The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 126 126 True Essence Amulet!

Chapter 126 126 True Essence Amulet!
"Brother, why did you catch a snake back? Is it a water snake?"

According to Ding Ning's words, Ding Qinghe stayed where he was. Seeing that Ding Ning came back with a small snake in his hand, he was a little instinctively afraid, so he didn't come close and stared at Ban Jiao for a while.

"It's just a pet snake, don't worry, it won't hurt you." Ding Ning laughed.

Seeing that Banjiao was so well-behaved in Ding Ning's hands, and with his brother's guarantee, Ding Qinghe bravely walked over and stretched out his hand to touch Banjiao's body.

At the beginning, I was a little scared, but after touching it a few times, the half dragon was very docile, so Ding Qinghe took the courage to play with it.

"Brother, this water snake is so cool. Holding it is more comfortable than blowing on the air conditioner." Ding Qinghe's eyes were a little excited. After all, the body of the half dragon is cool, and it is not fierce at all. Ding Qinghe really treats it as a pet.

If it were not for Ding Ning, Ding Qinghe would have been eaten by Banjiao in one bite with Ding Qinghe's attitude towards Banjiao.

But now, the half dragon has become Ding Ning's pet, and its life and death are under Ding Ning's control. With Ding Ning's warning in advance, the half dragon dare not have the slightest intention of harming others. It is extremely cute and docile like a little sheep.

Ding Ning was not afraid that Ban Jiao would dare to hurt his sister, a creature like Ban Jiao who was not inferior to humans knew the consequences of angering Ding Ning.

Ding Ning was smiling as he watched his younger sister play with the Banjiao in her hand.

In the world of comprehension, if Ban Jiao dared to attack him, he would have been skinned and cramped by Ding Ning long ago. The reason why Ban Jiao was spared was that Ding Ning's main plan was to let Ban Jiao protect his family.

Ding Ning has always attached great importance to the safety of his family.

And this is also the most regrettable thing in the previous life, he will never allow his family to be hurt again.

Right now, the residence is by the river, Ban Jiao can guard here at any time, and when someone with malicious intentions appears, Ban Jiao can take action.

Soon, he will go to college, it is impossible to stay at home and be with his parents all the time, and once he leaves, the people in the family will be safe, and there will be no skyrocketing, although generally speaking, there will be no danger, But everything is just in case.

Keep one hand, after all, it will not be wrong.

Of course, Ding Ning is not at ease with only half of the dragons around. Before he goes to Beijing University, he will condense a few more amulets of true energy and put them on his family members. In this way, whenever there is danger, he can activate it at any time to resolve the crisis.

Ding Qinghe liked the appearance of the half-flood dragon very much. He held it in his hand every day and completely regarded the half-flood dragon as a toy. Regarding this, although the half-flood dragon was unwilling in his heart, he dared not refuse. Fortunately, it is a female half-flood dragon. Jiao, otherwise, according to Ding Ning's temper, he will definitely cut its roots first, except for its evil thoughts. After all, his younger sister Ding Qinghe and Ban Jiao are too close, and they sleep with each other every night. Ding Ning doesn't want his sister to be killed by a beast. Blasphemy.

After Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi knew that Banjiao was a pet, they didn't say anything, as long as there was no danger, it didn't matter.

The days that followed were very quiet.

After moving the family here, the number of people who know where Ding Ning's house lives has decreased a lot. Even if someone knows, it is not easy to come in.

Almost no one wanted to visit Ding Ning, but the house was very quiet and no one disturbed him.

Ding Ning put all his energy into condensing the True Essence Amulet. This matter must not be sloppy. With Ding Ning's method, he can actually condense the Spiritual Power Amulet, but the effect is much worse than that of the True Essence Amulet. For this reason, Ding Ning would rather spend more It takes a lot of energy and time to condense the true essence amulet.

Ding Ning obtained a lot of treasures from heaven and earth because he helped treat Ma Luoyun's illness before, and absorbed them, turning all the essence inside into real essence.

Afterwards, Ding Ning used half of his true energy to train it into a true element weapon. Although it is not formed yet, it is only a thin thread, but it is still half of his true energy.

In the past few days, the consumed real energy has only recovered a little bit, but compared to before, it is just a drop in the bucket.

It was a bit difficult for Ding Ning to use the thin spiritual energy on the banks of the river to restore his true energy to before it was consumed.

"It seems that we can only use the remaining true energy to condense it." Ding Ning did not give up, and began to mobilize the little remaining true energy in his body, and injected many formulas.

He began to refine the true essence amulet.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

For half a month, Ding Ning locked himself in the room except for eating time and came out for a while, constantly refining the talisman of true energy.

In the previous life, naturally, it wouldn't be so laborious, but in this life, Ding Ning's current state is still too low, and many methods he can't use at all, and they can't play a big role, so he can only use water to polish the amulet .

With less than seven days left before going to Beijing University, Ding Ning finally finished refining the True Yuan Amulet.

Only three wafers as thin as onion's wings appeared in front of my eyes.

There is a streamer floating on it, and the white gas inside is flowing back and forth.

"It's done." Ding Ning stared at the three true essence amulets in his hands. It took him nearly a month of energy to make them finally.

Next, as long as the family members are not paying attention, stick it on their body, it will be integrated into the body, and it will appear on its own in case of danger.

After putting away the amulet of true essence, Ding Ning stood up, ready to integrate the amulet into his family's body, when suddenly, the color of his eyebrows changed.

There was a gleam of surprise in his eyes, followed by a burst of surprise.

"Is it the third floor?"

Ding Ning muttered to himself.

The joy on his face is naturally because his strength has improved again. This time, his breakthrough is that the evil god's body has stepped from the second floor to the third floor, and reached the peak of Qi training. If he wants to enter the fourth floor level, one must cross over to the realm of Qi training and enter the realm of gathering spirits.

The Gathering God Realm is the second highest realm in the realm of comprehension. Unexpectedly, in terms of the devil way, the evil god and demon body suddenly reached the top.

Although these days, he has not been able to practice the body training method of the evil god and demon body, but his body will work automatically, so there is no need to spend energy on cultivation.

His energy is basically focused on the body training method of the Nine-Turn Glazed Body. Now as long as the Nine-Turn Glass Body reaches the third level, his two major body training methods will both reach the highest level of Qi training. Ding Ning is also very much looking forward to the heights that will be achieved by combining the two body training methods into one. According to his estimation, it should be directly comparable to a cultivator in the state of gathering spirits.

Next, Ding Ning didn't waste his strength, so he put all the amulets of true essence on his family members.

It is getting closer and closer to the beginning of Beijing University.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day to report to Peking University.

(End of this chapter)

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