The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 128 128 Zhang Dong's Nightmare!

Chapter 128 128 Zhang Dong's Nightmare!
Zhang Dong was very happy because he knew that Tang Qing had come to Beijing University to study, so he had the opportunity to get closer to Tang Qing.

Just like now, I called my younger sister to help Tang Qing with various admission procedures.

Not only can he tell others that Zhang Dong has his eyes on Tang Qing, but he can also add points to Tang Qing.

Tang Qing's appearance made the boys in the School of Political Science and Law cheer for joy.

Because there are too few girls in the School of Political Science and Law, and even if there are, they are all casual looking. There is no such beauty as Tang Qing.

Therefore, when Tang Qing came to report to the School of Political Science and Law, from the new freshman boys to the old seniors in the sophomore, junior, and even senior years, they couldn't help but look at Tang Qing twice.

Who doesn't like admiring beautiful women.

However, when they saw Zhang Dong appearing beside Tang Qing, they poured it on the burning fire like a basin of water, and wiped out everything at once.

Zhang Dong was a celebrity on campus at Beijing University.

In the past, Zhang Dong served in the army. Because of his good performance in the army and his meritorious service, he entered Shangjing University through this relationship, which belongs to the category of special enrollment.

Because of his experience as a soldier, Zhang Dong made a name for himself in military training performances and became a celebrity on campus. Later, he founded the Sanda Club by himself. Because he is not bad in appearance and has good skills, he is a well-known player in Beijing University. figure.

However, today, what is unexpected is that Zhang Dong appeared here to help a new girl. As a majority of male compatriots, it is impossible not to see what it means.

"Hey, it's hard to come to someone who is eye-catching, but he knows Zhang Dong. It seems that it's not easy to start with."

"Cut. So what if Zhang Dong knows each other, we might not have a chance, everyone competes fairly." Some boys expressed dissatisfaction.

Hearing this, all the boys around sneered: "Fair competition? Don't you know Zhang Dong's skill? The president of the Sanda club, you dare to compete with others for your girlfriend. Do you have the strength?"

"There was a boy in the school who was pestering his younger sister before. Do you know what happened to that boy later? He was forced to drop out of school by Zhang Dong!" someone added.

At this time, the boy who said that he wanted to compete fairly suddenly froze. If he wanted to compete, he really had to have two brushes, otherwise he would be the only one who would be ashamed.

As for the whispered discussions of these boys, Zhang Dong, who was not far away, naturally noticed them. Even if he couldn't hear clearly, he could probably guess what these people were talking about.

"If I hadn't appeared, these guys must have come up to help on their own initiative." Zhang Dong said to himself, with a smile on his face. As a man, he naturally knows men very well and knows Tang Qing's attraction to all boys .

However, with him here now, these people are very knowledgeable, and they didn't dare to strike up a conversation. They approached Tang Qing, which made Zhang Dong very satisfied.

Count your acquaintances!
"Qing, it's great that you can come to Beijing University, we can meet often in the future." Zhang Rong was pulling Tang Qing to talk.

Zhang Rong and Tang Qing were best friends. Zhang Dong called his younger sister to help him. With his younger sister in the middle, as an older brother, it was easy for him to establish a good image in front of Tang Qing.

"The formalities will be finished soon, let me take you to have a meal." Zhang Dong said.

"Qing, you rarely come to Shangjing. We have a lot of delicious food here, so let my brother take us there." Zhang Rong said aside.

Tang Qing did not refuse, but nodded.

Seeing this, Zhang Dong was naturally very happy. Through his sister Zhang Rong's understanding of Tang Qing, it would take a lot of time to get into Tang Qing's heart. It was inconvenient for the two parties to not be in the same place before, but now the two They are all in the same school, Zhang Dong wants to get into Tang Qing's heart, as long as he spends more time, he can definitely do it.

At this time, Zhang Dong was full of confidence. Going to Peking University was his main battlefield. It shouldn't be difficult to win Tang Qing's heart.

Just when Zhang Dong was full of confidence, Tang Qing who was beside him suddenly called out a name, which shocked Zhang Dong.

"Ding Ning."

Ding Ning, who happened to pass by here, stopped, and looked at Tang Qing who was not far away.

Tang Qing was waving her arms when Ding Ning walked over.

As Ding Ning approached, Zhang Dong and Zhang Rong's expressions became ugly.

There is no other reason, of course it is what happened at the Emgrand KTV at Tang Qing's birthday party last time. At that time, the two brothers and sisters were quite embarrassing.

By the way, at that time Ding Ning also gave Tang Qing a meniscus pendant, saying that it was made of ten thousand year ice crystals, it was nonsense.

Zhang Dong looked at Tang Qing's neck, and his mind tightened. He found that the crescent moon pendant still wanted to be worn by Tang Qing. It was the birthday present that Ding Ning gave at that time. As for the blue amber necklace he gave, Tang Qing didn't wear it at all.

The difference between the two is clear at a glance.

For Zhang Dong and Zhang Rong, brothers and sisters, what happened that day was something they didn't want to mention and think about, because that day was not only embarrassing, but also a nightmare.

In the end, it was Ding Ning, who had always been looked down upon by their brothers and sisters, who became the focus of attention and resolved the crisis at that time.

Since that day, neither brother nor sister mentioned Ding Ning again, and they were really frightened by Ding Ning's horror.

But now, Ding Ning came and appeared in front of their siblings again.

The appearance of Ding Ning made Zhang Dong's brothers and sisters extremely cautious and even seemed a little uneasy. At this moment, Zhang Dong felt a little scared in his heart. He was afraid that Ding Ning would know his thoughts, and that Ding Ning would know his thoughts of chasing Tang Qing.

That day, the impression Ding Ning left on people was too terrifying. Even a strong man like Yuan Xiu couldn't make a move in front of Ding Ning. Even Emperor Zhao's Master Zhao had to give Ding Ning face.

At that time, he knew that Ding Ning was probably someone he couldn't afford to provoke.

He also didn't want to go to Jiangling again.

But when Tang Qing came to Shangjing to go to school, Zhang Dong's mind was activated. However, what people never expected was that the scary guy Ding Ning also came.

Ding Ning didn't know what Zhang Dong and his sister were thinking at this time, because he didn't care about them at all.

"It turns out that you also applied to Shangjing University, why didn't you tell me." Tang Qing stared at Ding Ning and said, with a look of complaint in her eyes.

Ding Ning scratched his head in embarrassment: "I wanted to tell you, but I forgot."

"Which college did you apply for?"

"What about you?" Ding Ning asked back.

"I'm from the School of Political Science and Law."

"Then I'll apply to the School of Political Science and Law. We will be classmates and alumni again in the future." Ding Ning smiled.

Tang Qing is speechless, have you not decided which college to go to?But when he thought that Ding Ning was the number one student in the national college entrance examination, he felt relieved. With Ding Ning's score, it would be easy to go to any college he wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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