The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 137 137 Kicked to the iron plate!

Chapter 137 137 Kicked to the iron plate!

"Fuck, God, you don't have to be so fierce, you took down the two school beauties?" Zhou Quan said with a look of horror on the side.

"As expected of the master of our dormitory, I, Li Wei, have never admired anyone, but from today onwards, you are the first person I admire." Li Wei looked serious on his face.

Ding Ning ignored the two of them and rubbed his temples, Tong Wantong was purely trying to find trouble for him.

Seeing so many people all looking eager to try, as if they wanted to compete with him, Ding Ning said directly: "Whoever you want to chase has nothing to do with me, don't bother me."

As he spoke, Ding Ning walked forward with a blank expression on his face.

But before going far, brothers Han Feng and Han Shuang stood in front of them: "We want to challenge you!"

"I want to challenge you too." At this moment, someone stood up from the crowd, who didn't know whether they wanted to join in the fun, or they wanted to beat Ding Ning and chase Tong Wantong and Lin Yumo.

"I want to challenge you too."

Immediately afterwards, one boy after another stood up, wanting to challenge Ding Ning.

Because Tong Wantong said that as long as he is better than Ding Ning, he can become her boyfriend, which means that no matter what aspect, surpassing Ding Ning is in line with Tong Wantong's requirements.

In this way, who wouldn't want to try, as long as he is better than Ding Ning in every aspect, he will have a chance to get close to Tong Wantong.

Seeing so many people stand up and want to challenge Ding Ning, Tong Wantong had a smug smile on her face, she successfully got Ding Ning into trouble.

It was a small revenge for Ding Ning.

Behind Ding Ning, Zhou Quan and Li Wei all showed sympathetic expressions. It is not a good thing to be liked by the beauties of the two major school beauties. Didn't you see that there are so many competitors in front of you, all of them are staring at each other. I want to step on you.

Ding Ning ignored everyone and continued to move forward. Although the crowd in front gave way, there were endless voices from around to challenge him, and there was an increasing trend.

Following Ding Ning's ignoring, ignoring, some male students felt that Ding Ning seemed to be afraid and did not dare to fight, so other words came out from the crowd.

"It's too gutsy, I don't even dare to respond, how could the two school beauties fall in love with someone like you!"

"That's right, pretending to be silent can't hide the fact that you are guilty."

"If you are afraid, you can tell everyone that you can't do anything. I believe that no one will continue to challenge you."

There were discordant voices in the crowd one after another.

Ding Ning could bear it at first, but as some people's words became more and more excessive, he stopped.

"Whoever wants to challenge me can stand up now." Ding Ning said suddenly, his eyes swept around and looked at everyone.

Suddenly hearing Ding Ning's words was a bit cold, some people hesitated for a while, but when they thought about why they were afraid, they felt nothing, anyway, it's nothing if they lose the challenge, it's just losing face in public, but if they win, they may become Tong Wantong's boyfriend.

Not long after, someone stood up and said he wanted to challenge Ding Ning.

"Any more?"

Ding Ning glanced at the twenty or so people who stood up, scanned around again, and asked again.


Sporadically, five or six people stood up again.

"You guys want to challenge me, okay, I'll give you a chance to challenge, but if you want to challenge me, it's okay, if you lose, you have to pay the price, I don't know if you can afford it." Ding Ning looked at the thirty-odd people in front of him. boy.

Since these people clamored to challenge him, he could satisfy them, as long as they were willing to suffer the consequences.

"What price?" The boys said in unison.

"It's very simple, slap yourself a hundred times in public." Ding Ning said lightly, "As long as you agree, I welcome you to challenge me at any time."


Slap yourself, and in front of so many people, some boys hesitate, once you lose, slap yourself in front of everyone, this is not an ordinary embarrassment.

"I quit." Some male students quit.

"Hey, don't be cowardly, isn't it just a hundred slaps? You don't even have the courage to slap yourself a hundred times. How dare you say that you like other girls." You said.

