as high as a full mark, Ding Tao was disdainful in his heart, and simply thought that the questions in the college entrance examination this year were easy, otherwise such a high score would not exist.

In order to verify his idea, Ding Tao did the college entrance examination questions himself. When he finished, he found that he was completely wrong. Even with the knowledge level he is about to graduate, he could not pass the test. , At that time, he also had to admit that this top student in the college entrance examination did have a lot of talent.

But now, he was surprised to hear that this country's No. [-] college entrance examination champion was right in front of him, and he was also related to Ding Ning. Ding Tao's mood could not be calm for a long time.

As for Ding Chao and Ding Tao's mother, they were stunned for a long time before they came back to their senses.

Their faces were a little embarrassed. After all, they often showed off their children's excellence in front of Yang Xueyi, but only now did they realize that the real master is Yang Xueyi, and her children are the real bulls 13.
The top scorer in the national college entrance examination, it is enough to dump their children for a few blocks. As for competing with such a top student in the future, what are you kidding, can someone with such an abnormal IQ have a worse future?
Thinking about how many people were going to introduce jobs to Ding Ning just now, such as accountants, company employees, etc., the faces of the four women all showed shame.

What a shame!

Seeing the expressions of these aunts and aunts, Ding Qinghe was secretly proud. Although she was far away just now, she could hear them clearly. She knew that her mother was not telling the truth, and she didn't want to make the relationship too rigid, but she Ding Qinghe He Ke can't control that much.

On the way here, he heard that two aunts did such things to his father more than 20 years ago. Ding Qinghe was feeling angry in his heart. At this time, if he wants to take revenge, when will he report it.

"Hmph, I really thought our family was easy to bully, and even compared scores with my brother." Ding Qinghe snorted a few times in his heart.

Ding Ning saw the actions of his younger sister Ding Qinghe, with a knowing smile on his face, and sighed: "You girl took the lead! However, it is better for women to come forward in this kind of contest between women. .”

"Sister-in-law, why didn't you say it earlier? I'll just say it. The name Ding Ning sounds familiar."

"Sister-in-law, what you said earlier was just a joke, don't mind."

Whether it was the two aunts or the two aunts, they immediately changed their words, saying that they had misunderstood just now.

Yang Xueyi smiled, and didn't say much. Since her daughter Ding Qinghe said it, she should say it. In this way, the four women would not say any more explicit and implicit sarcastic remarks.

Next, the women stopped talking about their children, and started talking about where to buy a house and invest. Fortunately, this time, they did not bring the topic to Yang Xueyi, otherwise Ding Qinghe would definitely tell these aunts Auntie, their family also has a riverside detached villa worth tens of millions.

On one side, the women were chatting, on the other side, Ding Shengyuan was chatting with his two older brothers, Ding Shengyi and Ding Shengren, and the two brothers-in-law were also on the side, but they didn't interrupt much.

"Sheng Yuan, we brothers haven't seen each other for so many years, but the friendship between brothers is not distant, you are right."

Ding Shengyuan nodded, the two elder brothers in front of him seemed to be different from before, talking about the strong family affection, it reminded Ding Shengyuan of his childhood, and he felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

"Sheng Yuan, when father was alive, you were actually the person he missed the most. Unfortunately, the old man passed away before he could see you for the last time." The two elder brothers shook their heads and sighed.

Speaking of this, Ding Shengyuan felt quite guilty. If there is a chance to do it all over again, he will definitely come back.

After a while, Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi took out a piece of paper, handed it to Ding Shengyuan, and said, "Sheng Yuan, this is the transfer letter from the paper mill. What happened back then was our fault, so return it now." for you."

Ding Shengyuan showed surprise. This was something he didn't expect. Back then, the two elder brothers spent a lot of effort to take away his paper mill, but now they are returning it happily?

But soon, he knew the real purpose of these two brothers.

"Sheng Yuan, I know you have feelings for the paper mill, and many people are still waiting for you to come back and want to work with you. As long as you sign this and give up inheriting your father's inheritance, the paper mill will be yours. It's all yours."

Under the transfer letter, there is a piece of paper with the words "automatically renounce inheriting the inheritance" written on it.

Ding Shengyuan frowned, and said lightly: "Two brothers, what do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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