The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 123 123 Explore!

Chapter 123 123 Explore!

According to the original date, the day when he met the master who changed his life is today.

Ding Ning estimated that it was around four or five o'clock in the afternoon. At that time, he was desperate and wanted to jump off the bridge. It was the teacher who stopped him and avenged him. Into a magnificent world.

Time passed by little by little, Ding Ning appeared here from three o'clock, gradually to four o'clock, five o'clock, but the master from the previous life did not appear.

Waited until six o'clock in the evening, still nowhere to be seen.

Ding Ning circulated the power in his body, all the power was there, even the thin thread of true energy in his body could be clearly felt.

The strength of the whole body has not disappeared, but the memory is still there.

This result made Ding Ning heave a sigh of relief. He was afraid that because of his rebirth, what he had now would disappear silently.

Until now, he can be sure that although he has changed the history that happened before, but after being reborn in this life, although he does not know why, he still has the memory of the previous life.

Even if the master guide did not appear, he still kept everything, as if God specially asked him to come back to make up for his regrets.

This result, for Ding Ning, is good after all. He has the ability to protect his family and everything he wants to protect.

Even what he wants to regain, to take revenge on those who betrayed him, he still has a chance.

As for the guide who didn't show up, didn't accept him as an apprentice, or met someone else and accepted him as an apprentice, Ding Ning doesn't know, and he can't guess. Next, he just needs to do everything according to his own ideas. Just do whatever you want.

He can go on and on and change history.


While in a trance, Ding Ning's cell phone vibrated.

"Ding Ning, do you have time?"


"Can you come to my house, my dad wants to see you."

"Oh?" Ding Ning thought for a while, and finally agreed: "Okay, I'll be there later."

After hanging up the phone, Ding Ning got off the overpass and disappeared into the crowd.

Ten minutes later, Tang Qing opened the door, welcomed Ding Ning in, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, Ding Ning, it's my dad who wants to see you and wants to chat with you."

Ding Ning was not surprised to receive Tang Qing's call, but Ding Ning was surprised that Tang Qing's father wanted to find him.

"Father is in the study, go in." Tang Qing said.

Ding Ning had been here before, and knew where the study was, so he went straight to it.

"Xiao Ding, you are here."

As soon as Ding Ning came in, Tang Qing's father Tang Jin stood up enthusiastically. Compared with last time, his attitude was much better.

Ding Ning smiled, sat down, and didn't ask Tang Jin why he wanted to come.

Tang Jin opened his mouth and chattered with some parents, but Ding Ning gave mixed responses.

Regarding Ding Ning, Tang Jin’s previous impression was that Ding Ning was a little arrogant and crazy. After all, his friend wanted to spend money to buy the crescent moon pendant. He said that if something goes wrong with the crescent moon pendant, he would not let it go, just to tell that friend.

Hearing such words at that time, Tang Jin only felt funny in his heart, because in his heart, he knew the strength of his friend. A martial artist, not an ordinary person, was threatened by a young man.

But later, he found that his martial artist friend had disappeared without a trace, even with his strength, he couldn't find it.

In the end, through surveillance, he saw that his friend was in front of the street of his home when he last appeared.

After that, there is no information.

In fact, Tang Jin doesn't pay too much attention to whether this martial artist friend is alive or dead, because he knows that life and death are unpredictable among martial artists, and he is an ordinary person, and he is not suitable to intervene The matter of martial arts practitioners.

But since that day, when he witnessed Ding Ning kill that beggar man with his own eyes, his impression of Ding Ning has been completely overturned.

It turned out that he had always underestimated his daughter, a classmate.

This young man with astonishing strength, even Qian Lao is not an opponent, he can easily kill him, how powerful this is.

Suddenly, Tang Jin realized that perhaps the disappearance of that martial artist friend was probably related to Ding Ning.

With the way martial artists act, once they want to get something, they will use any means. It is normal for him to go to Ding Ning, and it is only logical that Ding Ning will use his strength to kill him.

Based on this idea, Tang Jin wanted to meet Ding Ning again, so there was a scene where Tang Qing called Ding Ning and called him over.

Ding Ning was a little annoyed after listening to Tang Jin say something, he didn't want to waste his precious time talking about useless things, even if you were Tang Qing's father.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first." Ding Ning got up and was about to leave.

Seeing that Ding Ning was about to leave, Tang Jin felt a little anxious, and hurriedly said: "Xiao Ding, don't be in a hurry to leave. Next, let's talk about some serious business."

Ding Ning sat down again, waiting for what Tang Jin had to say.

"Xiao Ding, you should remember the last time, the person who wanted to buy the crescent moon pendant."

"I remember." Ding Ning nodded.

"This person has disappeared recently, but it took me a long time to find him," Tang Jin said.

"I don't know where this person is." Ding Ning said directly.

Tang Jin laughed after hearing this, and said for a while, "But I found that the place where he disappeared last was near your house. Do you think this has something to do with his disappearance?"

"You mean, I killed him?" Ding Ning raised his voice.

"Isn't it?" Tang Jin asked back.

Ding Ning looked at Tang Jin. It turned out that the other party called him to ask about this matter. As for that guy, he had already been sent to hell by him.

"I can understand that he couldn't buy your things and wanted to threaten you, but you destroyed his body and wiped out all traces?" Tang Jin continued.

He had a smile on his face, as if he was grabbing Ding Ning's seven inches.

However, facing his questioning, Ding Ning's smile made the hairs on his back stand on end.

I saw that Ding Ning suddenly approached, and the voice came from his ear, "Some people disappeared, there is a reason why they disappeared, if some people want to stare at them, they will be killed by their curiosity, do you think What, Uncle Tang!"

Ding Ning smiled, his last sentence Uncle Tang was like a big hand tightly grasping Tang Jin's heart, causing his heart to shrink suddenly.

Tang Jin only felt that his breathing was stagnant, and Ding Ning in front of him seemed to be a different person in an instant. The piercing eyes, cold tone, and indifferent temperament all made people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.

He seemed to have forgotten that the young man in front of him was not an ordinary person, even Mr. Qian was not an opponent, and died in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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