"Don't stand up and talk without worrying about your back pain. If you have the ability, you go up. If I lose, you slap yourself. If you slap, I will challenge."

Suddenly, the boy stopped talking.

Ding Ning's conditions are harsh, but they are not too harsh. After all, it is not an impossible condition.

The key lies in whether you have the courage to bear the public embarrassment.

Now, Ding Ning agreed to accept the challenge, but those who clamored to challenge him at the beginning all shrank.

"I quit."

"I quit too."

One by one they withdrew, expressing that they would no longer challenge. Although it was a bit embarrassing, it was better than embarrassing an adult.

Not long after, there were only six people left standing in front of them.

Brothers Han Feng and Han Shuang did not withdraw and planned to accept this condition. Of course, they are confident that they will not lose to Ding Ning, no matter what.

As for the remaining four people, it is estimated that they also have the same confidence.

"Did you all agree?" Ding Ning asked again.

Seeing that no one quit, Ding Ning smiled slightly, "Okay, since that's the case, let's start, tell me, what do you want to challenge me for?"

"I want to compare physics with you."

"Let's ask questions."

"If a meteor hits the earth at a distance of 3000 light-years away, with constant factors such as air resistance and friction, how much impact will it produce after it hits the earth?"

As soon as this question came out, there was a sudden silence. This physics question is too advanced. Don't look at a simple sentence, but it is not easy to answer it.

Ding Ning remained silent for a while, and the male student who asked the question showed a smug look on his face, thinking that even if the teacher answered the question at the beginning, it took a long time, and he did not believe that Ding Ning could give the answer on the spot.

"Can't you answer?" The male student saw that Ding Ning was silent, thinking that he had stumped Ding Ning.

Students from the School of Physics at Beijing University are also unlocking the answer, but this seemingly simple question is not so easy to solve.

"If you can't answer, I'll take it as you admit defeat." The male student said proudly.

The other students also lamented that this kind of question is too difficult and requires a strong reserve of physics knowledge. Seeing that Ding Ning didn't ask, they all thought that Ding Ning couldn't answer it.

Just when the boy who asked the question was about to speak again and mocked Ding Ning, suddenly Ding Ning read out a number, and he froze when he heard it.

Because, the number in Ding Ning's mouth is the answer.

How can it be!

The male student's expression changed dramatically. He didn't see that Ding Ning didn't make any moves to solve the problem. Could it be that he did it by mouth?
"Is what he said right? Oral calculation, it can't be foolish." The students around thought it was a set of numbers that Ding Ning said casually.

Ding Ning ignored the others, stared at the male student, and said calmly, "Is my answer correct?"

This male student seemed to have lost his soul, and many students around him were taken aback. Did he get the answer right?
"How did you do it?" asked the male student who asked the question.

"Do you want to know how I calculated it?" Ding Ning smiled lightly. Immediately afterwards, a series of numbers and calculations of various formulas came out of his mouth. He could hear the male student's face turning pale.

Because he knew that Ding Ning was right, even simpler than the result given by the teacher back then.

"One hundred slaps, do it yourself." After Ding Ning finished the problem-solving process, he did not forget to remind the other party.

After listening to Ding Ning's answer, the students from the surrounding Physics School also knew whether the answer was correct or not. They looked at Ding Ning, as if they had seen a ghost, but at this time, Ding Ning looked at Turning to the next person, he said lightly: "It's your turn, tell me, what do you want to challenge me for?"

"I want to compare history with you!"

After a while, this male student who was more historical than the previous one lowered his head as if mourning, but he couldn't stop Ding Ning.

The people around were stunned. The questions these two boys asked were not easy. Even though there were many top students present, none of them could think of the answers quickly, but Ding Ning gave the correct answers in the first time.

"How can his knowledge be so powerful?"

"Yeah, you're too smart to calculate physics problems by mouth."

At this time, a faint voice came and fell into the ears of many students: "Don't you all know that he is the number one student in the national college entrance examination this year?"

Hearing this, many people's expressions became strange.

(End of this chapter)

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