The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 129 129 The No. 1 Classmate in the Country!

Chapter 129 129 The best classmate in the country!
The appearance of Ding Ning, chatting and laughing with Tang Qing, made all the boys in the School of Political Science and Law stare in a daze.

Who is this person?

Didn't you see Zhang Dong standing there?

"Look at Zhang Dong's face, it seems very ugly."

"Zizi, this kid is going to suffer, judging by Zhang Dong's appearance, he won't let this guy go."

The students found that some people were not afraid of death and dared to talk to Tang Qing in front of Zhang Dong. Everyone thought that Zhang Dong would make trouble for Ding Ning.

But after everyone waited for a long time, Zhang Dong didn't see any action, and the male students became suspicious.

Why is Zhang Dong's temper so good today?
It stands to reason that Zhang Dong's face is full of that expression, and he must have reached the verge of an explosion. However, the picture everyone imagined did not appear.

The freshmen of the School of Political Science and Law, as well as the sophomores and seniors, did not know that Zhang Dong's face was not angry, but a change that would only appear in fear of Ding Ning.

How dare he target Ding Ning, Ding Ning's nightmare, it's too late for him to hide.

"Look, why did they come here together?"

The scene in front of him suddenly changed, Zhang Dong didn't show any expression, but walked over together with Tang Qing and Ding Ning.

"What's the situation?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and some of them really didn't understand the scene in front of them.

"Go through the admission procedures." Zhang Dong walked up to his classmates from the School of Political Science and Law with a straight face, his voice a little stiff.

Everyone was a little taken aback.

"Didn't you hear? I want to go through another admission procedure." Zhang Dong's tone was a little angry.

"Senior, didn't you just finish it for someone else?" A male student said.

"You can do it as you please. Where did all this nonsense come from?" Zhang Dong slapped the table for a while, startling everyone.

Zhang Dong's prestige is still great. Although he is not a student of the School of Political Science and Law, he is so famous that few people dare not give face.

"Okay." The students from the Political Science and Law Student Union who went through the admission procedures began to collect materials.

Almost instantly, they were neatly placed in front of Zhang Dong.

Zhang Dong took the admission materials in his hands, turned his head, and forced a stiff smile towards Ding Ning, "Mr. Ding, please sign it, and you will be considered a member of the School of Political Science and Law."

Seeing this scene, the students of the School of Political Science and Law were stunned again, staring at Ding Ning. Zhang Dong's face was ugly just now, which was noticed by everyone, especially Ding Ning and Tang Qing's talking and laughing. I thought Zhang Dong would definitely make a move.

But now?
Zhang Dong even took the initiative to help Ding Ning with the admission procedures.

This reversal is too big, shouldn't you, Zhang Dong, trouble Ding Ning, this script is wrong.

How did everyone know that Zhang Dong was forced to do nothing. Ding Ning said that he wanted to enter the School of Political Science and Law, and Zhang Dong didn't dare to stop him. What kind of strength is Ding Ning, and his little skill is not enough for Ding Ning.

So after seeing Ding Ning, Zhang Dong instinctively wanted to leave, feeling uncomfortable every second in front of Ding Ning.

However, Tang Qing said that he, Zhang Dong, was helping with the admission procedures, so how could Zhang Dong dare to leave.

This is how the present scene came about.

Zhang Dong was also very reluctant, but so what.

Ding Ning took over the admission procedures, signed a few names, and handed them to Zhang Dong. Zhang Dong completely became a younger brother and handed over the materials to his classmates in the School of Political Science and Law.

"Okay, Mr. Ding, the admission procedures have been completed. If there is nothing else, I will leave first." Zhang Dongqiang said with a smile.

"Shall we have dinner together?" Tang Qing said.

Zhang Rong hurriedly said: "No, let's make an appointment another day, my brother and I have something to do, fine, then let's go first."

Zhang Dong and his younger sister Zhang Rong disappeared from everyone's eyes as if they were running away, which really stunned the students.

Compared with the past, Zhang Dong seems to be a different person today.

Tang Qing didn't force it, and she knew in her heart that it might be because of her birthday that day.

Ding Ning didn't have any idea about this, as long as Zhang Dong didn't provoke him, he wouldn't bother to make a move, and judging from the current situation, Zhang Dong was respectful and respectful in front of him, presumably the previous incident still had a big impact on Zhang Dong , so I didn't dare to trouble him again.

Afterwards, under Tang Qing's reminder, Ding Ning went directly to the boy's apartment.

After Ding Ning and Tang Qing left, several students came in to inquire about Ding Ning's news.

"You asked what he was doing?"

The students of the School of Political Science and Law were a little puzzled. At this time, these male students who came in later talked about the matter of Ding Ning and Tong Wantong before, and all the male students were filled with righteous indignation.

"This guy is too much. It's enough that the new school belle is familiar with him, but he is actually in contact with the new school belle."

In the eyes of the students of the School of Political Science and Law, Tang Qing already belonged to the school girl. Seeing the photo of Ding Ning and Tong Wantong talking together, the students became even more angry.

Because in terms of beauty, Tong Wantong is even better than Tang Qing, she is definitely at the school beauty level, no wonder at this time, everyone looks like they are fighting against each other.

"That's right, this guy is simply wasting resources."

"His behavior is too extreme. There are few school girls in the first place, and he is about to take the lead. We all want to know who this guy is."

"What's his name, we really don't know." A classmate from the School of Political Science and Law said, and then suddenly said in surprise: "By the way, the admission formalities he signed just now are still there."

"Look, what's his name, where is he from?"

"This guy is our strong competitor. We must know ourselves and our enemy." The students who came to know Ding Ning's identity added.

The students of the School of Political Science and Law nodded one after another, thinking it made sense.

"found it."

Everyone looked over, and the male student from the student union stared at the admission formalities signed with Ding Ning's name and read out: "His name is Ding Ning, and he is from Jiangling City."

"Ding Ning, okay, I remembered the name, so it's from another city." A male student laughed.

Shangjing is the political and economical center of China, and there are many big figures. If Ding Ning came from Shangjing, it would be better not to cause trouble, and maybe he has the status of Tongtian, but now that Ding Ning is from Jiangling City, it is another matter.

There is still a big gap between Jiangling and Shangjing. Even if you have great power in Jiangling, you are just a small role in Shangjing.

"Since it's from Jiangling City, we don't have to pay too much attention to it." Another male student was relieved, and he had the heart to compete with Ding Ning.

However, after the two students repeated the name Ding Ning, the surrounding air seemed to quiet down instantly.

and many more.

A flash of lightning flashed in both of their minds at the same time, as if they had thought of something.

Why does this name sound so familiar?

Ding Ning... Ding Ning...

"Could it be that he is the number one student in the national college entrance examination?" When the two remembered it, they all looked horrified.

After hearing this name, the surrounding students also realized Ding Ning's identity. It turned out that he was the number one student in the national college entrance examination!

And the number one in the country actually chose the School of Political Science and Law.

The most shocking ones were the students of the School of Political Science and Law.

They now have a classmate who is number one in the country, and it was right in front of their eyes just now.

(End of this chapter)

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