The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 116 Chapter 116 It's a big deal!

Chapter 116 Chapter 116 It's a big deal!

"Sheng Yuan, my father wants to leave all the things in the house to you. He feels sorry for you, but now we return the things that belonged to you, so there is no such thing as sorry. Maybe you have complaints in your heart, but if you don't When the Ding family took you in, you wouldn't be here today, are you right?"

"Besides, you also know your life experience. You should know better in your heart whether you should want the Ding family's things."

Seeing that Ding Shengyuan's face was a bit ugly, Ding Shengren, as the eldest brother, spoke his mind.

Hearing Ding Shengren say such words, Ding Shengyuan felt very sad, because he never thought about inheriting any inheritance.

Although he was a little reluctant about some things back then, in his heart, he Ding Shengyuan was grateful to the Ding family, and he always regarded Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi as his own brothers, otherwise he would not have let Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi be in his prime when the paper mill was in full swing. The two elder brothers took a stake.

But what happened afterwards chilled him, and now, Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi guarded him like wolves. After a lot of enthusiasm, they just wanted him to give up inheriting his father's property.

Ding Shengyuan laughed. In Ding's family, perhaps only his father regarded him as a relative. The others, no matter the two brothers or the two sisters, always regarded him as an outsider in their hearts.

There was a wry smile on his face, but his heart was very painful. Even though so many years had passed, he had told himself why he should care, but his heart was still a little sore.

He Ding Shengyuan is not a wolf-hearted person, he knows how to be grateful, some things, even if Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi don't talk about them, he still knows what to do, but now they take the initiative to bring it up, which makes Ding Shengyuan very uncomfortable.

"I can sign this contract, I only have one request." Ding Shengyuan said seriously.

"What request, you can say, as long as it is not too much, we can consider it." Ding Shengren said.

"I want to bury my father in a grand manner." Ding Shengyuan said.He felt that what he owed the most was his father, and he couldn't come back to see his father when he was dying. Although the son wanted to support him but would not wait for him, he also wanted to repay his father's kindness, even in this way.

Hearing this, Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi frowned one after another, and looked at each other, "Sheng Yuan, father is dead, let him go to sleep early, why bother to make a big fuss and make the world know about it."

"I have only one request."

Seeing Ding Shengyuan's firm attitude, the two of them discussed for a while before nodding their heads, because a grand burial must cost a lot of money, and the money will naturally fall on Ding Shengyuan and Ding Shengyi.

Originally, the two of them were planning to save as much as possible, but now it's okay, because of Ding Shengyuan's request, they have to make a big deal.


In the room, Ding Shengyuan, Ding Shengyi and their two brothers-in-law were sitting on chairs, talking about Ding Shengyu's proposal to bury his father in a grand manner.

"This Ding Shengyuan, his father was not filial when he was alive, but pretended to be a filial son when he died." Ding Shengren said angrily, a grand funeral would cost a lot, and it was all out of their own pockets.

Even if he inherited his father's inheritance, it still hurts him to spend a lot of money on the dead.

"Brother, since he wants to bury his father, it's up to him, and I don't think it's a bad thing. If we notify some of our partners and other big shots come, will they also show us face? Let Ding Shengyuan see that the energy of our brothers has not been in vain all these years."

"Oh? It's not bad for you to say that. Although Ding Shengyuan has been away from home for so many years, and he doesn't know how he has developed, but I think their clothes and the cars they drive back are just average. They must not be as good as us. Well, let’s do it like this, let’s inform our friends about this matter, anyway, it’s a funeral, and in the name of our brothers, many big shots will come.”

Speaking of this, Ding Shengren showed a smile on his face, no longer gloomy.

"It's really irritating. Didn't you just give birth to a national champion, who is still pretending to be deep there, deliberately watching our jokes!"

"I really underestimated Ding Shengyuan's woman. I didn't expect the city to be so deep. In my opinion, she must be taking revenge on us."

As soon as Ding Chao and Ding Tao's mothers returned to the room, they all sat down very angrily, and they no longer smiled continuously in front of Yang Xueyi.

The faces at this time are their real appearances, as for the previous appearances, they are all pretended.

"Mom, you don't have to be so angry. Even if it is the number one scholar in the country, it doesn't mean that he will have more development than me in the future." Ding Chao said.

At this time, Ding Chao has changed his mind. He was surprised by Ding Ning's college entrance examination score before, but then he thought about what it could represent. personal.

Even if Ding Chao does not have a higher score than Ding Ning, his future development may not be worse than Ding Ning.

"Xiao Chao, why don't you live up to your expectations? If you are the next national champion, there is nothing to make them arrogant today. Look at that little girl, she is arrogant in front of us, because she Brother, you are very proud." Ding Chao's mother complained.

Ding Chao was a little helpless, he had already tried his best in the college entrance examination, even if he still had some reservations, he still couldn't get Ding Ning's score, any higher than Ding Ning's score would be a perfect score, which is not realistic.

"Mom, don't worry, I swear, I will be better than Ding Ning and win you glory." Ding Chao didn't want to disappoint his mother. He made a plan in his heart. The children of the family, as long as they become one with them, they will definitely use a lot of strength in the future.

"Xiaotao, look at Xiaochao, don't embarrass me to your mother, I also want to tell people about you, others envy me." Ding Tao's mother said.

It didn't take long before news of the grand burial spread.

Especially when they heard that they were asked to invite important people they knew to come to attend the funeral, Ding Chao and Ding Tao's mother both cheered up, because they knew that the opportunity to get back the scene had come.

"Hmph, Ding Shengyuan, Yang Xueyi, it doesn't matter if your son is the number one in the national college entrance examination. In terms of strength, our branch is the most promising of the Ding family. You will see soon that you, an outsider, are different from our real Ding family. family gap."

Whether it was Ding Chao, Ding Tao or their mother, they all sneered after hearing such a face-saving plan. They had to wait to see the jokes of Ding Ning's family.

Doesn't your family want to make a big deal? Who has the most face when you see it.

When Ding Shengyuan, Ding Shengyi and other family were studying this matter, Ding Shengyuan also told the family about this matter.

Yang Xueyi said with some worry, "Sheng Yuan, it's good to have a good reputation, but how many people can come here, if there are fewer people coming, and the status can't be improved, I'm afraid it will make people laugh."

Ding Shengyuan frowned, but he ignored this matter.

However, now we can only catch the ducks on the shelves, Ding Shengyuan said: "I will contact you first and see who can come."

My parents started to make phone calls there, but it was a long way from Jiangling to Qingfeng City, so there were not too many people who would rather go this far.

Ding Qinghe looked at his elder brother Ding Ning and said, "Brother, this is related to our family's face. You must have a way, right?"

Ding Ning smiled helplessly, took out his mobile phone, and dialed a number: "Xiaoqian..."

(End of this chapter)

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