The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 125 125 Half Jiao!

Chapter 125 125 Half Jiao!

One person, half dragon, silently staring at each other.

The halazi in Banjiao's mouth was still falling down, and when it landed on the river surface, there was a sizzling sound, emitting white gas, as if sulfuric acid was sprinkled in the water.

As an ordinary person, being stared at by such a big guy would have already peed his pants in fright, and even a martial artist would have weak legs.

However, at this moment, Ding Ning was standing here.

Ding Ning is an immortal cultivator, he directly absorbs the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, which is the same as the cultivation method of Banjiao, so when Banjiao sees Ding Ning, the halazi flows out, naturally it is also because of the spiritual energy in Ding Ning's body.

Ding Ning standing here is like a bright light in the dark night, very eye-catching.

The half dragon can feel that as long as it eats Ding Ning, it will turn into a real dragon.

At that time, it will be one step further away from the real dragon.


The half dragon moved, its body tumbling on the sea surface, and rushed over in an instant. On the water surface, its speed could be brought to the extreme, almost in the blink of an eye, it came to Ding Ning's body.

Ding Ning was expressionless. Seeing this, he softly shouted: "You little bastard, how dare you covet my power."

With a change of expression, Ding Ning made a move.

With an incomparably sharp speed, his palm directly buckled at the seven-inch position of Ban Jiao.

His finger pressed.

Immediately, a blood hole appeared in Ban Jiao's body, causing it to sway in pain.

Ban Jiao obviously didn't expect Ding Ning's reaction to be so fast, he grabbed it in an instant, and directly wounded it, grabbing it seven inches away.

Seven inches of the snake is a fatal position.

Banjiao has not yet reached the level of a real dragon, so its natural shortcoming is seven inches.

Right now, the half-flood dragon that was pinched by Ding Ning wailed again and again, obviously begging for mercy.

"Don't say you are an unformed dragon, even if it is a real dragon, I have killed a lot." Ding Ning said lightly, not taking the half dragon seriously.

He let go of his palm and threw the half dragon into the water.

The freed half dragon showed gratitude to Ding Ning, and Ding Ning smiled lightly. Suddenly, the half dragon who had expressed his gratitude a second ago suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a burst of flames.

This flame immediately covered Ding Ning.


The flames were burning on Ding Ning's body, and the half dragon's two small eyes showed a look of complacency. From its point of view, the person in front of him was too stupid. He clearly grasped his weakness and dared to let him go. Taking advantage of the opportunity, this human being will immediately become his food. As long as he eats it, he will definitely become a real flood dragon.

Banjiao looked a little excited, the fire in its mouth was different from ordinary fire, it had extremely high temperature and corrosive power, relying on this fire, it could grow to this day.

This is its innate ability, and it is also its strongest method, and it is also expected to surprise Ding Ning.

It has to be said that the IQ of this half dragon is no worse than that of humans. It knows how to beg for mercy, use tricks, and sneak attacks. The difference from humans is nothing more than its skin.

Just waiting for Ding Ning to be roasted by his own flame, Ban Jiao suddenly stopped and continued to breathe fire.

It stared blankly at the front, the human being who should have been cooked, stood there unharmed at this moment, let alone cooked the other party, even the clothes were not burned at all.

It's half a mystery, how could this human being have nothing to do.

Ding Ning was able to remain unscathed, which was naturally due to his powerful body training methods. You must know that Ding Ning practiced two sets of body training methods at the same time. The flames that spit out, it is really better not to practice.

It is because of the training of these two major body training methods that Ding Ning's body has long been tempered to be very strong. This is only in the initial stage of the body training method, and the stronger the body will be reflected in the later stages.

Right now, the fire spit out by Banjiao is nothing more than trivial, to Ding Ning, it's just a drizzle.

Although he was not harmed, it was all based on Ding Ning's powerful strength. If he hadn't practiced those two sets of body training methods, he would have been roasted, not to mention being turned into ashes.

Ding Ning looked at Ban Jiao, with a look of anger on his face, the next second Ding Ning opened his mouth, and a white glow shot out from his mouth, directly piercing Ban Jiao's body.

Puff puff!
Baimang pierced the half dragon repeatedly, causing blood holes to appear continuously on its body.

Banjiao's body has a very strong defense, especially the scales, even modern weapons can't penetrate it, but in front of this trace of white light, it can't resist at all.

Ban Jiao screamed again and again, it never thought that its body would be pierced so easily.

However, how did it know that this trace of white light is not an ordinary thing, but the refinement of the real essence after the spiritual temperament has changed, especially now, it has become a flying sword-like existence, which can be transformed into the following The big killer of mind control.

Ban Jiao begged for mercy again, this time for real.

However, Ding Ning did not intend to let him go easily, the white light was still piercing through the body of the dragon, making its body riddled with holes.

In the end, the half dragon was dying, if Ding Ning hadn't attacked its seven inches, the half dragon would definitely have died at this time.

Even so, right now, its aura is much weaker.

Ban Jiao was lying on the river, his eyes full of fear.

Ding Ning walked over, condescending, and said indifferently: "If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price. I didn't want to kill you, but you attacked me in surprise. You are responsible for this appearance."

Banjiao called twice, as if begging Ding Ning for mercy, because it knew that it would not be difficult for Ding Ning to kill it.

"Do you want to live?" Ding Ning squatted down.

Ban Jiao nodded.

"I can give you a way to survive. From now on, I will be the master." Ding Ning said lightly.

Hearing that, the half dragon repeatedly nodded its head, Ding Ning stretched out a hand, and directly struck out a soul contract, the half dragon didn't resist, after sinking into the head, Ding Ning felt a little connection between himself and the half dragon.

Right now, as long as he has a single thought, he can kill Ban Jiao.

"Follow me and be obedient."

Ban Jiao nodded.

"Of course, if you follow me, you will become a flood dragon one step earlier, and even become a real dragon." As he spoke, Ding Ning had a thought and passed through some spiritual energy. Jiao bowed again and again to express his gratitude to Ding Ning.

"Let's go, you will be my pet in the future." Ding Ning ordered, and Ban Jiao followed behind Ding Ning.

When he was tens of meters away from the villa, Ding Ning stopped and took a long look: "If you show up in my house, you will scare my family. You should be smaller."

Banjiao understood, and his three to five meter long body suddenly shrank to more than ten centimeters, turned into a small snake, and crawled to Ding Ning's feet.

Seeing this, Ding Ning just brought Ban Jiao into the villa.

(End of this chapter)

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