The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 122 122 History Chapter Points!

Chapter 122 122 historical nodes!

At the dinner table, Mr. Qian, Ma Luoyun, Lu Wanli, Jiang Menshen and others all took the initiative to toast Yu Ding Ning.

Although everyone's attitude towards Ding Ning was surprising enough before, this scene still shocked many people.

Ding Ning knew that at this time his limelight overwhelmed everyone.

That's all, since the limelight is the biggest, it's good to be the biggest.

Ding Ning knew that his parents would have deep doubts at this time. According to their previous thinking, Mr. Qian should treat Ding Ning with the same importance as his juniors, but the current situation made both parents feel that something was wrong.

Anyone could see that these people who came from Jiangling City treated Ding Ning with incomparable respect, which surpassed the attitude towards Mr. Qian.

What does this mean?
Ding Ning's parents did not dare to imagine, nor could they figure out the reason.

During this meal, Ding Ning became the focus of everyone's attention, and the two uncles Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi also speculated in their hearts why Ding Ning was so respected by others.

It's a pity that they asked all the friends who came, but no one knew the reason.

They respected Ding Ning just because big bosses like Qian Lao and Ma Luoyun treated Ding Ning respectfully.

Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi don't guess. In short, Ding Ning's family is now something they can't afford to provoke.

If they can quickly repair their relationship with Ding Ning's family, it will undoubtedly be of great help to them.

So Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi became very enthusiastic and went to the table of Ding Ning's family to toast.

"Sheng Yuan, you are not a real brother. You have so many friends here, and you don't even want to introduce them to your two brothers and sisters."

Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi smiled, their faces were full of smiles, their kind appearance was like real relatives.

"I didn't know who it was just now, and I laughed at the fact that no one came to our house. Why did you come over so politely now?" Ding Qinghe said, mocking the behavior of these two uncles, she clearly remembered Well, these two people didn't have this attitude and appearance before. Not long ago, the two of them were very proud.

Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi felt a little helpless when Ding Qinghe said this.

Instead, Ding Shengyuan scolded Ding Qinghe: "Qinghe, why are you talking to your two uncles?"

Ding Qinghe snorted angrily, turned his head away, a little angry that his father was not facing him.

Ding Shengyuan also knew in his heart that the reason these two 'brothers' were so enthusiastic must be because so many important people from Jiangling had come, but he still couldn't help feeling weak when he saw the two lower their stances.

"Sheng Yuan, it was our fault before. Here, we two brothers apologize to you. I hope you don't mind." Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi said at the same time, drank the wine in their glasses, and then Let their wives also apologize to Ding Ning's family.

Ding Shengyuan stopped the two of them from doing this. Looking at these brothers and sisters who grew up with him, because of their interests, they used to speak ill of him, and now because of their interests, they apologized and forced a smile. He suddenly felt, There is nothing in the Ding family worth his nostalgia.

Does he need such a family?

Don't do it.

After the apology, Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi began to talk about their friendship when they were young. Unfortunately, Ding Shengyuan has seen through them at this time and knows their real purpose, which is nothing more than wanting to improve their relationship.

After a meal, Mr. Qian, Ma Luoyun and others who came from Jiangling returned one after another. After all, they had other things to do, and they were able to come here because of Ding Ning's face.

Ding Ning's family is not in a hurry to leave, Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi are also trying their best to persuade them to stay here, hoping they can stay here for a while.

They even saw that Ding Ning liked Ding Shengren's youngest daughter, so they asked the little girl to pester Ding Ning.

Ding Shengren also wanted to use his youngest daughter to improve his relationship with Ding Ning's family, especially Ding Ning. They knew that those important people in Jiangling City actually came here because of Ding Ning's relationship.

How can the reborn Ding Ning fail to see this set of methods. Although he loves this little sister named 'Ding Huan' in his heart, he will not change his views on Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi because of this.

After finishing this grand occasion, Ding Shengyuan was ready to leave, and he was also ready to say goodbye to this land in his heart.

Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi failed to keep Ding Ning's family, and they also saw that Ding Ning's family was alienated from them in their hearts.

There is no other way, and the idea of ​​developing in Jiangling City with the help of Ding Ning's family connections can only come to naught.

Although the relationship between Ding Ning's family and Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi's Ding family became colder and distant, it did not hinder the future development of Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi's family.

Especially when Ding Ning's reputation spread all over the land of China, Ding Shengren and Ding Shengyi's family got a lot of glory.

But these things are for later.

After returning to Jiangling City from Baiyun Town, Ma Luoyun called and said that the detached villa in Jianghe Happy City was almost finished, and they could move in in a few days.

This is the first good news after the bad news.

The family begins to prepare for moving into their new home.

In a few days, my sister's high school entrance examination results came down, and she got a good score. With this score, there is no problem entering the best high school in Jiangling City.

This can be regarded as a double blessing, mother Yang Xueyi is very happy, both her son and daughter have done well in the exams, and the life of her Ding family is getting more and more hopeful.

Ding Ning did not stay at home, but walked out alone.

On a flyover, looking down from above, you can see the continuous flow of vehicles below.

There are a large number of people passing through the humanoid roads on both sides, all of whom are running around for their lives in this city.

Once upon a time, Ding Ning was one of these ordinary people.

If that incident hadn't happened, his life would probably have gone on as plain as water, marrying a wife and having children, getting old, sick and dying, living the most ordinary life.

At the bridgehead, there was a singing voice, it was a wandering singer singing the vicissitudes of life.

Ding Ning stood on the bridge in a daze for a long time. In this life, he was reborn and changed the fate of many people.

Like Tang Qing, like his parents, younger sister, Mr. Qian who was cured of his illness, Ma Luoyun who was sick and so on.

Because of his rebirth and return, what should have happened in the past has undergone essential changes.

It was he who changed the turning of the gears of history.

Now, Ding Ning is standing here, he wants to confirm one thing, what happened in the past, changed because of him, so now that he is reborn, will he still meet the leader who led him on the road of cultivation.

If the first master in his memory hadn't appeared, would everything he knows now still exist?
(End of this chapter)

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